《my demon ~sesshomaru x reader~》chapter 18 my power


Your p.o.v

Out of nowhere sesshomaru gets up and runs off, well more like he walks off. I quickly grabbed my bow and arrows and walked after him. "Hay wait." I said grabbing his hand do he would stop.

When I grabbed his hand he jumped a little then looked at me. Of course I was the one blushing even though I was the on who done it. 'oh come on stop blushing!!' I tell myself. "I don't want you to come. Stay here with Rin and the others." He said taking his hand from mine. He was rather gintel when he did.

I stood there for a minute watching as he walked away. "No way!" I yelled running back up to him. He stopped and looked at me straight in the eyes. "I want to come to." I said grabbing his hand again. "And there's nothing you can do or say about it."

"I would let you come bit it can be very dangerous." He said I then started to blush. 'so he does care.'

"I can handle myself, let's go!" I yelled the last part. We then started walking. "So, where are we going?" I asked.

A little tiny smile came to his lips. To be honest this is the first time I have ever seen him smile. "You aren't supposed to go places that you don't know." He said.

"Well, I would know it if you told me." I said smiling back.

He then looked in front of him and smelt the air. "There is a sent that I know around here." He said then looking back at me.

"Oh, is it inuyasha?! And now we're going to bet his but?!" I asked exited.


His smile got bigger and that made me happier than anything. "No." Was all he said.

Sesshomaru's p.o.v

"No." Was all I said to her. I couldn't help but smile at her. We were almost there to where that man is. My grip got titer on y/n hand but I was making sure not to hert her.

Your p.o.v

Soon Sesshomaru's grip got titer around my hand. 'oh no! I forgotten to let go of his hand!!' I thought to myself. I then started to blush. To be honest when his grip go titter it didn't hert, it was as if he was trying not to hert me.

"S-sesshomaru?" I said when he looked at me my blush got deeper. 'this is it I'm going the tell him how I feel.''i-i think I'm i-''

I then got cut off by a man. "Hello sesshomaru."

'he look for-' "oh my goodness!! It's you you pervert!!" I yelled I then quickly ran behind sesshomaru.

Rob looked at me for a minute before saying anything else. "So I see you have made your choice." He asked sesshomaru.

I then looked over at sesshomaru. "No. She can decide on her own." Sesshomaru said making me look up at him.

"Uh." I pulled on his sleeve like a little kid. He then looked back at me. "What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Oh, didn't he tell you?" Rob asked. I only shook my head no. "Well let me explain. You have a power, that's why your mom and dad never let you talk to any other kid. Your power can rase all the demons from hell."

When he said the last part it sent a shiver down my spine. "If you come and be my wife I will take the power away from you so you can have the life of a real woman, Or you can say no and I can kill you for it." He said.


'my power? I thought mama and papa just never trusted me with people. But the real question is how does he know I have a power that I never even knew that I had?' I asked myself looking at my hand. 'also how am I supposed to rase all demons from hell? I don't even know how to use it!!'

"Well princess, you choose." Rob said.

Sesshomaru then sat down next to me. "Run, I'll kill him." Sesshomaru wisperd.

"What if you can't?" I asked/wisperd. He didn't say anything. "Look I know you are a powerful demon but that doesn't mean you can kill him. I don't even think he's human." I wisperd.

"Just run. I almost killed him once, that means I can kill him easily." Sesshomaru said.

"Fine, but if you don't come back before sun down I'll come get you." I said standing up with him. He then gave me the rock back.

"Hold on to this for me till I get back." He said.

I gave him a smile. "Sure. When you get back you better tell me about this power of mine, got it."

He then hugged me. "If so then you need to tell me what you were going to say." He wisperd in my ear.

I hugged him back with blush on my face. Once he let go he pulled out his sword I then took off like the devil was trying to swallow my soul.

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