《Aphmau FNAF crossover》6 Missing Children


Yay pizza and fun? This is going to be the best. YAY we're here " Yay wow look a show look Laurence look Garroth!" I notice only Garoth is looking Laurence is on his phone oh well.

Whats this room? kids cove? aww man look at poor animal its so messy "stop. STOP! stop tearing her apart!" they stoped and i tried my best to fix her as much as possible. I think her body is in the right place but her fur isn't on.

" I'm sorry its the best i can do." I said " Wow you really care for the characters don't you are you the same to everyone you meet?" I turn around and see a blonde girl in a yellow and white striped shirt ,and a pink skirt her eyes we a velvet color. " I-I like to think I am by the way my name is Aphmau." I smile at her. " oh I forgot to say who I am I'm Sally"

" Sally want to go play the arcade games?" I asked " Sure why not"

Yay I met a new friend "ow" i hit someone and they fell back too

"Ouch" said the person i bumped into. " aphmoo are you ok?" sally asked " yeah I'm fine" i get up and felt the other girl up. she looked a little like me she had black and red eyes she was pale and wearing a purple hoodie

" sorry for bumping into you I wasn't looking where I was going" I said " No it was my fault I was distracted by tickets" The new girl said " Hey I like your hoody my favorite color is purple" I said "Thanks I think you would like my dad he works here as a security guard so he wears a purple uniform" She said " By the way my name is Aphmau" I say putting my hand out for her to shake " My name is Olivia" she shakes my hand "I'm Sally" sally says shaking her hand. "

" hey do guys want to go to the prize corner with me i have tickets to spend" she asked " sure" me and sally said in unison

" hello child what prize would you like" The Tall black and white puppet thing said. " sally whats this guys name? " I asked " I think its a girl and its called The Marionette" she explained " I would like the Bonnie plush" she said pointing to a purple bonnie that looked similar to the one on stage.

"your allowed to pick two more plushies" The Marionette said. "guys do you want to pick one?"

" Can I have the Chica one please" Sally pointed to a yellow chicken that looked like the on stage once again

hmm which one do I want? I got it! " I would like a plushie of you please"

she handed my the plush and then we heard a screeching noise near the stage. all three of us nodded at each other in agreement and started walking towards the stage and saw a brown haired boy with blue eyes with a brown shirt , a black top hat that we saw at the prize corner ,and grey pants who looked like he was scared by a younger boy with blonde hair, blue eyes, a yellow shirt with a tie from the prize corner and a boy with cherry red hair and yellow eyes with a red and white striped shirt with tan jeans laughing hard.


They saw us and the red head boy came over to us. " Sorry for scaring you three my name is Conner."

The two other boys come up to us " And these two are Thomas (he said pointing at the brown headed bow) and this is Thomas's younger brother Tyler ( he pointed to the the blonde boy)"

" Hi my names Aphmau and this is Sally and Olivia"

"So do you guys want to watch the show with us?" Conner asked " sure whats all their names?"

" The blue bunny is Toy Bonnie, the middle one is Toy Freddy, the yellow chicken is Toy Chica, the one in Kids Cove was supposed to be Funtime Foxy or Toy Foxy, but now her name is Mangle, the small boy one near the arcade games is BB which stands for Balloon boy, and the one at the Prize Corner is th-"

"the marionette. hey why are they called Toy?" I asked

" well apparently there were other characters before them that were cloth." Thomas said

"shhhhh the show is starting" sally shushed us

Who wants Pizza? A man in a blue uniform asked " ME!" we all say in unison raising our hands This is the best day ever

" Laurence... LAURENCE!" Garroth yells. "What?!" I look up from phone. "I have to go to the bathroom can you watch Aph?" Wait what did he say? urg " yeah I will" i said to get him to away then go back on my phone.

As I'm eating pizza I see a man in a purple uniform I'm going to go tell him I like his Uniform!

(she walks to the man)

" Hello mister! I like your Uniform, Purple is my favorite color!"

"Why thank you little one would you like a purple hat like mine?" he asked his voice was smooth he was neeling down to my level his hair was black like Oliva he had black facial hair and he was smiling.

"Sure! whats your name?" I asked curiously " My name is Vincent whats yours?"

''My name is Aphmau" I smiled back "Well nice to meet you Aphmau follow me if you want a purple hat like mine." he got up and started walking towards a room with a door.

