《my demon ~sesshomaru x reader~》chapter 33 final act part 3


I just want you guess to know this chapter is a rollercoaster. Hope you enjoy! 😉

We finally got to the pond to see a little hut. "Well, I guess this is the place." I said looking around.

Sesshomaru then pulled out his sword. "Get back!" He yelled.

Before I had time to move he jumped in front of my as his sword clashed with a nother. I looked up to see a man, he looked to be a ninja. The ninja started swinging his sword at sesshomaru. 'thank God he's a demon.' I thought. "Y/n let's go find demon!" Jaken yelled.

"Okay!" I said running into the hut leaving sesshomaru and the ninja to fight it out.

When we got in we seen a old women. She looked over at us with a twisted smile. "So you finally made it." She said with laughter. "well, if you want your friend back your going to have to get through me." She said with a sick laugh at the end.

I then pulled out my bow and started shooting at her as fast as I could. She threw her hands up and a shield formed in front of her. "Ahahaha! Your going to have to try harder than that of you want your friend back!" She yelled.

Jaken took his staff and had it shoot fire. It was a stupid ideas because we were in a hut... Made of wood. "Jaken!" I yell. I then pulled out my knife and tried to get behind her.

"Sorry!" Jaken yelled. I got behind her and tried to stab her.

She then quickly terned around and slapped me making me fly against the wall. "Jaken! Get rin out of here!" I yelled.

They then left as the woman got closer to me. I got my hand under me and shot my feet into her gut making her fall back and stumble a little. I then stood up and ran out of the hut. I looked at sesshomaru to see he got the ninja down. The woman then lunged at me from the hut. Sesshomaru jumped in front of me with making the woman jump back away from us. "Sesshomaru, what are we going to do?" I asked.


"Just sit still." He said putting out his hand ready to kill her.

"Don't kill her. She's the only one that knows where demon is." I said getting my bow ready to shoot.

"A matter of fact I do know why you are head but... I hope you don't think I'm going to tell you where that crow is." She said smiling.

"You tell us where he is or I'll kill you." Sesshomaru said.

Then woman thin waved her hand in the air. "So tell me demon boy, why did you pick this weak stupid girl over my daughter?" She asked as she got closer to us.

'he isn't moving, he must be under the same spell he was in when my so called 'sister' kept him.' I thought. Once she just got so close I shot my arrow. In one motion she grabbed it before it could even hit her, she then gave me a sick smile before taking it and stabbing sesshomaru over and over again as fast as she could. "Ahahaha!" She laughed.

"Don't!! Stop it!" I yelled pulling out my knife and running to her getting ready to stab her. She quickly moved leaving the arrow in sesshomaru. I then looked at him as you could see the pain he was going through. "Baby this is going to hurt just I bit." I said trying to get a flame on a stick.

Before I had it the woman came back using her massively larg nails to try and killed me with them. "I don't think so!!" She yelled.

As I backed up I ended up falling as her nails cut my cheeks a little. 'thank God I fell. If I didn't my face would be in peaces.' I thought. She then got on top of me, as she did I pulled out my knife and tried to cut her face. Once she got off of me I quickly went back to sesshomaru. "Jaken hold her off for me!" I yelled.


"Okay!" Jaken yelled.

I then got his shirt off of him and got the fire going. "Ready?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said. Once he said that I pulled out the arrow and stuck the fire to him. He grunt in pain.

"S-sorry." I said as I got the fire away from him.

"It's fine." He said.

Just then the woman came back and got me up in the air. "Stay away from my daughter's husband!!" She yelled before throwing me against the tree.

She then went to sesshomaru and started putting her old nasty hands on him. At this point I couldn't move all I could do was sit there and watch. "Stop it!! Get you nasty old hands off him!!! He's not yours he's mine!!!!" I yelled as loud as I could. When I yelled pain shot through my back.

"Oh yeah?" She asked.

She then put her arms around his neck, she then got her lips close to his. "Stop it!!!!!" I yelled making tears come out of my eyes in pain. I then closed my eyes for a second. When I opened my eyes to see things come out from from the ground.

Before I knew it there were demons everywhere. They ended up going for the woman first. "Wh- let me go!!" She yelled as they started eating her. "Aahhh!!" She yelled.

Sesshomaru was then able to move and he came over to me. "Y/n?" He asked.

"I-i didn't m-mean to." I said scared.

He then put his hand on my cheek. "It's alright." He said with a gintel smile. He then helped me up. "Take Rin an Jaken and run. I'll be right behind you." He said.

I went over to where jaken was. "Where's Rin?" I asked.

"Y/n!" I heard Rin. I looked up to see her on demons back. "I found him!" She said.

He then landed next to me and jaken as sesshomaru kept all the demons away from us. I picked up jaken and got him and demons back before I got on. Once demons got in the air I looked at sesshomaru. "Time to go!!" I yelled.

He then ran into the woods as we flew above him. I then put my arms around demons neck as we flew through the sky. "Thank goodness your okay. I missed you." I said.

"I missed you to y/n." He said with a smile. I knew that from now on I wouldn't have to worry about anything because I have my friends and my future husband with me.

5 months later

I looked down at the village standing next to sesshomaru. I hand my hand on my stomach. "You know, I'm glad I didn't leave you.'' I said smiling.

He looked at me for a second before putting his arm around me he then put his hand on my stomach. "lady kaede says she thinks it's a boy/girl." (I'll let you pick) I said.

He then kissed me on the cheek. "Can you fill it kicking?" I asked. He just gave me a nod.

'no matter what may come our way I'll never leave your side... Because I love you sesshomaru.'

Well that's the end, I hope you guess liked it. If you want to go read more of my story's I have a Death The Kidd xreader, maybe a Levi xreader and 707 xreader, maybe I don't know for sure. Also I would be more than happy to take request, Thanks for reading! :D

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