《OUR SECRET. ━ TAEKOOK ✓》Chapter 8


"How we met, how I fell in love."

Jungkook passed the two as if nothing was bugging him, though Taehyung understood his message.

The latter stared at the famous boys as they ate their breakfast.

Rice and various kinds of dishes filled their table. Though, contrast to what the other three got for breakfast, Jungkook only got himself a sandwich.

"Jungkook, don't go on a diet, eat lots." Namjoon reminded as he pushed a plate of fruits onto the youngest.

"After what happened earlier, I just don't have a big appetite right now..." he sheepishly smiled as he took another small bite of his bread. "Don't worry, I'll eat a lot once I get hungry later."

As he listened to their conversation, and being on the cafeteria and everything, Taehyung remembered a memory that happened months ago.

Unknowingly to him, Jungkook was having the same flash back as well.

The day he met the guy who made his heart skip a beat, the day he fell for someone really hard for the very first time.


ten months ago, around vacation time.

"-cuse me?"

Taehyung blinked his eyes open to look for the owner of the unfamiliar voice he was hearing. Due to the cold wind brushing against his cheeks outside the school's garden, he fell asleep.

"O-Oh did I wake you up?" that voice said in a surprised tone. Taehyung looked at his side to see another guy couched to his eye level, looking at him curiously.

With a yawn, he stretched his arms and started rubbing his eyes. He examined the guy right on his side, this guy was wearing casual clothes, his hair was brushed down, his eyes were covered by wide framed glasses, and Taehyung swore that his bunny teeth were the cutest thing he has ever seen.

This guy dressed so simple, yet he looked so attractive.

"Actually, thank you for waking me up... I think." Taehyung pressed his lips together as he tried to figure out how he got here and what was he doing before he fell asleep.

"You see..." the new guy coughed and gave him a shy smile. "I am new to this place, and I don't see any students, probably because it's Saturday... um... and I need help." he laughed it off and continued speaking, trying to compose himself. "I thought you were just staring off on a distance, so I decided to approach you, but I didn't know you were sleeping, sorry for waking you up."


Taehyung chuckled and stood up, brushing his backside as he did so.

The guy fixed his posture, he can't help but to feel attracted on Taehyung's features, of course, is there someone like him who just woke up from their sleep, yet looks like a movie star already?

"I understand." He flashed a bright smile. "What kind of help do you need?"

The other was still checking him out, Taehyung had to snap his fingers to bring this guy back to the reality, and thank goodness it worked.

"I-I was looking for the m-main office, I would like to transfer here." he stammered.

"Office?" Taehyung tilted his head while he asked. "Oh, office! I remember now, I fell asleep because they were still closed when I got here at nine and they won't open until its ten in the morning. What time is it?"

"Um... fifteen minutes past eleven in the morning."

"Crap!" Taehyung cursed as he held the new student's hand, pulling his arm so he could run with him to the office. The other was confused, but he followed anyways. "We should hurry before they go on a lunch break, or else we need to wait two more hours."

The new guy looked at Taehyung's hand that was holding his.

Yes, he thought that this guy holding his hand suddenly and running away at a fast pace is quite weird, but he blushed at the thought of somebody was actually holding his hand for the very first time with such sincerity.


"Are you kidding me?!" Taehyung wailed against the glass wall of the office, with a placard in front saying 'lunch break, comeback at 2:00'.

"I-I'm sorry..." this new guy apologized, but Taehyung shook his head and clicked his tongue in response.

"It's not your fault... um...?"


"Okay, Jungkook. I'm Taehyung." Taehyung smiled a bit on how the this guy's name sounded so sweet. "First, it's not your fault. Second, thank you for waking me up, if you didn't, I'm probably still sleeping right now. Third, welcome to the school, do you want to eat lunch first while we wait?"

Jungkook blushed on how welcoming this guy was. He sheepishly nodded and as the kind guy he is, he took note of paying for their food.

That day, they spent too much time together on an empty restaurant that they forgot it was almost time, the sun was already gone and the moon was almost rising.


