《Love Her Softly》Chapter Twenty-Four
Liam stared down at his wife sleeping peacefully on their bed. They'd spent the last week holed up in the cabin, making love, learning each others bodies and, somehow, he'd fallen even deeper in love with her.
Liam glanced around the cabin. It was small and cozy and it had served him just fine as a single man but he had a wife now and someday he hoped to have children—a family. They would need more than one room.
Liam mentally added that to the list of things he hoped to accomplish before winter. But for today, he planned on heading up the mountains and taking another shot at bringing home that black stallion.
He was rummaging through his wardrobe for clothes when he heard the sheets rustle on the bed. Turning his head, Liam found Emma gazing at him from her pillow. "Where are you going?" she whispered sleepily.
Liam knew she wasn't going to be happy but honesty was always best. "I'm going up on the mountain," he admitted. "There's a horse I'm hoping to find."
Just as he'd knew they would, Emma's eyes widened. "The mountain? Why do ya want to go up there?"
Liam sighed and began to tug on his buckskin trousers. "There's a horse that runs around up there. I've been after him for a while now and I'd like to catch him."
Emma bit her lip. "Ya could just stay here with me."
Liam let his gaze wander over the tempting picture she painted with that sheet all tangled around her slender body and her dark hair spilled across the pillow.
He felt his newly donned trousers tightening but he shook his head. "We've been in that bed for damn near a week, love. I have to get some things done or winter will be on us before you know it."
"Winter?" Emma huffed. "It barely summer."
Liam slid into a shirt. "Is there another reason you don't want me leaving today?"
Emma's gaze dropped to the sheet covering her. "I don't like the thought of ya up on that mountain. What if....what if something bad happens?"
Liam crossed his arms over his chest as he stared down at her. "What exactly do you think is gonna happen?"
Emma shifted upon the bed, raising up to sitting and throwing her legs over the edge. "I might be sheltered and fearful, Liam, but I'm not a complete fool. I know it was my father that shot ya. And he's up on that mountain probably looking for any chance to do it again."
Liam swallowed hard and averted his gaze. He hadn't realized that Emma knew who had shot him. They hadn't spoken about it. "There's no proof..."
Emma's snort cut him off and Liam sighed. "I'll be just fine up there, Emma. I'm not an easy man to sneak up on."
"He did it once," she reminded him.
Liam rolled his shoulder which was still tight and red. "And once is all he'll get." Liam sighed before sitting down beside her on the bed. "I won't live my life hidden in this cabin out of fear of him. I promise you I'll be just fine."
Emma was quiet a moment as she studied her hands folded on her knees. Liam wondered what she was thinking. He wasn't used to having someone question his comings and goings—He didn't care for it but he also understood that she loved him and cared. He wouldn't want her going somewhere that he felt was dangerous either.
"What horse are ya after?" she finally asked.
Liam wasn't prepared for the sudden change of topic. He cleared his throat and took her hand gently in his. "A black stallion. I've had my eye on him for years but he's managed to stay ahead of me."
Emma met his gaze with a smile. "A black stallion with a white star on his head?"
Liam was so to reply. "Yes."
Emma stood up, keeping the sheet wrapped around her. The sunrise coming through the window seemed to make her bare shoulders glow and Liam was forced to fight the urge to pull her right back down into the bed.
"I know the horse you're after. A family moved up on the mountains a few years back. The mountain families didn't want them there taking up land and so they burned them out. They stole most of the livestock but the horse got away."
Liam stared up at his wife in shock. "You've seen him?"
Emma nodded. "Of course I have. And I know where he stays up there."
Liam stood quickly, rubbing his hands together with anticipation. "Tell me. Hell, I've been after him for a while."
Emma chewed her lip and shook her head slowly. "No, I won't tell ya."
Liam bit back his temper and took her hand. "Emma, this means a lot to me. I want that horse. I could sell him for a lot of money."
