《my demon ~sesshomaru x reader~》chapter 13 oh no


"AAHHH!!" As soon as we heard that we all looked they way it came from.

"Do you smell blood?" I asked sesshomaru still looking into the distance.


As soon as he said that I stood up and got my bow and arrows. "Demon come on." I said looking at me.

"What?! We don't know what's going on over there. How about we stay here where it's safe?" He asked. I then gave him a death look. "Ugh!! Fine." He said as he went to his second form.

I got on his back and looked at sesshomaru. "You coming?" I asked.

He stood up and looked at joken and Rin. "You to stay here." He said, and with that me and demon flew up in the sky as sesshomaru ran down below.

"Why do I have to come?" Demon asked.

"Hay! You have no choice. Besides at least you have action in your life unlike some." I said with a smile.

"I guess your right but still." He said as we flew in the air. "Get your bow ready, were almost there." He said.

"Okay." I said doing as I was told. We then came to this opened filled. I looked around to see if I could see anything. I happened to see sesshomaru come out of the trees. 'guess he wants to see what happened to.' a smile came to my face as I thought about it. "Demon, go down there next to sesshomaru."

"Whe- oh okay." And with that we landed on the ground.

I stood up on demons back with my bow ready to shoot. "Say sesshomaru do you smell anything?" I asked looking at him.

"The smell of blood is getting stronger. She would be around her somewhere, other than that I smell nothing." He said looking at me.


"Okay. Demon keep an eye out." I said. I then seen a figure in the distance. "Over there." I said.

We then walked over there to see a women with blood on her clothes. I put my bow away and got down off demon and walked up to her with Sesshomaru right behind me. That's when she wisperd something. "H-help." I understood what she said it was just a little difficult to hear her.

"What happened?" I asked her looking at all the blood on her.


As soon as she said that sesshomaru pulled out his sword and terned to look behind him. "Y/n stay close." He said moving closer to me.

"What is it?" I asked worried.

' i would use my wipes but if I do I'm taking a chance killing y/n. I can't risk it I'll have to kill all 100 of them with my sword.' I thought to myself. I then looked at y/n looking at me as if she was scared, no she looked worried.

"There's a 100 of them." I said looking around us as there smell got stronger. "I want you tow to get out of here." I said. She then got the girl up on demons back them she got on his back herself.

"We'll meet back up where Rin and joken are." She said as she flew off. 'now then, Tim to make all of you pay.' I thought to myself.

They all then came running out. I killed think all at once with my wipe. I then terned to see a man. "Hello sesshomaru." He said with a ugly smile."I'm rab, I'm here for my wife."

I didn't say anything. 'how did he ovoid my wipe, second I thought I killed him when I saved y/n.' "y/n?"


As Soon as I said her name he got a step closer. "That's right. Since you know her can you tell me where this girl ran off to? Well let me put it another way. Give me my wife and I'll go." He said as his smile went away.

"Why do you want her?" I asked wanting to see why he would risk his life to get her.

"Well it's simple. She has a power i want. This power is something someone has to take from her. If you give her to me I can take the power from her and let her know how it feels to A normal girl." He said putting out his hand to shake.

"What is this power?" I asked not even taking his hand.

"That I can't tell you, but I can tell what will happen if I don't take it." I didn't say anything to him. "She will end up rasing all the demons from hell. All that needs to happen for this to come true is...... She will use it not knowing what it is and she'll end up using it on the ground which, that my friend will rase all the demons from hell." He said with a smile.

"No, it's up to her if she gives it away." I said pulling put my sword.

"Sesshomaru!" He put his hands out to slow down my blade. "Think about it!" I then stopped so he could finish what he needed to say. "Your a smart demon right?! Besides if you don't she'll end up killing that little girl!" He said with his hands still in front of his face.

"How do you know about her?" I asked getting a tad bit angry.

"Everyone knows!" He yelled. "Look, just think about it okay." He suggested.

"I don't need to think about it." I said still holding my sword to his hands.

"Fine, but if she kills that little girl it's not my fault. Also if she does I just want you to know that it's because of you she died." He said giving me an devilish look.

"Very well." I said putting my sword back where it belongs. I then tern to walk away but before I did I looked back at him. "Don't you ever come close to them. If you do I'll gut you like a fish." I then started walking away.

"Come fine me and tell me your answer later okay." He said as he got up.

Time skip

I then got to Rin and the others. I seen Rin tide up with a cloth in her mouth. I looked over and seen demon and joken the same way. I untide Rin first then the others. "What happened?" I asked once I got done setting them all free.

"The man got y/n. You got to save her!" Rin said with tears in her eyes.

"Wheres the other woman?" I asked.

"He took her with him to!" Joken yelled.

'i don't think I should go get her. Y/n's better off at a shrine any way. I wonder what her power is.'

Your p.o.v

I opened my eyes to see I was in a shrine. I stood up to see I had a fancy robe on. I then looked around to see if I could see my bow or arrows. I looked everywhere but they were nowhere to be found........

'where am i?'

not upload on the weekends. I still work on my story I just don't upload. Thank you for all your votes and reads! :D

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