Suddenly I had my intelligence back. Oh no I'm in big trouble I'll try to leave oh great to late he shut the door and locked it "where are you going? what do I do I'm backing away slowly. He pulls out a knife. Wait I know I'll scream " AHHHH-" HE STUFFED A TOWEL IM MY MOUTH! what do I do I want to be with Aaron with my friends ouch i start feeling searing pain in my lower chest. Vincent pushed me down. I spit out the towel but I'm to weak to scream.

I look down and see blood coming out of my lower chest "w-why" I ask with tears streaming down my face.


He looks at me with a wicked grin from ear to ear his entire body was purple now not just his uniform. " Because I'm insane hahahahahha"

He walks out the room and locks it from the outside. I feel sleepy. Is the end? Is this how I die? as a kid again with a stab wound right under my chest. Without Aaron. All because of that man? That 'guard'? Vincent?

I feel darkness caress around me then everything goes black but i hear a small tune a tune I heard at the prize corner. Why is this playing? Is there hope for me?

I was leaving the bathroom. Man! I shouldn't of had that bean burrito this morning i look around and can't see Aphmau I told Laurence to watch her maybe he knows?

" Laurence.. LAURENCE!" that second time I'v had to yell at him " what do you want again?!" I was angry but I kept it in. " where is Aphmau?" I said breathing hard " How should I know?" I told him to watch her

" I told you to watch her and you said yeah!" I said my head in my fingers

" I was?" his face filling with horror " aphmau? Aphmau!" I walk over to a security guard in a purple uniform " Sir have you seen a girl about 8 years old black hair haznut eyes in a sweater that looks a galazy her name is Aphmau?" I asked

" I did actually she ran outside the building."

she did well its the only chance we have " Thank you sir" I grab Laurence and run outside

Two blocks down the street I knock into someone and hear a cold familiar voice.

"Watch where your going wait garroth?" I got up and said "oh baby brother hehee" he would be so mad if he found out what happened.

"Hmm have you seen Aphmau anywhere? she was going to come to my house to watch My little hor- I mean an adult show with... adulty things.... anyway have you seen aphmau?

UH OH " umnowhywouldweknowwhereaphmauisbye!"

" HOLD IT!" he grabs me and Laurences shirt " your hiding something

UGH he isn't going to give up might as well tell him " fine"

After we explained everything...

"LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT" he yells putting his head in his fingers


"yes" I mumbled


" Yes" "ouch" he slapped both of us

"you are going to go tell Aaron everything right now!"

we walked to Aarons house and saw it was broken into

"Michi" all 3 of us said at once.

"guys help me get this crazy cat off me!" we heard Aaron say and we all three pulled her off and sprayed her with water

" HISS" "your not going anywhere Michi!" Laurence said holding the meif-wa by the scruff of her neck

" so why are you guys here and have you guys seen Aph anywhere?

" Thats why we're here want to explain brother?"

After I explained it looked like Aaron wanted to kill me Laurence and Michi it was already nightfall and Zane made us tell the whole neighborhood we had so many bruises by time we went home.

I woke up but i felt weird I felt only emotions no physical pain. I was also in a box but it looked like the one the marionette was in where am I? Am I dead? Am I alive? I could hear that sweat melody again(. It made me like I don't want to move ( wait for song to end).

Then it stopped.

The box opened and I stood up I was tall very tall.

I look at my body and see

I am the Marionette. " what what is this?" my voice was the same not my child voice my adult voice. I look at the clock it just turned 6am and i went back into the box

It was a Saturday I think around 12:00 PM I heard tons of childrens voices and some recognizable ones. Then I hear the tune turn on (Play song again) I jump out of my box and see Olivia.

Although her father killed me it wasn't her fault plus I love children!

Hello Olivia what prize would you like today?

I asked he eyes widened " you remembered me?

"Of course child" I covered up "what plush would you like?"

" can I have your plush? I touched my heart touched " of course here you go" I grab the push of.. me I guess.

" hohoho hello children who would like some cake?" I look up and see a worn down goldenfredbear but there was someone inside the suit a person " ME!" all 5 of my friends said and followed him into the room" I have to save them I float into the parts and service and grabbed him " help them save them" and start running with Freddy behind me until I hear a voice say "you can't" and I shut down.

I woke up in my box and pop out going straight to the room and picked up all of the bodys and carry them to the parts and service room.

"I can't give gifts so I'll give life" I was sad for them and me I will get them revenge I just wish I could be with Aaron.

" Thank you Marionette." i saw bonnie say unlike mine their voices were different.


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