《SMILE (Jeff The Killer X Reader)》Chapter 5


I walked down the stairs to see 3 girls and Jeff chatting infront of the lab. Jeff looked at me.

"Hey! (Y/N) wait for me! Sorry girls I got to go." Jeff said.

"Look at that b*tch just hogging Jeff for herself again." I heard one of the girls talking.

" So what are we going to have for dinner?" Jeff asked.

" aren't you the one usually cooks?" I replied.

"Well today your gonna cook it I want to go a killing spree." Jeff said with a grin.

"Well I'll just make curry" I said looking down.

"Well make sure is super spicy" Jeff said while running through the hall.

He's going at it again huh? Well I need to go home faster now. Suddenly I felt someone watching me I look to the window. I saw a tall white faced man, I was shocked and blink my eyes a few time then I didn't saw anything. So I thought it was just my imagination. I continue to move on to my class.

When I went to my class I suddenly got a headache. So I excuse myself to the nurse. I met the 3 girls who was talking to Jeff they pulled me outside of school and pin me down under a big tree. One of the girl grabbed a poket knife. She scratched my face with it. I felt dizzy so I couldn't know what they were saying but I was scared. Gladly I still could move and I screamed a little but she covered my mouth she continued cutting my skin it got more deeper the more she cuts. The I saw Jeff. He looked very scary as if he will kill the girls. He ran infront of me and I tug him by his shirt.


Jeff's P. O.V

I saw (Y/N) scared she looked like when i first met her but worse.I felt a sudden anger rush over me and I glared to the girls but try to keep my cool.

"J-jeff umm this isn't what your thinking?" One of the girl talked.

" what were you guys doing to (Y/N)?" I asked.

" umm.."

"Answer me!" I lost my cool and yelled.

"Is only her fault that she keeps hogging you and you guys weren't dating!" That girl yelled while the 2 others just stand there behind her and nodded.

I grabbed my knife from my poket and swing it to only scratch the girls face. She looked suprised and terrified of what I just did. They scream while I killed them one by one. After I am done I grabbed (Y/N) who fainted to the ground and brought her home. Laid her down on her bed and patch her up. I changed my bloody clothes and washed off the blood on my knife. And waited by her bed. Why did I save this idiotic girl.....an hour has passed and she finally woken up.

I woke up to see Jeff's face and I sit right up in shock and I got hurt every where. The girl scratched me. I started to get off of bed and go out of the door.

"Where are you going?" Jeff asked looking worried. I was shocked and said "I'm going down stairs and make curry. Remember?" I gave him a smile and went downstairs. He followed me down and started to wait at the living room to watch TV. I was at the kitchen cutting vegetables and pouring the water into the pot. When I was preparing the meat I felt a sting on my right hand and started to scream. Jeff look over to the kitchen and walk over here. It felt like it was burning so I go to the refrigerator and grabbed some ice. And put on my hand. It didn't work. So Jeff took a look on my hand there was a cross over a circle. He looked shocked so I pulled my hand away. Wanting to ask but I didn't and continue as nothing ever happened. Jeff walked away but he sitted at the dining table keeping a watch on me.


" okay dinner is done" l said to myself and place it at the dinning table. Jeff grabbed it and he ate a bite of it. "Does it tastes ok?" I asked. He paused for a moment to swallow.

"Ok? Does it taste ok? No it doesn't....." I was a little sad but didn't show it. "It taste f*cking delicious you should cook more sometimes." I watched as Jeff gobble down the curry I made feeling slightly happy and smiled. Then when I pick up my spoon I just remembered about the burning mark. I looked at my hand in curiosity. Jeff paused and said " that is a proxy mark."

"Umm...what does that mean?" I asked.

"Mostly it kinda means I can't kill you...." Jeff looked down on the empty plate. I smiled delighted by Jeff's answer.

" do you want seconds? " I asked with a smile.

" yes please...." I grabbed Jeff's bowl and go to the kitchen then I saw a white faced man through the window. I rubbed my eyes and it disappeared again. I ignored it and grab the rice and curry sauce on the plate. When I returned to the dinning area I didn't see Jeff. So left the plate there and finnish mine. I go up stairs and get some sleep.

I woke up and got off my bed then I smell pancakes. I ran down stairs right after I got ready for the day.

"Good Morning! Jef....." I stopped when I saw it was Zane. "Oh Hi I Zane. You came here early."

" surprise huh? I woke up early and found your door open so I let myself in and make some pancakes. " Zane said with a smile.

" hey, did you see Jeff? " after I said that Zane smiled darkened.

" oh he said he won't be coming back. He said that to tell you he went to Europe with his parents." Zane said while putting the pancakes on the plates.

" oh okay." We went to school and we never saw Jeff ever since.

Is been a long time since I saw Jeff. I missed him and worried by last month I knew I was already in love with him. When ever I talk about Jeff to Zane he seemed alittle weird. I thought about it while I walked home. I did my home work ,ate some things, and then went straight to bed. Then I heard some one opening the door of my room and I woke up but saw nobody there I only could think of one person who would do that so I called his name.

"Jeff? Is that you?" I asked whoever is in my room. But I did not get an answer instead a person covered my mouth with a cloth that has alcohol on it. It made me felt dizzy and I fainted. "Why is he the first person you think of..... it is suppose to be me."

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