Emma's blue eyes filled with determination as she stared him down. "I won't tell ya. I'll show ya. Yer going to take me up there with ya."
Liam was certain he must have misunderstood her. Hadn't he? "I don't think so."
He could feel the tension rolling off Emma in waves. "Why not? If it's safe for ya to go up there, then it's safe for me."
Liam stood slowly and crossed his arms over his chest. What was he supposed to say to that? Hell, he didn't want Emma up on that mountain!
They stared each other down and, while he wished she would back down, he couldn't help but feel proud of her ever growing bravery. Emma was changing every day—becoming a little less scared and showing more of who she was beneath the battered girl her father had raised.
Finally, Liam sighed. "Fine. But if you come up there with me, you'll ride Honey and you'll mind my every word if we end up in trouble."
Fear flashed in Emma's blue eyes and her lip shook a bit. "Do ya really think they'll be trouble?"
"If I thought there would be trouble, I would have told you no." Liam grabbed his boots. "Now get ready and I'll saddle the horses." He walked out the door, grabbed his gun belt on the way and not at all happy with today's turn of events.
Emma was nervous as she rode behind her husband up the tight mountain trail. Being up here among the thick pines and oaks, with shadows all around, terrified her.
She was certain that her father was going to jump out at any moment and put yet another bullet in her husband. The ride was a quiet one—as were most trips with Liam. It was a comfortable quiet but it gave Emma too much time to think and worry.
A low whistling tune sounded from in front of her and she realized that it was Liam. The tune was a cheerful one and Emma couldn't help but smile.
He glanced back at her and smiled, his chiseled face softening. "Come on up here next to me, Emma. The trail should be wide enough now."
Emma was happy to do as he said. She felt her own worries lightening as Liam resumed his whistling. She was amazed that her husband seemed to know just what she needed without her ever having to ask for it.
She hoped that she could help him find the horse he wanted and then he wouldn't feel the need to return to the mountain.
"I'll let you take the lead. You're the one who knows where that critter is up here," Liam offered.
Emma nodded. "It's quite a ways still... and before we get to the clearing we should probably leave the horses and finish the trip on foot. I've always been on foot when I've found him before. The horses might spook him."
Liam nodded. "You're the boss."
The two continued on their way, Emma's fears were forgotten as they spoke light heartedly about the horse and how much money Liam could sell him for.
Emma held up her hand and pulled Honey to a stop when she knew they were getting close to the stallions favorite grazing place. "We should go on foot from here," she whispered.
With a nod, Liam slid from the saddle and helped Emma from hers. They secured the horses to a low hanging bough and Emma slipped silently through the brush.
She paused once to look back at Liam and hold finger to her lips. Didn't her realize how loud he was. Liam's reaction was to chuckle and Emma frowned. "What?" she whispered.
"I guess I forgot I was married to a mountain man. You can sneak around up here better than I can."
Emma wasn't sure how to respond to that so she simply resumed her trek toward the meadow she knew the black stallion loved. What Emma hadn't told her husband was that she had done more than simply look at the horse, she'd sat with him, petted him, combed his mane and tail.
The black horse was a secret of hers up here on the mountain and she'd snuck away from home every chance she could to be around the gentle creature.
As they neared the meadow, Emma turned once again to Liam. "Stay here. He might spook if we both go together."
Without giving Liam time to respond, Emma slipped out of the cover and stepped into the meadow. She saw the horse standing at the other side of the clearing.
Instantly his head raised and appeared startled. Emma held out her hand. "I'm sorry I've been gone so long," she cooed gently.
He let out a snort, tossed his head, and started quickly her way. At the last moment, he pulled to a stop and nudged her shoulder with his nose.
Emma laughed and stroked his neck, knowing that's what he was wanting.
She heard Liam curse behind her. Turning her head, Emma saw her husband stepping out of the brush with his gun in his hand. "Hell woman!" he growled. "I damn near shot that horse when he was running toward you that way."
