《Without You | Sesshomaru》Chapter 35


A few weeks had passed by since the whole fiasco with the woman who loved Sesshomaru. They were still unable to find Naraku, much to Sesshomaru's annoyance, and Lyra was unable to see him in her visions. Her pregnancy symptoms were getting stronger and smells were beginning to bother her more but she hadn't been able to throw up yet. The feeling of the sickness was bothering her though. She wished she could just be sick so she could get a bit of relief. It was worrying Sesshomaru because she wasn't eating as much as he would have liked. Her bump had already started to grow slightly, her stomach having become slightly raised. It wasn't a massive difference but both Sesshomaru and Lyra could tell. Luckily, Jaken and Rin were none the wiser. They had decided to give them the news later on.

Sesshomaru was sitting against a tree whilst Lyra slept in his lap. It was still early morning and the sun had only just begun to show above the horizon. Everything was peaceful. But not for long. Before Sesshomaru even knew what was happening, Lyra suddenly jumped out of his lap and ran off into the trees. He quickly got up and rushed after her.

He found her quickly and saw that she was down on her knees beside some bushes. Lyra began to retch as tears filled her eyes. Sesshomaru was at her side, kneeling down beside her, and his eyes widened as she began to throw up. He didn't know what to do and began to panic.

"Lyra! What's wrong?" He frowned deeply and crouched lower. "Are you dying?!"

She soon got a break from throwing up. "Does it look like I'm dying?! Just hold my hair back!" she yelled at him.

Sesshomaru did just that, gathering her hair and holding it as she threw up more. He was still panicking on the inside though and watched helplessly. Once she was done, she began panting and sat up on her knees. She wiped her mouth and sighed as she caught her breath. Sesshomaru watched her, his concern only growing as she leaned against him. Throwing up really took it out of her.


"I'm fine," she spoke tiredly. "This is normal during pregnancies."

Sesshomaru was washed over with relief. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and moved her hair back from her face. Lyra was both physically exhausted and sleepy.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you," she said quietly.

"Do not apologise. I am unfamiliar with the process. I thought something was happening to you."

Lyra laughed and sat up to look at him. "It's called morning sickness. But I know some women get it throughout the day. I hope mine is only in the morning."

He gazed at her deeply before cupping her cheek. "You're suffering because of me."

She quickly shook her head and placed her hand over his. "No. It's all part of being a mother. In the end, we're rewarded after giving birth to a beautiful baby." She smiled. "It's a blessing."

He leaned forward and rested his forehead against hers, closing his eyes. "That makes you stronger than even me."

"Only sometimes," she smiled.

(*calls feudal era* Sorry, I'd like to change my order to infinity Sesshomarus.)

Sesshomaru helped her up so they could return to the campsite. The others were still sleeping so Sesshomaru got Lyra some food he had had prepared by the chef. She was particularly enjoying sweet foods so whenever they were close to running out, Sesshomaru would go and retrieve some more. He also had Kaede prepare more medicine for Lyra for an energy boost.


Lyra felt extremely lucky. Even in the middle of searching for the enemy, he was still selflessly looking after her as well. Now that she was beginning to physically throw up, she thought it would be better to return to the castle. She had mourned for her father and didn't mind being alone so much. It would be hard, but she would ultimately be fine. She hoped Sesshomaru would agree.

She just finished eating and took some of her medicine. Already, she was feeling a lot better. She sat in between his legs, facing him. She was used to him watching her eat.



She sighed softly. "I was thinking of returning to the castle."

He raised his brows a little. "Why is that?"

"It's going to be too much for you to take care of me. I'm just going to get in the way of things," she told him but from his expression, she could tell he wasn't taking lightly to the idea. She took hold of his hand. "I'll be okay. Plus, Sabu and Josei will be with me the whole time. And now that I'm actually throwing up, I'd rather do it at home rather than in the bushes."

He sighed. "Very well. I would rather you take rest than have you travelling."

She smiled, glad that he had chosen to agree with her. However, she heard a quiet rattle and Sesshomaru looked down at his sword. It was the Tenseiga.

Lyra was suddenly taken over by a vision. She saw a little boy with white hair decapitating demons and taking their heads. From the vision, all she could feel was Naraku's presence. After that she could see a huge skeleton in a place covered by mist.

"What is it, Lyra?" Sesshomaru asked.

She jumped slightly and looked up at him. "I just saw a little child beheading demons. But I don't know why... I can feel Naraku's presence though. And there's something else... A giant skeleton..."

He frowned, not liking the fact she had a vision of something so gruesome. Yet it was Tenseiga that triggered it. He stood up with her and held her hand before leaving the site. Again they were leaving Rin and Jaken behind and she knew Jaken was going to have a mental breakdown when he woke up.

Lyra soon found herself on a hilly field with trees and lakes in the distance. Sesshomaru was silent. Tenseiga was still restless. He placed his hand on the hilt as he went into thought.

"Sesshomaru? What are you thinking?" she asked.

He looked at her. "I will take you to the castle now. I do not want you to be in the presence of danger."

