《My Badboy ✔》Chapter 3


The next morning I woke up and decided to get ready for school. I got up and went to the bathroom and took a shower.

Getting out of the bathroom I dried myself and went to my closet to find a outfit for today.

After getting ready I opened the door and went downstairs. When I reached down I went to the kitchen and saw my step mom , step brother and dad sitting by the table.

"Morning" I mumbled sitting beside my dad.

"Morning sweetheart" My dad replied back.

"I made breakfast" My step mom said after a few seconds

"K" I replied with a straight face. Karen placed a plate in front of everyone and took a seat in front of dad

"So I heard you disrespected your teacher yesterday" Karen said looking at me.

"Ugh not this" I said to myself.

"Oh" I replied back and continued eating.

"Your principal called" My dad said after a while.

"I get it ok" I said getting up.

"Where are you going" Dad said.

"School" I said while looking at the floor.

"Want a ride?" My step brother said. Knowing him he's up to something but whatever.

"I guess" I said walking outside and waiting for him.

After a couple minutes I saw Aaron walking out of the door with his car keys in his hand.I walked to the side of his car and got in. He got in after me and closed the car door.

"So how are you sis" he said and started driving

"Good" I said looking straight ahead.

During the car ride aaron tried making small talk but I kept ignoring him. After about 7 minutes we arrived at my school.

"Thanks for the ride" I said getting out of the car and looking at him


"Anytime sis" he said and I gave him a small smile and walked into the school.

I went to my locker and opened it and took out my equipment. I felt a presence behind me so I turned around to see Alex glaring at me.

"What do you want now?" I asked folding my arms over my chest.

"Who tf is that" he said in an angry tone.

"Huh" I said raising my eyebrow.

"Um is he like high?" I thought to myself

"Don't play stupid with me arya who tf was that guy" he said raising him voice

"First off lower your tone" I said rolling my eyes.

"Second off why do you care?" I asked.

"I don't" he said backing away.

"Good" I said turning my back to him hoping he would just leave.

"God you're hot" I heard him say behind me.

"Yeah I know" I said closing my locker and turning back around.

"Well nice talking to you" I said laughing a little then started walking away. Then I remember I didn't answer him. Turning back around and looking at him I said

"Oh and the guy is my brother" I said laughing and started walking to my class.....


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This chapter is short btw😬

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