《Book of Randoms》...What?


A = Bel

A = Ruby

A = Unity

A = Acorn

Bel's POV


"Yeah. Even though I don't like admitting it, I was really worried about you, Bel.

"Awww, you do care!"

"Sh-Shut up, Bel"

"Heh, still couldn't have done it without Acorn."


I was just talking to some of my roommates at my mom's house while packing some stuff to head home with them.

Things were going fine until Unity came running out of my old bedroom with some kind of potion.

It took me a moment to figure out that it was the potion I was planning on discarding because I didn't know what it did.

"Bel, Adrien, Ruby! Look what I found in Bel's room!"

She was running toward us with the potion she found, but she tripped on something and the potion bottle fell and broke at my feet, enveloping me in a sudden bright light and making me panic.

When the light started disappearing and I opened my eyes, I saw everybody looking at me like I was some kind of wild animal that made it's way inside without anyone realizing.


Why are you all looking at me like that?"

Just then, I realized that the only reason they could be looking at me so weirdly was because of something that potion might have did.

"Unity, what did you do to me?"

I noticed that they were looking at my head, so I decided to feel there.

Big. Mistake.

"Unity? What. Did. You. Do. To. Me?"

Acorn: *hand on mouth* Ooooooooooooh!

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