"You mean that boy in my vision? But what about Tenseiga?"

"I will see to it after you're home."

'Dammit. I wanted to see why the Tenseiga's acting up too,' she whined mentally.

With a sigh, she nodded. Sesshomaru wasn't comfortable with carrying her over his shoulder anymore. Since the baby was growing, he didn't wish there to be any pressure on her stomach. He whistled loudly, making Lyra bring her hands up to cover her ears. Sesshomaru could whistle really loud.

"What are you doing?"

"Calling Taiyo."

"But she's at the castle," Lyra said. "How is she-"

Suddenly, she heard a neighing in the distance. She looked up to see that familiar golden horse, wings spread out and twinkling in the sun. Lyra's eyes widened slightly as Taiyo landed in front of them before tucking in her wings.


"Wow..." Lyra breathed. "How-"

"Her power of hearing is strong," Sesshomaru explained. "And she is the fastest creature to roam the skies. You will travel on her."

"What!? Now?"


Lyra hadn't ridden her yet since she hadn't had time to learn how. She grew nervous at the thought thinking she would fall off, especially when they were flying. Sesshomaru already had the servants fit a saddle onto Taiyo's back and reigns for Lyra to use.

"Don't be scared, my beloved. You will not fall," Sesshomaru told her calmly as if he knew what she was thinking.

She still wasn't feeling so confident though. He held her hand and led her to Taiyo's side. Like she would do with A-Un, she held the saddle for support before climbing on. That was the easy part. She took hold of the reins and looked to Sesshomaru.

He checked her form. "Make sure to hold firmly."

"Okay. Now what do I do?"

"Whistle," he answered simply.

She took a deep breath and then whistled. If she hadn't been holding onto the reins, she would have gone flying back. Within a second, Taiyo had gone galloping at such a high speed before spreading her wings and flying into the air. Lyra screamed and closed her eyes tightly as her hair billowed behind her.

"Open your eyes, Lyra."

She could hear Sesshomaru's voice and slowly opened her eyes. Taiyo was flying high in the air, her wings out as she glided along with the winds. She continued to gallop as if she was running on an invisible platform but that is what gave her the speed. Lyra turned her head to see Sesshomaru flying alongside her. Seeing him there made her relax and she soon realised that it wasn't so bad after all. It was just like riding A-Un.

"Can you teach me how to land?" she asked.

"Speak to her. She will understand you."

"Okay..." She leaned forward and spoke to Taiyo. "Can you land somewhere please?"

Taiyo neighed in response and swooped down in a smooth motion. As they touched the ground, it ran a few steps before slowing down and coming to a stop. Lyra smiled as Sesshomaru landed beside her.

"I did it!"

Sesshomaru nodded. "I'm proud of you."

She grinned at his words. "Thank you."

"Now let us go to the castle."

"No, wait."

Sesshomaru grew confused as Lyra climbed off Taiyo and went over to him. She looked down at the Tenseiga.

"Something is coming," she told him.

"Which is precisely why I must get you to safety," he reiterated.

She shook her head. "It's not that. I don't think it's dangerous."

"You thinking is not good enough."

Lyra frowned up at him with a pout as she folded her arms.

Sesshomaru sighed. "What did I say to upset you?"

However, Lyra didn't answer and simply turned away from him in a huff.

He sighed again. "Very well."

Lyra's face lit up as she turned to him again before hugging his arm. "Yay!"

Sesshomaru let out a small sound of disapproval. "You are fortunate that I love you."

She giggled. "I know."


Night had fallen. Taiyo was keeping herself entertained by eating grass whilst Lyra sat and waited with Sesshomaru. He was still standing on top of a hill, waiting for whatever was making Tenseiga so restless.

It wasn't long after that when they had seen it. Lyra gasped and stood to her feet as she watched the thing coming towards them. Sesshomaru pushed her behind him but she still peaked her head out in curiosity. Climbing up the hill was a body of a demon. It had arrows stuck in its back but that wasn't what shocked Lyra. The demon had no head! It soon came to a stop in front of Sesshomaru and collapsed.

Lyra looked up passed the body and saw Kagome, Inuyasha and the others coming towards them as well. There was another small demon next to Shippo who she had never seen before. But it was so adorable. They all seemed shocked to see Sesshomaru and Lyra there as they landed on the other side of the body.

The little demon jumped down from Inuyasha's shoulder and ran to the body. He was carrying a huge sack on his back.

"Hang on, Pa!" he cried.

Lyra's heart almost broke. The headless demon was his father. Shippo ran over to the little demon.

"Kanta, bring out the head."

"What?" Lyra muttered to herself.

She clutched onto Sesshomaru's arm as the little demon opened the sack to reveal the demon's head. Kanta and Shippo dragged the head to the body before pushing it to reattach it by the neck. However, the head didn't stick. The little demon held his father's head and struggled not to cry. Lyra's heart was just breaking even more.

It seemed whenever she would try to move on from her father, something would always take her back. She wasn't even by Renji's side when he died and then there was the little demon doing all she could to save her own father.

