《Aphmau FNAF crossover》Torn Apart


Since Halloween the pizzeria keeps getting more holes in the ceiling . Why are there so many holes!? It's November 1st and it's about 12:00 PM. Two girls walk into the pizzeria. Huh? But the pizzeria is closed down. The first girl that walked in had golden blonde long curly hair with blue eyes. She was wearing jean shorts and a pink and white tank top. She had Werewolf ears that were black and the inside was red her tail was also black with a red tip at the end.

The second girl was shorter than the other. She had black hair with red streaks also long and slightly curly nearly to her waist. She was tan and had brown eyes with blown glasses over top of them. She was wearing a tight black long sleeve shirt and pants that looked like jeans. She had Cat ears that were also black with red insides and a long cat tail that was also black with red insides.

The first girl was a little more brave than the second.

" Alex, are you sure this is the best idea?" The second girl asked, she didn't sound like a normal Me'fwa.

"Sydney, don't be a scaredy cat, even though you are one hehe. It's your Birthday your turning 12 lighten up a little bit!" The first girl that is apparently named Alex said.

Sydney seemed ticked off by the cat comment.

" W-What if the animatronics are haunted like the game, Dog?" she retorted

" I doubt thats the case" Alex said. Hold up a sec! they made a game off Freddy Fazbears?

" When we see Foxy, I'm going to hug him! He is our favorite after all!" Sydney said.

They went and saw all the animatronics also hugging Foxy but they didn't leave. They sat a table. I couldn't help but watch them.

" I'm board" Sydney said putting her head on the table with her ears down.

" Then what should we do?" Alex asked. Sydney lightened up and smirked.

"Sydney~Chan doesn't know Alex~San~Nya" She said in a high pitch voice that reminded me of Kawaii~Chan.

Alex looked Angry " Then I'll read Septiplier Smut" She smiled and took out her phone to Wattpad Sydney's ears dropped down and her tail crunched up.



Alex's ears drooped. " WHY DO YOU KEEP BRINGING THAT UP SYD!" she said angry

" Say one word of the stuff and I'll do it!" Sydney threaten. There was silence for a few seconds and both started laughing.

After awhile the girls left after like 10 hours of playing games and taking pictures. It was kinda fun having kids around. It was kinda like young me and Katelyn. Sydney even looked kinda like me.

Oh great they left the door open. Just then the doors opened again and standing their was... Sydney.

" Wait up I forgot my phone Alex. She wen't to a table and grabbed a Iphone 6 with a Hufflepuff case and left.

After about an hour later it was raining and I saw a figure. It was a grown men... Vincent!

Two girls had left the door unlocked about an hour ago. I do regret my sin of killing the children and now they haunt these robots. I want to set them free. Or do I want to get rid of them completely so they can't haunt me?

I walk in with an axe an go straight to the safe room. When a purple ghost Freddy thing appeared

"Gahhhh... what are you?" I asked. He took of his hat.

"Forgive me. I am Shadow Freddy once an Employee at Fredbears Diner that died there." He said

" O-Ok what do you want?" I ask cautiously.

"I'm here to help you." He said. "How?" I asked

" I will lead the animatronics here to make them glitch out and you destroy them easy." He said. Something doesn't trust him. But then again part of me doesn't trust me either. Kinda like a good Vs the bad.

" Ok" I said and he disappeared I waited when I say him come through the door. " Freddy's coming." He said and disappeared. Then I heard a woman's voice start singing.

I had started singing. Shadow Freddy told me his plan for revenge on Vincent. He could hear me I could tell he was confused

Freddy was in view and started glitching.

Almost on cue he started to destroy freddy.

He continued destroying Freddy

He raised his axe about to release a final blow

He swung down the axe

(Chorus) Bonnie comes in and Purple guy destroyed him

Shadow bonnie started clapping his hand for the theme I stuck out my tongue

Chica and Foxy are both walking down the hall.


Vincent attacked Chica while Shadow Freddy secretly held Foxy back

He finishes Chica and goes to Foxy

Foxy put up a fight with his hook fighting the axe but Foxy lost.

He lifts up the axe for a final blow again

He finishes Foxy and drops the axe

All the souls appear and Vincent freaks out and runs into the safe room.

Vincent runs away from the ghost of golden Freddy or Tyler that is following him.

Vincent looks at the springlock suit of spring bonnie.

Vincent Runs to the suit and starts putting it on.


I was safe inside this suit. they can't get to me

" HAHAHAHA" I laugh but it soon ended

I feel a my foot hurt for a split second and then my whole body was engulfed in pain. I heard the sound of metal crash against flesh and saw red coming off the suit but soon couldn't see anything because the endoskeleton eyes had crashed through my head and blinded me. The pain was overwhelming.

I tried to scream but the medal had destroyed my vocal cords. I fell to the ground. I felt sleepy even though I knew I was about to die I closed my eyes anyway.

It's over I blocked the kids eyes so they didn't see all the blood. I walked them to the main room and saw 6 balloons. One balloon was Purple another was yellow. There was a brown one and a red one. The second to last one was golden and the least one was black with white stripes on it. But what I didn't see was a deflated dark purple balloon.

" We made it!" Conner yelled.

'"we're free from this place!" Sally said.

" We made it Tyler!" Thomas said.

"Yeah..." Olivia said.

Everyone was smiling but Olivia was crying silently and smiling.

I don't know how to feel. One side the murder is dead. The other side is that my father is dead.

Should I be happy or sad? I don't know. But the rest are happy and we are finally free so I guess we can be happy. Wait is that a deflated balloon? I think I know who its for. I run back into the Safe Room.

They cursed me. I can't die. But I can still feel the pain of the springlocks inside my body. When I hear the safe room door open and close. Has someone come to help me. I hear a girl sobbing.

"Daddy!" It was Olivia. I could talk but it is very soft

"i-i-i'm s-sorry o-oliv-via." I can barely say. She is sobbing. Why is she sobbing? Their free aren't they?

"I forgive you Daddy. But when it is time I have your balloon here on the floor for you, goodbye!"

She left. How can she forgive a monster like me. Someone who killed their own daughter! I deserve this!

It's over finally. We can all go to heaven, Irene's realm. But I don't want to leave my friends

Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, Aaron, and everyone else. Then I hear a piano play.

One by one the children grabbed their balloons and floated into the sky.

First Thomas and Tyler left and also had bear ears oh and I forgot to mention that they were left with some characteristics of the animatronics.

Next Olivia who floated away with purple bonnie ears.

Third Sally left with a bid that says 'Let's Eat'.

and then Conner left with Fox ears, a fox tail, an eye patch, and hook.

It's my turn. Wait whats that light. A shinning light blinded me and a woman in with white angle wings and a hooded white dress appeared in front of me. I think it was Irene

"A-are you Irene?" I ask obviously surprised.

" Yes Aphmau and I'm here to make a deal with you" I was surprised when her voice sounded like mind and that she wanted to make a deal.

"What is the deal?" I asked

"I will alter everyone you knows memory so that their memories remember nothing weird happen to you and you have been their for the past year and you will be able to go back to them." She said my eyes widened by the offer.

"But! Every night from 12:00 Am to 6:00 Am you have to come to the abandoned Pizzeria as the Marionette, you also have three forms Aphmau, Human marionette, and marionette, and you can not love anyone in a more serious relationship than friends. So no boyfriends." she said.

I thought and thought and decided to live the rest of my life and chose to accept the deal.

"Yes, I'll take the deal" I said.

She then snapped her Fingers and I felt pain and senses again. I was also loaded with memory of things that didn't happen in the last year.

I'm back.

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