"Why would you shoot him?" Emma demanded, rubbing her face against the horse's cheeks. "He's a good horse."
Liam snorted, holstering his gun. "Yeah, but you're a good wife and I wasn't about to let him trample you."
Emma felt a blush color her cheeks. "He won't hurt me, Liam," she assured him. "I should have told ya that I used to sneak off with him quite often. We're friends."
Liam took another step forward and the horse laid his ears back. Emma was quick to soothe him. "It's okay. Liam is a good man. Ya don't need be afraid."
When the horse seemed to calm a bit, Liam reached out his own hand and ran it down his neck. "I can't believe this... I've been after him for years and never got more than a peek...."
Emma smiled and rose on her toes to kiss Liam's jaw. His arm instantly closed around her and pulled her flush against him. Emma felt her body heat instantly the moment she was against his warmth.
"Damn woman, you're temptation..." Slowly Liam pulled away. "Let's get him back down the mountain. I believe I've got some more teaching to do."
Emma found herself unable to form a response. Liam seemed to know exactly what to do and say to overwhelm her senses. She'd been so wrong when she had once thought that laying with a man could only be a painful and degrading. Every caress Liam gave to her body only made her feel more cherished and loved.
She stood there, daydreaming about the things Liam would do with her once they were home, and was startled from her daydreams when Liam tapped her shoulder.
She glanced his way only to realize he used his rope to fashion a bridle and lead rope which he'd already placed on the stallion. "We're ready if you are," Liam stated with a wink.
Her blush deepened as she followed Liam to Honey and Misty. She had thought the stallion would be uncomfortable but he seemed calm and at ease with his new herd.
The ride off the mountain was uneventful and Emma simply wanted it to be over—until she realized the air seemed to be getting thicker. Fog was settling in.
Mountain fog could be a dangerous thing. It tended to move in quickly and it was thick and completely did away with your ability to see more than a foot or two in front of you.
Emma cast a nervous glance at Liam before looking behind her. The fog made her feel as if someone was behind her—it sent chills up her back.
Suddenly the fog became thicker, falling as if it were a blanket over her eyes. "Liam?" she whispered, as she turned back around. Liam was gone.
A crack of thunder boomed above her just before the skies opened in a deafening downpour. "Liam!" she cried as loudly as she could.
If he heard her, or if he called for her in return, it was impossible to tell over the storm.
Fear overwhelmed her. Breathing became hard and tears filled Emma's eyes as she glanced all around her, attempting to see in every direction at once.
At any moment she expected her father, or some other mountain man, to come rushing through the fog and rip her from Honey's back. It was clear that Honey was fearful as well. The horse skittered sideways and let out a snort.
Emma focused on calming herself. She had to be strong and lead Honey off the mountain. If she simply continued slowly downhill, careful to watch for any drop-offs or rocks that could cause them harm, she would eventually ride out of the fog and then she could focus on finding Liam or returning to the cabin.
Thunder boomed again, causing Emma to let out a squeak of surprise as she jumped a bit. Her clothes were already becoming soaked through to the skin. It was time to focus on getting home.
"It's okay, Honey. Let's get on home now," she gently urged.
The trek downward was a slow one but eventually the fog became thinner and Emma found herself moving out of it completely. She glanced around her, attempting to gain her bearings. She'd left the trail completely and the rain was still pounding down.
Emma didn't know exactly where she was but she knew that if she continued moving down, she would eventually reach the valley's below.
Despite the warmth, Emma felt a chill seeping in as the rain seemed to soak her to the bone. She kept leading Honey onward, calling out for Liam now and then, despite the volume of the storm around her.
Emma let out a shocked scream when a figure suddenly stepped out of the trees beside her and a hand grabbed Honey's bridle bringing the horse to a stop.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"
Emma stared down at Shade Marxton, with fear settling deep and heavy in her gut. He sneered up at her with his rotten-toothed smile from under that dirty mustache. "Emma Hawke.... I can't tell ya how long I've wanted to get ya alone."
