《My Badboy ✔》Chapter 25


I woke up to knocking on the door. I opened my eyes and looked over at Alex to see him still sleeping with his lips in a small pout. I smiled at him and kissed his lips. I got out of bed and took up the t-shirt I had on that was laying on the floor.

"Ma?" Alex said behind me. I turned around and put the t-shirt on.

"Somebody is at the door put on some clothes" I said and walked over to the mirror in his room. I saw red marks along the side of my neck.

"I need make-up but it's at my house" I sighed and turn to him.

"Don't cover them up" he said putting on his clothes.

"Why-" I started but got cut off my the knocking. I walked to the door and open it to see Stella and Sofia.

"Finally" Stella said laughing a little.

"I was wondering is y'all could babysit sofia for a couple hours" She asked. I was about to answer when Alex talked.

"Sorry ella but me and arya going out today and she going home after" Alex said and walked towards us.

"It's ok I'll ask mama" She said and was about to walk off when Sofia started crying.

"I want arya mommy" She said crying.

"Aww I'm sorry baby I'll come over tomorrow" I said.

"Pinky promise?" She asked holding out her pinky.

"Pinky promise" I said and locked our fingers together. I used my other hand to wipe her tears and she smiled at me. Stella gave us another smile and walked off

I turned around and walked into Alex room.

"Can you drop me home?" I asked looking back at him

"I don't want you to go" He said folding his arms.

"I know but we have school tomorrow" I said.

"Fine come on" he said taking up his keys.

"I don't even got a underwear on" I said looking down at my legs then back at him.

"The t-shirt is long" he said with a straight face.

"What's with the attitude?" I asked taking up my phone.

"I don't have a attitude" he said.

"Yeah whatever" I said and walked pass him. I walked downstairs with Alex behind me. When I reached downstairs I walked out of the house. Alex closed the door , I walked towards his car and got inside. He got beside me and started the car soon driving away.


I took out my phone and scrolled through my socials. After minutes of silence I felt Alex hand on my thigh. I glanced at his hand then back at my phone.

"Are you mad?" He asked confused.

"No" I replied not looking at him. I felt his hand going higher and higher up my thigh.

I looked at his face to see a small smirk.

"What are you doing?" I asked my breathing getting heavier.

"Nothing" he said his smirk growing bigger. His hands moved higher making my breath hitch. He pulled away his hands and kept driving like nothing happen.

"We're here" Alex said then turned to me.

"Thanks for the ride" I said and was about to open the door when he closed it from his side.

"Open the door" I said and turned to him.

"Not so fast" he said. He grabbed my throat and bring my face closer to his. My eyes widen and before I could say anything he smashed his lips on mine. The kiss soon got heated causing me to pull away.

"I love you" he said giving me another kiss.

"I love you too" I smiled. He open the door and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye baby" he said his eyes getting sad.

"Bye babe" I said and gave him a kiss then got out. I closed the door behind me and hurried inside considering I don't have any underwear on.

I walked inside and closed the door behind me. I started looking for dad in the living room but he wasn't in there. I decided he might be in his room. I walked to my room and open the door. I saw a letter on the floor.

"The fu-" I stopped in my tracks and closed the door. I took up the paper and started reading it.

Dear Arya

I guess you're out but I got a business meeting in another state so I'm going to be out for a while. Karen is going to be home but i know you guys don't get along so you can stay at everleigh or Alex place. I'll be home in a couple weeks take care darling.

Love dad.

"Ok then" I sighed. I walked over to my bed and placed the paper on it. I placed my phone on my bed. I placed my hair into a bun and walked into the bathroom. I took off the t-shirt and took up my toothbrush. I put some toothpaste on it and started brushing my teeth when I heard my phone buzz. I walked out of the bathroom and took up my phone. I checked to see that Alex had texted me so I opened his text.


"Ma wyd?"

"Brushing my teeth"


"I miss you already"


"Aww ur cute lol"


"Shut up😂"


"Lol but guess what"




"My dad is gone for a couple weeks soooo I might come stay with u:)"





"Call me rn"


"Ok lol"

I FaceTime him and he picked instantly.

"When should I pick you up" he said still driving.

"How far are you from my house because I wanna go shopping and maybe do my nails" I said and continued brushing my teeth. I walked into my bathroom and placed my phone on the counter pointing it to me.

"Like 20 minutes away but I'm carrying you shopping I need to shower and change" he said.

"But you're gonna get bored when I'm doing my nails" I mumbled laughing.

"I don't care I'll just sleep on your leg" He said and smiled making me laugh.

I spat out the toothpaste and washed out my mouth.

"Imma go shower so should I hang up?" I asked washing my face.

"No I've seen you naked multiple times" he said smirking. I rolled my eyes.

I saw him get out of the car and started walking into his house. I waited for him to go into his room and when he did he walked towards his bed and layed down. He looked at me then his eyes widen.

"What?" I asked taking off the t-shirt.

"Don't do this to me" He begged.

"Or what?" I asked smirking.

"Arya...." He warned as his eyes darken.

"What you gonna do huh?" I asked stepping back so he could see a better view.

"I swear arya" He said in a low tone.

"Ok ok I'm done imma go shower" I laughed. I turned around earning a groan from him. I walked into my shower and turned it on.

I walked out of the shower with water dripping off my body. I took up a towel and walked over to my phone.

"Babe?" I asked shocked.

"Hmm?" He replied. He had a towel around his waist as water fell from his hair.

"Nothing" I replied blinking multiple times. I took up my phone and walked into my bedroom. I took out my bra and panties and soon put them on.

"Damn" Alex whispered making me looked at the phone.

"What?" I asked laughing.

"You're so f**king hot ma" he said licking his lips.

"Thanks babe" I said smiling. I walked over to my vanity and started doing my hair and make-up while he watched me.


I just finished my make-up and got dressed in my outfit so did Alex. We both hung the call up and now I'm waiting for him to come. I looked at myself in the mirror and fixed my dress. I took up some of my foundation and applied it over the marks on my neck.

I took up my phone and my bag. I walked out of my room closing the door behind me. I walked downstairs and turned the lights off. I walked outside and stood there waiting for Alex. Finally after a couple minutes I saw Alex car pulling up beside me.

I open the door and got it closing it. Alex started back his car and drove off.

"Sheesh" I heard him say beside me.

"What?" I asked laughing a little.

"You look beautiful mi amor" he said looking at me through the mirror.

"Thank you babe you look hot yourself" I said looking at him.

"Thank you ma" he laughed. Alex kept driving to the store when the stop light turn red.

"Also....." He trailed off.

"Wassup?" I asked looking at him. He lean over to me and whispered in my ear.

"You're gonna pay for that little stunt you pulled" he whispered causing butterfly to form in my stomach.

"I don't know what your talking about" I whispered back smirking.

"Hmm you're gonna find out" He said then pulled away. The light turned green making him drive off but I was still thinking about what happen a while ago......

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