《The Eighth Sin (Seven deadly sin fanfic)》Part 1


(OKAY!~ hay noodles! this is my new story so hope you like~ i will start this in creepypasta but only for the first chapter..BYE!)

Faith's pov

I was walking down the stairs when my wolf sin started glowing, the weird thing about my sin is that the tattoo is placed on my chest....where my heart is. "oh no.... i must check on the others!" I whispered to myself and went to my room. When i got there i grabbed a orb merlin gave me and whispered. "check on my friends." the orb started glowing and it showed that only captain,ban and king were fighting a holy knight. "I must go back...but how? i somehow got teleported to this dimension and now i can't go back....unless.. YES!" I whispered/screamed "but it will take about a 3 hours in this time." I mumbled. I quickly but the orb away when i heard someone knocking on my door. "yo faith dinner is ready!" Jeff yelled through the door. "coming." I said back. I opened my door and went downstairs. I sat down in my chair and waited for my food to come. I was thinking about the ways i could go back and forgot to but a mind barrier so none of the slender brothers could my thoughts. "what are you thinking about child?" Slendy asked. "shite." I whispered. "uh nothing?" I said/asked. "really?" he questioned. "y-yup!" I stuttered. "i know your lying." he said. My sin tattoo started glowing again. "why is your chest glowing?!" everyone asked.

"no time to explain but i need to get back to my fellow comrades." I explained. " have you ever heard of the eight- seven deadly sins?" I asked. "that anime?" questioned ben, toby and jeff. "yes but they are real and i am the eighth sin, sin of dishonor,the wolf sin." I said wiping off the concealer from my chest showing my sin tattoo. The 3 boys stood in shock. "b-but h-how?! there is no such thing as an eight sin and they are fake!" they said in usion. "no they are real and i got teleported her on purpose by a holy knight because i am much stronger than meliodas." I stated. "now i need to go back to that time and help defeat the 10 commandments." "who are the 10 commandments?" asked toby "well the 10 commandments are powerful demons and they want to take over the kingdom." I said walking out of the kitchen. "i must leave and i thank you for your service of taking care of me." I said turning back into my true form.

Instead of dirty-blonde hair i now have dark black curly hair that reachers my mid thigh. My eyes are blood red with a slit for the pupil and i'm wearing a cloak that covers up my body. "oh i forgot my ears and tail." i said to myself. In a second i had 2 silky, fluffy, black ears on my head along with a long silky tail coming from my butt. my ears had red for the inside. "now i must create a spell so i can go back to my home." I stated and walked away to my room. "But Faith! don't leave me! don't leave us!" sally cried tugging on my cloak. "i'm sorry but you must have forgotten i am the sin of dishonor." I stated. "and i was dishonest with all of you..only because of my sin." I said and turned to face them. "i have only gotten this sin because i told my sister that the fight i was going to won't be that bad." i continued. " And so she followed me without my concern and blocked the monster trying to attack me when i wasn't paying attention." i stated with no emotion. "Now she is dead and i will forever have this sin." I stated harsly and pulled my cloak from sally.


"now i must go back to my friends and stop this war from happening." and with that i went upstairs to my room to start casting the spell. "hmm lets see merlin told me i needed blood from a demon,hair from a child and my thoughts of where i want to go to bring me back." I thought. "Slenderman and sally come to my room please." I yelled. Soon enough they both entered and looked amazed at my spells and magic books everywhere. "why did you need us?" they asked. "well in order for my spell to work i need demon blood and a child's hair." I said pulling out scissors and a syringe. "ok ill let you use my blood." stated slenderman. "hmm still helping me even tho i was dishonest to you?" I questioned sticking the needle in his arm. "well you were with us for about 10 years now and we all love you." he said. "thank you." i said flashing him a small smile. "now sally if you allow me i only need a little bit of your hair." I reasoned turning to her.

"o-okay big sister." sally informed. I froze. "o-oh im sorry faith! i didn't mean to call you that." sally said looking down her hair covering her eyes. "n-no worries i just remembered my little sister that's all." i stated lifting her head up with my index finger. "now hold still so i can cut it evenly." i said sitting her in a chair. She nodded and sat still while i cut an inch off of her hair. "done." i said no emotion in my voice. "what happened to your emotions?" slenderman asked. "well i had to hide my true form so i had to act like i had emotions as well." i stated. "now stand back or leave my room while I make the spell/portal." I said poring the demon blood around me in a circle. "oh slender do me a favor and gather some food that the olden day wouldn't have," I said "i would like to give my friends a gift from the 21st century." I said winking. "sure thing." he stated walking to the kitchen. "Faith-" i cut sally off "call me anita." I said putting the hair with the blood mixing them."-Anita, What are your friends like?" sally questioned.

"well~ they were the best of friends anyone could ask for, captain found me as a little pup-well i was in that form- while i was bleeding hiding from the holy knights because they thought i was trying to hurt them," I said but continued."He asked me and i recall his exact words 'would you like to come with me to the boar hat?' and ever since that day i was getting to trust him more and more,and i showed him my human form." I said giggling at the thought. Sally smiled at me. "hey faith i got some gatorade as well." slender said walking in the door. "perfect thank you." I said putting the stuff in my sack behind my back. "welp this is goodbye my fellow family." I said smiling walking into the circle. I put my hood up and you could only see my mouth. "tell everyone i said goodbye and don't worry my magical stuff, It will teleport where i am." I said winking. I thought of being in front of the Boar Hat tavern and the circle started glowing a purple. I smiled at them once more and disappeared. "Good thing i left sally a little present". I thought to myself.


Sally's pov

When anita disappeared a note appeared in the circle along with a small present. "Sally" the present was labeled. I walked over to it and read the note first.

