《Wings ↻ Zhong Chenle》↻16


The harsh impacted blow from the bullet lodging itself into the male's skull reverberated through the tension ridden air.

His grip around her neck loosened, allowing the first gasp of air to push into her lungs- weakly rolling on her side to splutter out.

Due to the sudden infiltration of oxygen into her lungs after being repressed of it for a short amount of time, Seowoo began to choke on her forced breaths of air.

Completely subdued from her awareness of the space around her, shaky hands were palms down on the cold floor as she faintly heard the distortion of sounds.

Yells and pained grunts filled the air, ringing of bullets whizzing through mercilessly.

Seowoo felt a hand clasp over her upper arm, hauling her up like she weighed nothing, still light-headed- she stumbled on her feet slightly.

Disoriented, she rubbed at her eye- shock running miles through her.

No thoughts were correlating straight in her mind, unable to make out the jumble of words clustered in her head.

Ears ringing as she gained her spatial awareness, a hand still gripping her upper arm.

Seowoo blinked the blurriness out of her vision, lifting her head up to see the sight of the back of his head- a gun outstretched from his calm grip.

She couldn't force the words out, shaken up from what had just happened that she had no remaining energy to function.

"Shit," he hissed under his breath, his head whipping back to narrowly gaze at the opposite side of the isle.

Now she could see him, his stoic blackened eyes, clenched jaw which caused the veins running down his neck to bulge.

Dressed in a simple loose black vest which exposed the structured hollows of his collarbones and a black jacket thrown on his body.

Seowoo redirected her attention to Chenle, her eyes gazing up at his murderous ones that held no sympathy, devoid of warmth.


Unintentionally, his eyes flickered down to hers to see her already looking at him.

"If you were trying to take these guys down then at least do it properly." He spoke lowly, tone dripping annoyance.

"And here i was thinking you weren't completely useless."

His words were followed by an empty scoff, hitting Seowoo with a direct pang in her chest.

Disheartened momentarily by his words, she tore her eyes from his.

"I'm not useless." She partially whispered out due to the extreme discomfort in her throat.

Despite her attempts to come across as headstrong and fierce, her voice dimmed in the underlying hurt flurrying through her.

Seowoo used the little energy she had left to pull her arm out of his grip, angry hurt glare shooting up at him.

She was promptly attacked by the dizziness that surrounded her, stomach churning and it felt as though she wasn't in control of her own body.

"Hey you bitch, how dare you shoot us?" One growled out, limping on his leg as he shot her unforgiving scowls.

Seowoo's eyes trailed down to his leg- a trail of deep red blood behind him which made her gut churn and guilt pang through her.

Unable to look, she tore her eyes away and stepped back- feeling her heart thump against her chest.

Overwhelmed by the whole ordeal, unsure if the innocent people were even alive- tears pricked painfully at her eyes.

Unable to swallow down her anxiety and fears that crawled up her throat and tightened it's claws around it, she heard a scream emit from a child's mouth.

"Whores like you don't get away with this kinda shit, you hear?" His gruff toned called out.

Chenle's eyes bored into the man, watching as he approached with agony plastered on his face.


"You should have gone for the head." His sharp cut voice muttered harshly.

"I'm not a murderer." She whispered out mainly to herself, unable to cope if she had taken someone's life at her young age.

Chenle let out an empty laugh, low and sadistic as he, without a blink of an eye, pulled the trigger which disposed itself into the man's skull and his body dropped to the ground.

He turned his head, facing the girl who's eyes glimmered with tears despite her attempts to control her emotions.

"Then just stop trying- you can't even do anything right anyway."

Okay Chenle sit your ass down

Poor Seowoo I'd be traumatised too but anyway 💀

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