Sesshomaru turned and began to walk away but Lyra wasn't ready to leave as she stayed still, clutching onto his sleeve. Why was Sesshomaru leaving? She couldn't understand. He could easily save the little demon's father. He had only taken two steps before he turned to Lyra who was looking at the small demon with sadness.

"Hey, Sesshomaru," Inuyasha called with a frown, diverting Sesshomaru's attention. "What are you doing around here? This is no coincidence crossing paths with you."

"I don't owe you an explanation." He turned away. "Let's go, Lyra."

She quickly looked at him. "But, Sesshomaru..."

She knew what he had to but she also knew he would refuse to do it. That demon had no connection to him and so he simply didn't care. However, deep down Lyra knew that Sesshomaru wasn't that cold hearted. There was no way.

"Please, Sesshomaru," Kagome spoke, clasping her hands together. "The sword that you carry. The Tenseiga. It can save a hundred lives with a single stroke. Please help us. Use your sword to bring the boy's father back."

Sesshomaru didn't even look over his shoulder. "Why should I? This has nothing to do with me."

Lyra rushed over to him. "Sesshomaru, please. He's crying." She looked over at the little demon and frowned softly.

Sesshomaru closed his eyes, his brows furrowing in anger. He ignored her pleads and continued walking but Lyra couldn't bring herself to leave with him. The little demon's crying was simply heart wrenching. Suddenly, Shippo ran over and stood in front of Sesshomaru with tears in his eyes.

"Sesshomaru? Please find it in your heart to help my friend," he pleaded. He shook in fright but he still tried. "If his Pa passes on, he'll be all alone."

It didn't seem to effect Sesshomaru though. "Step aside," he ordered as he looked down at Shippo.

However, Shippo got down to his knees and cried. "Please! I'm begging you!"

Lyra looked at Sesshomaru with sadness in her eyes. She thought he had changed. He did change, but he still was unwilling to help those who had nothing to do with him. 'Please, Sesshy...'

Kagome went to Shippo to stop him. "But he has to!" he cried.

"You're wasting your time asking him for help, Shippo," Inuyasha told him. "Sesshomaru really isn't the type to help people when they're in trouble. And besides that, there's the sword itself. The Tenseiga isn't a sword a guy like him knows how to use."

"True enough I forgot that," Miroku added. "Only someone with a caring heart can weild the sword."

Lyra knew what they were doing. They were trying to use reverse psychology on him. But she still didn't like the way they spoke about him. They didn't know him like she did. 'Show them that they're wrong, Sesshomaru. Please...'

"Precisely," Sesshomaru agreed with them.

Lyra facepalmed. He was about to walk away but stopped. Lyra could feel why. Tenseiga was stirring. Soon, Sesshomaru took it out from its sheath causing everyone to be taken by surprise. He faced the demon and looked at the child.

"Back away."

The demon child moved out of the way before Sesshomaru swung his sword. It seemed as though he was slicing through thin air. Lyra watched with bated breath. Soon enough, the once dead demon opened his eyes. The little demon smiled widely as his eyes filled with tears of joy. Even Lyra couldn't help but become filled with happiness.


Lyra watched as the young demon ran to his father and embraced each other. She didn't know them but it was truly a touching moment.

After the short reunion, the father demon pulled out the spears from his back and threw them on the ground. Lyra went to Sesshomaru and stood beside him as the others tried to find out what happened. Apparently the young boy beheading the demons was called Hakudoshi. He went on to explain that his head was floating in a place covered in white mist and all the other demon heads were there too.

"When I dove under the mist, I saw something extraordinary," he explained. "Giant bones."

"You saw giant bones?" Kagome asked.

"Yes," the demon replied. "And by that I mean there was an enormous skeleton still clad in magnificent armour."

Lyra's eyes widened slightly. It was just like her vision in the morning. She felt Sesshomaru's hand grab hold of hers before he walked away, taking her with him. Taiyo followed behind.


Lyra got Taiyo to land in the field behind the castle as Sesshomaru landed beside them. He helped her down before one of the servants rushed over to take Taiyo away. The entire journey had been silent but she didn't think anything of it because Sesshomaru was usually quiet. Especially when he had things to think about.

After entering the castle, they made it to their bedroom and Lyra sat down on the bed. She looked at Sesshomaru as he sat beside her.

She smiled. "I'm so glad you brought that child's father back from the dead. I knew you would do it."

"I only did so because Tenseiga grew restless."

"And if it didn't?"

"I would not have done so."

She raised her brows slightly. "Why not?"

Sesshomaru closed his eyes. "They were of no concern to me."

"But you heard that child's cries-"

"That didn't matter."

"But the child-"

"Enough, Lyra," he said sternly. He opened his eyes and looked at her angrily. "You should not have spoken then. They had nothing to do with you."

Lyra felt her heart drop slightly as he scolded her. "But-"

"I said enough." He got up and walked to the door. "Get some rest."

Before she could say anything more, he had left and shut the door behind him. Lyra stared at the door. Tears fell from her eyes as she was left alone in the room. Sesshomaru had only come to drop her off. He wouldn't be returning.

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