《My Alpha's Fairytale》Chapter 15


Logan's POV

After leaving the bedroom, I quickly made my way to the basement cells. I wanted to go back to Eva as soon as possible.

As my feet left the last step and my hands opened the basement door, I was met with the suffocating smell of blood,fungus, and decay. I involuntarily cringed.

I opened the cell's door and was met by my beta, Jake, and third in command, Taylor. The rouge was tied with silver chains to the wall, his body lying helplessly against it.

"Did he talk?" I asked Jake, nodding towards the rouge.

"He didn't shut up!" Jake replied exasperated, throwing his hands in the air.

"Alpha!" Our heads snapped towards the rouge. "Alpha, please, I swear I mean no harm."

"Then what we're you doing in my territory?" I asked, using my alpha tone as I crossed my arms across my chest.

"I- my pack, they- they were going to kill me, so-so I ran away, and that's when I stumbled across you're land." He replied.

"What's the name of your pack?" I demanded.

"N-new moon pack, sir." His replied made my blood boil and my wolf was fighting to come out and rip him to shreds. I growled loudly, anger radiating off of me. I felt my eyes turn black. Jake and Taylor took a few steps back and the rouge squirmed more away from me. Thank god the was here are sound proof, otherwise I'm sure Eva would've freaked out, and that was the last thing I'd want.

After a while I came to the realisation that it's of no use to vent my anger this way. I took a deep breath to calm both me and my wolf down, my eyes turned back to their normal color.

"Tell me mutt," I spat. "Why did that pack of yours want to kill you?"

"Af-after the slave-" He started but I cut him off with a growl and a hand around his neck.

"Don't you dare call her that." I growled in his face. My eyes turned black again.

"S-sorry, I didn't mean t-to." He said between chokes, his face turning different shades of blue and purple.

I felt Jake's hand on my shoulder. "Hey calm down Logan, we won't be able to get any information from him if you killed him."

His words shook some common sense into me, but I still didn't like how they thought of my mate. She's no one's slave.

I pressed a little harder on the rouge's neck, just for my own pleasure, before I let him go. He started coughing and gulping huge amounts of air to fill his lungs.

"After I took Eva from that disgusting pack, what happened next?" I asked after he was able to talk.

His face scrunched in confusion at my mate's name but he didn't dare comment on anything and just went with his story.

"I'm an omega who lost my parents when I was a teenager, and I lived alone this whole time. Even thought the rest of the pack members weren't really so nice to me, I was still sparred from all the work and beatings, cause....uhmm....you know." That made me growl once again, but this time, I was calmer. I had to get to the bottom of this story.

I nodded for him to continue.

"After she left, it became my turn to clean up their homes, run their errands, etc. The beatings started and I too, was called a slave. I don't know how....uhmm...E-Eva.....managed to keep up with that for ten whole years, but I couldn't take it after a couple of weeks, so I decided to run away."


He stopped talking for a while, probably recovering from the memorise before he started again.

"I ran for about two days until they found me, I was beaten up more, they broke almost all the bones in my body. I was able to escape, with them hot on my tail. I didn't even know where I was going. I kept on running, not daring to look behind me, till I bumped into someone. She was a girl. She demanded what I was doing in alpha Thompson's territory. I was going to reply when your men came and took both me and her. I swear alpha, I mean no harm what so ever." I was stunned with his story. What kind of pack is that?! Not only did the alpha 'buy' someone as his slave, it also looked like he gave no shit to his pack members. I sighted deeply. They should be dealt with as soon as possible. I looked at Jake and Taylor. They had the same expression on their faces, obviously, thinking the same thing as me.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Wesley Mars." He replied.

"Okay Wesley, let me ask you something." I stated, not really wanting an answer as I crossed my arms again against my chest. "Who exactly harmed Evangeline, whether it was physically or mentally?"

He looked at me with worry and fright, and when he didn't answer I growled, which made him change his mind.

"Uhmm....It was mostly the alpha, beta and the higher ups who would always beat her up, and abuse her mentally. The rest of the pack would over work her with chores, maybe trip her sometimes, throw something at her, call her names, but nothing that would cause her permanent damage, that was the alpha's job." He said. I felt Taylor and Jake's hands on both my shoulders, trying to calm down my vibrating body. I was mad, true, but I had to think rationally.