Taehyung sighed to himself, instead of enrolling himself early, he missed his opportunity.

But that doesn't change the fact that today, was perhaps the best day of his life.

Since Jungkook was a new student, he had to go back to school almost everyday to fix his papers. Within this time, Taehyung took the opportunity to eat lunch with him and gave him the help he needed. Spending a few hours with Jungkook felt like a long time already for him, and every meeting they had made his heart race.

He can't help but to fall in love.

And Jungkook can't help but to feel the same.

But both were shy to tell their hidden crushes. Until after two months, which was preciesely eight months ago, the week before their class resumes.

"Why do you always wear glasses? Are your eyes blurry?" Taehyung asked as he reached for the younger boy's glasses, while they ate their own sandwiches they brought from a small stall.

"I-It's fashion!" Jungkook reasoned out flailing his arms around, but Taehyung was too persistent and kept on leaning.

"Let me take a look..." the older one said in a playful tone, setting aside the sandwich he was eating so it's mayonnaise won't spread somewhere around Jungkook's body.


Taehyung slipped off the bench where they were sitting and held Jungkook's shoulders for support, but instead, the younger was pulled down with him on the grassy ground.

Thank goodness the school garden was empty except for the two.

Because they ended up in a suggestive, yet funny position.

"J-Jungkook..." Taehyung blushed, noticing how close their faces were. "M-Move a-away before somebody sees us... like this."

Jungkook was frozen in spot, for some reason, he didn't want to budge.

"N-No hyung, you move away." he responded, but (un)fortunately, Taehyung felt the same, he didn't want to move away as well.

"I-I um..."

And that was the moment where they both confessed their hidden feelings for each other, and where they shared their first kiss.

Everything was okay, they decided to be a couple and try dating, even no matter how public sees them.

Note, try.

Because it didn't work.

Jungkook was approached by Hoseok, Yoongi and Namjoon after they saw how he excelled at dance and vocal class.

As the young boy that he is, he was tempted by fame and popularity.

When this guys invited him for lunch and to join their after school hangouts, he sometimes forgot that he even has a boyfriend.

But he didn't completely forgot.

Because Taehyung was always there, wanting to know how was his day, reminding him sweet messages, telling him to always be safe and patiently asking when would be the time he would open up about his identity.

He waited for eight months. For eight months, he endured the pain of seeing Jungkook ignoring him in public and acting like he's free and single.

Though, he couldn't just let go.

After eating, Jungkook stood up and told his hyungs he would go out for a bit to go to the restroom.

As he walked away, he looked at Taehyung's direction. To his luck, the older was staring at him, so his facial expression was more than a message that Jungkook wanted to talk outside.

"Jiminie, I'll go to the restroom. I'll be back!" he gleefully waved a good bye to Jimin, but deep inside he was scared and was overthinking about what Jungkook would say.


"K-Kookie..." Taehyung called out as he entered the restrooms, taking note to lock the door of course. There he saw Jungkook pushing the stalls' doors open, as if he was confirming if no one was there.

"Tae." Jungkook said in a serious tone, which gave chills to the other's spine.

Taehyung looked at his feet and tried to figure out the words to say.

"I-I'll explain! I wanted to tell you that h-he's my roommate but I was a-afraid that--!"

He used both of his arms to cover his face. On his peripheral vision, Jungkook swung his arm briskly into his direction.

Jungkook was going to hit him--

But no, he didn't.

Instead, Jungkook hugged him tight and cried to his shoulders like a small child.

The bathroom was silent, no noise can be heard except for Jungkook's soft cries and the sound of Taehyung's hand rubbing against his back. "D-Don't leave me Taehyung..."

"I won't." the older one said, accompanied with 'shhh' sounds.

They stayed like that for a minute, until Taehyung decided to speak up once more.

"...Jungkook, I have a new favor to ask."

The younger one wiped his tears and broke the hug, looking straight at him with confusion. "W-What is that?"

"Break up with me. Let me go."


i may or may not double update?? haha sorry if this was kinda boring lmao

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