《Help me please...》Chapter one


'I'm free Wilbur said so I don't have to worry about dream anymore' I tough to myself as I walk around the smp free form dream the same man who promised he was my friend...my only friend 'what if he's right?' The thought passed in my head and I stopped walking 'what if he is my only real friend?' I tried to stop theses thoughts but they wouldn't go away

I hated dream i knew he's gotten in my head again... I can feel him he's making me think theses horrible think "Dream stop it!" I yell out loud to him even though he's not anywhere near me I know he can hear me 'oh Tommy please don't be such a baby' His voice echoed through my mind "don't forget that this is my world and I am the king." His voice said softly as if he was there behind me so I tuned around to see if he was there.........no it's just a note i picked it up and it said 'wrong way Tommy :)' suddenly I felt a hand grab my arm and I screamed "Let me go!" I yell fighting back as much as I could "just give up Tommy." I hear him say

I couldn't fight for much longer so I gave up 'don't waist you energy' I told myself, dream grabbed me by my wrist and pulls me away, I saw Phil but he just looked away as soon as we made eye contact and Tubbo just didn't even look at me when I called his name Dream threw me into a boat and took me away "Where are we going!?" I asked dream as he took of "exile" he said and I look terrified "but farther away from everyone, because obviously you where not far enough Tommy." His voice cut throw the air and I curled myself onto a ball and just broke down.


I felt the boat stop moving and I looked up it was a sunny Island but far far away from everything and everyone... "come on Tommy get out of the boat." Dream said his voice psychotically happy for someone like him "make me asshat!" I yell at him my anger getting the better of me.

He grabbed me by my shirt pulling me out of the boat and onto the island floor, unfortunately for me I landed on a sharp rock cutting my arm "now that wasn't so hard was it?" He said and I looked down at my arm and I mutter "fuck of you green fucker.." I didn't think he would be able to hear me but he could "what was that?" He grabbed me making me look at him "nothing!"

I say fearing for my every existence "good." He says practically throwing me onto the floor. I hated him and I've always hated him... not matter what Happens I will always hate him..

"Tommy." Dream spoke up and I looked up at him "don't try any funny business or else." He continued and i nodded "good."

"I have to leave now goodbye Tommy." He said and got back on the boat and leaving me alone again for the second time, I leaned back on a tree sighing then I heard someone "Nana!? Where are you?"

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