"Did you ever harm Eva? In any way or form?" I asked the rouge. He shook his head almost immediately. "No, no alpha, I never touched her. I always felt sorry for her and tried to help her whenever I can. Maybe that was another reason why I was targeted after she left." He replied. I took a deep breath.

"Okay, I'll let you go now, but if you dare cross my territory again you're dead." I threatened dangerously. "Untie him." I ordered Jake and Taylor as I made my way out of the cell.

"No." The rouge, Wesley's voice made me turn around to look at him.

"No?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No alpha, I have no where to go,and if I was just to roam around, my pack would find me and kill me for sure." He said, fright evident in his voice. He was on the verge of breaking down.

I turned my body to face him fully and crossed my arms across my chest. "And what do you expect me to do?" I raised my right eyebrow in amusement.

"Uhmm....if-if you allow it, can I- can I join your pack?" He answered. I scoffed at that.

"Where the hell do you think we are? A club where anyone can just come and go? Even clubs allow certain people to enter."

Wesley looked take back with my reply, but he still started begging again. "Please alpha, please, I'll do anything, just don't let me go out there again. They'll kill me. Please alpha." He pleaded, his eyes starting to tear up. That guy really was frightened. I felt his heart was going to give out any minute.


I sighted. "Okay, how about this. I'll allow you to stay with us for one month under surveillance. If you proved to be worth the stay then I'll accept you. However, if you did anything suspicious or afflicted harm on any of the pack members then your out. Got that?"

"Yes alpha, thank you. Thank you so much. I won't disappoint you. Thank you." He said with joy. I turned again to leave. I was ascending the stairs when I was stopped dead in my tracks with the scream of someone I know too well.

My body, on its own accord, made its way to my room, taking two- no, three steps at a time. I was met halfway to Chloe. She looked worried and couldn't catch her breath. "L-Logan. E-Eva she-she" She tried forming a proper sentence between breaths. I didn't wait for her to continue as I started heading again towards my room.

Another scream filled the house as I opened the door. Eva was squirming in pain, my mom and Alexis next to her. Their heads snapped towards me.

"What is going on here?" I as asked angrily.

"Logan. I think she's growing another tail." Alexis replied worriedly.

"Leave." I ordered. My mom stopped patting Eva's head and looked at me in shock. "What?" She almost whispered.

"I said LEAVE! You had no right to go behind my back and meet my mate. I won't say it again, LEAVE!" I spat more angrily. The thought of Eva in pain made me lose my mind.

Both my mom and Alexis scurried away. I didn't miss the hurt that was in my mother's eyes. It made me soften and guilt spread through my body. Eva's screamed made me snap to her and I quickly made my way to her side.

I held her body close to mine and started running my fingers through her hair. "Sshh baby, it's okay. It's okay. Everything will be okay." I whispered into her ear.

Unlike the last times, this one didn't take that much time. Minutes later, Eva's eyes glowed and I could see her tails moving under the covers. Her body was more relaxed now between my arms.

Just out of curiosity, I slowly removed the covers, exposing her tails. "One, two, three, four, fi-" holy shit. Another three tails at once? Is that even possible? Not only is the rate super fast but the number of tails growing at a time increased each time. I started worrying. Her body might not handle it.

I recovered her tails and averted my gaze to her eyes. Looking back at me where my mate's beautiful blue orbs. Something kicked in my head and I just now realised, that her eyes were the same color as her tails. The same fiery blue. Her eyes always succeed in pulling me into a place I've never been into before.

Slowly, her eyes started closing, exhaustion taking over her body and without a single word from neither me nor her, Eva went into a deep sleep.

I placed her more comfortably on the pillow and made sure she was covered fully. I placed a lingering kiss on her forehead before leaving her said and making my way out the room. As much as I wanted to stay by her side, I had to go apologise to my mom. After knowing Eva's story, I became more grateful to my parents. At least, they never stopped loving me.

