《Kagome x Sesshomaru》Sacrifice


Kagome POV:

I can not believe that I've had the shikon jewel the entire time well inside of me. I look to Sesshomaru who look awe-struck seeing that I have the jewel I suppose. Then I hear Shippo ask,"Kagome?" I look at him with confusion, "Of course whom else would I be?"

I search for something with a reflective surface and when I found one I looked at myself. I had almost a glow around me and my hair was the length of Kikyo's.

"Take me to Kaede." I tell Sesshomaru as he leads the way and I carry Shippo as we walk. Once arriving to the village we go to Kaede's hut where she stated,"Kagome? What happened? Oh you must get rid of the jewel!"

Sesshomaru piped up at said,"How would she get rid of the jewel?" Kaede look understanding and said,"Only one who is truly pure of heart may be rid of this accursed jewel." She looked at me, "So you think it's me?" I ask. "Well it sure isn't me." stated Kaede in a matter of fact tone.

Kaede said, "let's do this as soon as possible, today!" "Kagome we must speak first," said Sesshomaru. He then drug me out of cabin without shippo and into the woods.

Sesshomaru POV:

"Sesshomaru," said Kagome, "I don't know what'll happen. I'm from a different era, almost 500 years in the future, what if once I get rid of the stone the power of my time travel won't exist, what if..." She got silent because I couldn't hold it in any longer and I gave her a hug.

She lightened in her grip and hugged me back. Then I hear her say,"Sesshomaru, I've heard you speak in your sleep." I looked at her in pure curiosity,'what do I say in my sleep?'


She then said,"It's not your fault that those things happen to the ones you love so dearly around you. Rin is OK now she adores you and Jaken gravels at the echo of your footstep. You mustn't regret any decision you've made in life, no matter the end point of it may have been somewhere crappy or pleasant." I looked at her in what I think is shock, she heard him say all that? How could she know everything?

Kagome POV:

I got this sudden urge to kiss him, my lips burned and tingled as though I put mint on them. I pressed my lips on his and I felt something on my hip, but I ignored it all. I couldn't think this kiss wasn't like the first kiss, it was filled with passion but not intensity, sweet yet bitter. I tried to continue on but once again my lungs gave out, I said this rather slowly and said,"No matter what happens, I will always love you, "

He looked at me with such intensity that it almost burned me and he said,"You understand what you just did, correct?" I smiled and said, "well how this whole inu mating situation goes, yes I understand what I just did. I answered your question."

He then hugged me and said,"You're the first person who's ever told me that you love me.. I want you to be the last as well." I looked up at him and I saw him smile for the first time he looked so pleased.

Then we both heard Shippo yell,"Kagome are you ready yet?" From the outside of the wooded area and I looked at Sesshomaru sighed and said, "Are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." I heard him say back.

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