"I.... I'm Emma McIntyre now...." She replied shakily. "And I'm on my way home so get out of my way.."
Emma tried to urge Honey past the mountain man who'd been after her for as long as she could remember—always leering and threatening.
"Yeah, I heard about that," Shade chuckled. "Silas is pretty damn mad that ya done run off. Doesn't bother me any to take another man's wife."
Without warning, Shade grabbed her arm and yanked, pulling Emma from the saddle. Honey, frightened by the sudden loss of her rider and Emma's screams, ran off into the woods.
Emma tried to get back to her feet but Shade's bare foot collided roughly with her ribs and sent her flipping sideways with a cry of pain. "Ya ain't got no idea how long I've wanted to get hold of ya."
Emma scrambled backward. "Liam!" she screamed his name desperately as she slipped in the mud.
Shade chuckled as she swiped his tattered shirt sleeve across his wet face. "He ain't comin', darlin'. Yer mine."
Emma's screamed were cut off when Shade fell down upon her and his mouth covered hers. He tasted of tobacco and the stink of him overwhelmed her.
Pain filled her senses. It felt as if he was going to break her jaw.
Suddenly his hand snaked up her waist and clamped tightly over her breast. Emma bucked beneath him, struggling to get away. That only seemed to encourage him.
Shade growled and thrust himself against her. She could feel his arousal through her skirts and a tear leaked from her eye.
When his hand reached up her skirts, touching her bare skin, Emma knew she wasn't going to get away. He was too strong. Shade was using his stocky frame to completely overpower and pin her.
She saw a rock beside her hand and closed her fingers around it. "Don't ya dare," Shade growled. Emma quickly dropped the rock when she saw the glint of a knife in his hand. The blade pressed against her neck.
Her blood froze and she stilled completely. "Stop fightin' me now, ya little whore. Ya spread yer legs fer the vally trash and yer gonna spread 'em fer me."
"And you're gonna get your hands off my goddamn wife now."
Shade leapt to his feet but Emma still couldn't move. She was frozen upon the mud with her eyes squeezed tight and her body shivering.
"Liam!" Shade exclaimed. "Yer wife? I didn't know she was yer wife."
"Sure you didn't. Now toss that knife away and take ten good steps away from Emma."
Emma heard the knife clatter against a stone. She felt a hand close on her arm and she cried out as she cringed away. "Emma, love, it's just me."
Opening her eyes a crack, Emma saw Liam's face close to hers. She sat up quickly, throwing her arms around his neck. Liam tensed as he brought her to her feet and gently pushed her behind him. "Get back on Honey."
It was then that Emma realized Honey had returned. It took her two tries in her shaky state, but Emma managed to slip into the saddle.
"Now, Shade, I should kill you," Liam growled.
Shade licked his trembling lip. "Probably should, Liam."
Emma watched Liam as he held his revolver tight in his hands, keeping the sights on Shade's chest. "You go ahead and scurry on home to your wife, Shade."
Shade's eyes widened. He nodded and stepped toward his knife. Liam shook his head. "I'll be keeping that knife. You go on now."
Shade glared at Liam but seemed to think twice about chancing his luck. He turned and raced into the woods.
Liam leapt onto Misty's back. "Come on, Emma. Let's get you home."
Emma was in a fog as she followed Liam down the mountain. She was numb and couldn't even remember most of the trip. She was surprised when she realized Liam was standing beside Honey to help her off as they stood in front of the cabin.
"Go on inside and dry off, love. I'll take care of the horses and be in in a minute."
Liam watched Emma step stiffly into the cabin and close the door slowly behind her.
Rage vibrated within him as he led the three horses to the barn. Patrick met him at the doors with a frown on his face. "What the hell is wrong, son? You look like a man with murder on his mind."
- End150 Chapters
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