I descended the stairs and headed to the kitchen where I know that they would all be gossiping in there.

"-you sure?" I heard someone ask. I knew that was my mom's voice. I hid behind the wall and continued listening in on them.

"Is that even possible?" Someone else, who I assumed was Chloe ask. What were they talking about? I had a hunch but I still wanted to be sure.

"Looks like it." That was Alexis.

"But, does that mean anything?" Chloe asked.

"What do you mean by anything?" My mom asked in reply.

"I mean like, is she different than others? Is it a good different or a bad different?" Chloe explained. My hunch was in place. They're talking about Eva, apparently, they too noticed her unnatural tail growth.

"Well just have to wait and see." Alexis replied.

I continued listening in on them talking about my mate and didn't realise that there were two trouble makers behind me.

"~Logan~" they both sang in unison making my skin and meat leave my bones from the fright. Their laughter filled the whole house at my reaction.

"Oh my god! You had to see what you did!" One of the twins said as he clutched his stomach in laughter.

"Your expression was priceless." The other one said as he joined his brother into more laughter. These brats

"What's going on here?" I heard my mother call from the kitchen's doorway.

"Oh auntie, you-" One of the twins started before he began laughing again. "You had to see how he jumped about a hundred jumps in one second. I think he went himself." This was it. I stood between the two and using my arms, held both of them in a partial head lock.

"You sure like to laugh huh?" I asked mockingly. They both stopped laughing from being chocked and started patting vigorously on my forearms.

"Okay, okay." The both chorused, gasping for air.

"Logan let them go." My mother said exasperated. I looked at her and was reminded of what I just did. I immediately let the twins go.

"Mom...uhmm...I-I'm sorry. I never meant to snap at you." I pleaded. "You too Alexis." I continued looking at Alexis.

My mom shook her head, giving me a small smile. "It's okay Logan. I know what you're going through. We shouldn't have visited Eva."

"Even though she liked it." Chloe murmured. My head snapped towards her.

"What do you mean? She liked it?" I asked in confusion. She was okay with it?

"Chloe." My mom scolded.

"No mom, let her continue." I said.

"She was reluctant in the beginning but she soon started talking to us. She even showed us her tails." Chloe beamed in happiness at the last part.

"What?" I was now more confused. Is Eva finally ready to meet some people? The thought made my heart dance with joy.

"Yeah, she was starting to open up to us before she-" She stopped mid sentence and we all understood what she meant.

"What about us?" The twins asked simultaneously. "We wanna meet her too."

"Later boys." My mom said. They both scoffed childishly before leaving to god knows where.

"Logan." Alexis's voice made me turn to her. "How many tails did Evangeline grow?"

"Three." I replied. Gasps erupted from all three ladies.

"At the same time?!" Chloe asked to which I nodded.

"According to the books, that's not normal." Alexis said.

"I realised." I replied. "Do you think it might be dangerous to her?" I asked worriedly.

Alexis shook her head. "I don't know Logan. I'm sorry."

"It's fine."

"I'll look more into it don't worry." She said and I nodded again.

We'll just have to wait and see. And with that, I made my way back to my room.

King Luther's POV

I was sitting in my office doing some boring paperwork. Being the king of werewolves meant that I had to keep everything in order. How alpha's maintain their pack, controlling rouge activities, packs' alliances and much more. Everything should go in order.

As I was checking some pack's financial records, a knock on my door sent all my attention to it.

"Come in." I said, and in came my beta, Alexander. The look on his face alerted my wolf.

"Your highness, bed news." She said between breaths, to which he soon brought back to normal. Being a werewolf had its perks.

"What's wrong Alexander?" I asked impatiently.

"King Maxwell is calling for war again."

"What?! Didn't we already go through that before?" I asked angrily.

"Look like he's still not satisfied your highness." Alexander replied. "It's either you give him your daughter as a wife, or he starts war and take her by force."

I growled angrily. No one is touching my daughter. That good for nothing king had to get some sense knocked into him. Why would a forty year old man want a twenty one year old for a wife. He should get someone his age. I already lost one already and I'm not ready to lose the second.


New update everyone

The plot is starting to make an appereance. Yaay.

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