"Dear gumdrop,

Hello this a little gift i left you so you could remember me.

Open the present and something

that you wanted will be there waiting for you.


I squealed and opened the box. I was stunned. The necklace i wanted for a long time was right in front of my eyes!

"im so happy she got me this!" I squealed putting it on. "thank you." I whispered looking up at the sky. (she was at a window sill chill)

Back to Faith/Anita's pov

I Heard a faint 'thank you' and smiled. I was right in front of the tavern and people were walking inside. 'i guess captain has opened the tavern' I thought and walked inside. I was greeted by a short blonde boy with emerald eyes. "Welcome to the Boar Hat! would you like a drink?" meliodas asked. I smirked 'Yup it's the captain alright.' I thought. "sure i would like some ale please." I said sitting down at a table. "sure thing be right back!" he exclaimed 'I know he sensed my magic' I smirked.

Before captain came back 3 boys came up to me. "what is a weak little girl doing her at a bar?" one of them questioned the rest just laughed. "this 'weak little girl' is way stronger than you think." i stated smirking. "oh yeah? than why do you look so weak?" the other boy said laughing. The whole tavern was now laughing except captain. "look, i would walk away and go back to your table." I stated getting up from my seat. "aw did we make the little girl mad?" they teased. "yep." I said walking up to captain grabbing my drink. "thanks for this." I said winking and chugging the drink down. I looked at the 3 men with my evil stare. "now where were we?" I asked cracking my knuckles."you don't scare us!" the little one said. "well~ i don't think so." I laughed. "why you!" he said charging at me. I quickly dodged and grabbed the hem of his shirt. "you should leave with your little friends or this is going to get ugly." I whispered making his eyes wide. I dropped him and he ran to his friends and they ran outside. I started dying of laughter. "haha did you see the look on his face!" I said laughing. I stopped laughing and stood on my table. "Now for all of the people that laughed at me for being a girl..." I said glaring at all the men. They quickly ran out of the tavern screaming

. "sorry for letting your customers run away....dragon sin of wrath." I said smirking. "um what are you talking about?" he questioned acting stupid. "don't play dumb with me i'm way stronger than you." I replied jumping off the table. "you can't be stronger than me." he stated "AH HA SO YOU ARE THE DRAGON SIN OF WRATH!" I yelled in victory. "damn.." I heard him mumble. "don't worry captain, your secret is safe with me." I assured to him. "CAPTAIN?!" he yelled. "whats going on in here?" Ban questioned walking into the tavern,King following. "well hello fox sin of greed and grizzly sin of sloth." i welcomed turning to them. They both looked shocked. "who are you?" Ban asked "ouch you can't remember me? wow im so hurt ban." I said fake feeling hurt. "should i show you?" I asked taking my cloak off and throwing it to the talking pig. I looked back at the 3 boys. I stared into ban's eyes "why are they staring at each other?" i heard king ask captain. "ANITA!~" ban screamed running to me "BAN~" I screamed back running to him. we did a weird handshake and he punched me into the wall. I giggled and stood up. "OH! ME ME NEXT!" ban giggled like a little girl. I laughed and punched him into the wall breaking it. "and i thought you went easy." ban said standing up from the wall. "me? no i would never go easy one you." I said walking up to him. We high fived and laughed.

"where have you been the past 10 years?" captain asked. "*sigh* well when we got framed and when we were running away a holy knight used a demon teleporter to teleport me to a different dimension. it worked and i was stuck in the 21st century for 10 years." I replied "the 21st century?!" asked king confused. "well yes, I also meet some interesting humans.And sorry to say but no more fairies or giants exist." I said in a low tone. "aw man!" king said stuffing his face in his pillow. I chuckled. "where is diane?" I questioned. "she went to find food for the tavern with princess elizabeth." captain stated. I choked on my spit. "p-princess elizabeth?!" I questioned. "yes?" king added. "no no no no no!" I exclaimed speed walking around the table we were sitting at. "what's the problem?" asked hawk. "the royal family HATES me!" I yelled running around the table again. "what if she recognizes me? what if she doesn't like me?" I kept asking random things running around the table at full speed. "what if she brings me to the king and ill get-" I got cut off by ban holding my in the air. "can you shut up!" he yelled "NO! AND PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled. "not until you stop." he said in his smartass tone. "PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled. "nope." "CAPTAIN! HELP ME!" i yelled. "ban she is in panic mode so just put her down." captain stated. "ugh whatever." ban said and dropped me. "what is happening?" a voice said. "Oh no! Ban hide me!" I squeaked and hid behind ban. "hello sir meliodas!" greeted elizabeth. "hello elizabeth." captain greeted back groping her boobs. She blushed a little bit. "sir ban why are you standing like that?" she questioned "say anything and i'll rip your balls off over and over again." i whispered so only ban could here. He sweat dropped and said. "well i just like standing like this?" he said in a confused way. I mentally face palmed and sighed. "um okay then!" she exclaimed. "i'll be in the bedroom!" she exclaimed walking up the stairs. "omg i was gonna die!" i whispered/yelled. coming out of the hiding spot. "i'll be with diane." i stated walking outside.

"yo bestfriend giant!" I called out. I spotted diane sitting down on the grass. "heya there." i said with a smile on my face. She looked up at me and squealed "Anita!" and picked me up nuzzling me on her cheek. "I missed you!" she squealed putting me down. "i know and i missed up too." I said looking up at her smiling.

"Diane i brought you some food!" exclaimed elizabeth. She stopped in her tracks and looked at me.


BOOOMMMM DONE~! how did you like? im sorry it long i had a lot for this.


Oh forgot this is her sin mark

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