《There's A Boy in my Bed (BoyxBoy)》There's A Boy in my Bed - 20


The doorbell echoes through the lounge, shattering the silence. My eyes shoot towards the staircase, Harvey's door remaining closed - phew. I wonder what he would do if he found out about me and Casey, and what we have...whatever it is we have: a web of confusion, betrayal and desire. I wonder if Harvey hates gay people...I wonder if he would hate me?

I wipe away the thoughts plaguing my mind, breathe in, and swing the door open - Casey's eyes beaconing from amidst the darkness. His tender lips part, rolling into a subtle smile, a giddy expression adorning his face.

"I'm glad you didn't flake on me, I like really need someone to talk to right now." I roll my gaze over his face, his features softened by the pouring moonlight, the slight blush dusting his cheeks illuminated by the natural glow. I wish he was like this all the time; sweet, gentle, kind - himself. I shut the door quietly, resting on it before finally acknowledging him.

"Well I did think twice about your offer since...you know...you are a real asshole when you're around anyone else but me." He chuckles in response, rolling his eyes away from me - his laugh hiding an evident tinge of sadness.

"Yeah I guess you're right. I'm just...I'm -" He pauses, scrunching his face up in confusion. "I never knew I was hiding something until I met you. You make me feel like the real me." He sighs loudly, running his hand through his hair - his confession pushing the conversation into silence.

My eyes roam over his shoulder, staring at the mailbox - taking in all its intricacies that I had never noticed before - the distraction turning our silence into a strained elongation of tension.

"I was kind of expecting you to say something back. Not gonna lie." He says, my eyes snapping back to his. I ponder silently in my head, trying to string somewhat of a response into a sentence.


"Casey..." I pause, his slumped shoulders perking up as he stares at me gleefully; hopefully. "I hate you." An ounce of pain flashes through his eyes, the emotion draining from his face. "I hate you because I love you. And it really fucking hurts to love you." His face warms up, the glimmer returning.

"Well that's good becau-"

"I'm not finished." My finger slaps against his lips, cutting him off mid-sentence. "You can't just call for me when it's convenient for you. I'm not a dog, and I don't deserve to be treated like one." He shifts backwards, creating space between us - the front door restricting me from moving anywhere.

"Look Danté I know, bro I do! But I've got like my image to uphold...and I've got the whole football thing going for me y'know. You understand right? But maybe this could be our little secret." I scoff in response, his oblivious smile holding steadfast. I look into his gleaming eyes, inhaling as a tear starts to roll down my cheek.

"Casey. Whatever the fuck this is, I'm putting an end to it. I like Elliot. I really like Elliot. He's nice and he's kind and he's fucking charming; and, he doesn't hide me away like a dirty little secret he's ashamed of." I blurt out, fracturing Casey's fantasy - the life draining from his face; his emotions a sad, exhausted reflection of my own: tears streaming down both of our cheeks.

"But I need you." His whisper barely meets my ear, clouded by his weeping - he's trying to look away, but I still see the tears.

"And what about when I need you?" I cup his face, wiping the tears away, his gaze off to the side - avoiding me. "Will you be there when I need you? Because you never have before." He snaps away from me, pushing my hands off of his cheek.

"I was so happy to come and see you tonight..." He murmurs, turning around and sprinting off down the street, the scattered streetlights capturing his ever-shrinking silhouette until he disappears into the darkness. I finally release my subdued sobbing and let the pain of the moment finally hit me, the force of a million machetes stabbing into my heart - an intangible pain collapsing me to a pile of tears on the front of my doorstep.


You made the right decision Danté, I tell myself as my emotions flood over me. You made the right decision Danté, I repeat. I did make the right decision didn't I?


I push open the school doors, clambering down the crowded hallway - the bland fluorescent lights too much for my eyes at this time of the morning. I shove my way to my locker, grabbing my writing books before heading to class. The shrill of the morning bell dissipates the crowd - the hallways emptying as everyone enters the classrooms. I nonchalantly turn the corner, pausing as my eyes connect with Casey's - his gaze freezes on me, stopping both of us mid track. As the emotion drains from his eyes, he turns around and heads the other way. Ouch. That hurt. Fuck school, I don't want to be here.

I reach my hand into my pocket, pull my phone out and scroll through my contacts.*


Hey u at school?


If so, wanna leave school?

I fiddle with my phone in my hands, waiting for a response - the time slowly passing by, my thumbs twiddling in anxiety.

Morning Sunshine. I'll meet you outside the gym. Was gonna ditch after first period anyways.

I smile down at my phone screen, gripping it with anticipation. Disregarding all plans to go to class, I make my way to gym, taking the outside route to avoid the glaring eyes of patrolling teachers.

I breathe a sigh of relief as Elliot comes into view, his leg propped up against the wall, a cigarette resting between his lips. His eyes flick up to meet mine, the ocean blue filling with glee as he puts out his cigarette and pulls me into a hug, the smell of smoke mixing with his earthy cologne.

"Hello Sunshine. I really missed you." He whispers, tucking my head into his chest.

"I missed you too." I look up at him, his alluring orbs staring back - enticing me into a hypnotized gaze. His eyes run up and down my face, scanning me for what seems like an eternity - his widening grin sending tingles down my spine.

He runs his tongue over his lips before smashing them against mine. My eyes widen in surprise, shocked at how my mouth moves in a natural rhythm with his. I melt into his grasp, his tongue sending shivers down my spine - my eyes fluttering closed as I savour the moment; as I savour him. His hands trail down my back, grabbing my waist and pulling me in tighter - locking me in his grasp. Time falls away as his lips move tenderly; passionately; hungrily.

"You do not know how long I've wanted to do that." He says as he pulls away, his slightly puffy lips tinged with a dispersed redness. "How about we...get outta here?" He chuckles and grabs my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine - holding my hand; proudly.

What the hell are you doing Danté Evans?


I hope you enjoyed it, and please, let me know if you are #teamcasey or #teamelliot because your guys' comments do have a lot of influence on the plot of the book. I also enjoy reading your theories and predictions tbh, it's nice to know that others care about the characters as much as I do! :P

Thank you so much for reading, and have a great day,


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