《Help me please...》Chapter six



I'm worried to say the least we haven't seen Ein anywhere in 5 months and aphmau hasn't been herself lately...

Lucinda enters my tent saying she's got bad news to say and tells me i have to come out of the tent and I did but I wish I didn't because what I saw was Ein dream and aphmau and a girl with purple hair and green eyes laughing a lot, Ein tilled his head up... 'Green eyes!? Why dose he have green eyes his eyes are gray!' I thought panicking

I backed away as dream stepped towards me, Lucinda stepped in front of me and glared at dream "why the fuck did you do!" She yelled loudly pushing dream over "I just did them a favour." Dream said his voice as cocky as always I hated that about him "By making them fucking crazy!" She screamed i didn't know she swore at all... "well yes and no. You see what I've done is I've twisted their minds to let's just say not know what's going on, after all what's a pawn if they are not going to listen." Dream laughed and Lucinda back handed him landing him on the floor "Tommy go and get one of my potions form the locked box here's the key." She told me throwing me the key i ran into her tent

After I gave Tommy my keys I turned around and dream kicked me making me stumble as he stood tall, I punched him braking his mask. He grabbed my wrist flinging me over his shoulder, I groaned in pain as my back it the floor, he picked me up by my neck and stared to choke me, I kicked him in the stomach forcing him to drop me when he did I kicked him in the nose again he stumbled back holding onto a tree 'god dammit Tommy where are you.' I thought to myself as me and dream kept fighting, at one point he managed it hit me that I fell back onto a tree scrabbling my back I tried to keep my consciousness but I passed out and only heard dreams arrogant laugh as he walked away...

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