《Without You | Sesshomaru》Chapter 25
Lyra walked beside Rin who was sitting on top of A-Un. Jaken was in front of them whilst Sesshomaru lead the way further ahead. Sesshomaru was deep in thought about something and so was Lyra, but she was contemplating something totally different to him.
Since the night before, she kept on receiving random visions. The visions made no particular sense and instead of an actual scene playing out, she could only see flashing images. None of the images seemed to connect either. One showed Naraku but he was weak. There was another showing the silhouette of seven people. And the final one was Sesshomaru. Either they all linked or they didn't link at all. But she felt a negative vibe in the atmosphere. Something big was going to happen.
"Hm! That Naraku!" Jaken suddenly exclaimed, bringing Lyra out of her thoughts. "Just wait! I'll show him a thing is two, I can assure you."
He chuckled at the end, his laugh and words of bravery making Lyra smile. Sesshomaru stopped walking. He could smell Kohaku's scent, making him wonder if Naraku was near. It only confirmed they were heading in the right direction thanks to Lyra's previous vision. She wondered what he was thinking about. It was times like that she wished he would tell her. She wanted to speak to him as well about her odd visions but his own mind seemed to be elsewhere.
"So, I was wondering, Lord Sesshomaru. Why do you seek Naraku?" Rin asked as they continued walking to catch up to him.
Jaken looked back at her over his shoulder. "Don't you know anything? It's because Naraku abducted you and Lady Lyra that Lord Sesshomaru is bent on vengeance."
Rin smiled brightly and gasped. "It's all because of us?"
"Don't be so conceited, you silly child!" he reprimanded, still looking back at her. "It's not about you. Lord Sesshomaru's honour has been insulted!"
Lyra leaned a little torward Rin. "It's a little bit about us as well," she whispered with a wink, making the girl giggle quietly.
Lyra saw that they had reached where Sesshomaru was standing and soon stopped walking. However, Jaken continued forward still looking back at the girls and not noticing what he was about to walk right into.
Lyra tried to stop him. "Uh, Jaken..." she said quietly.
He continued though, ignoring her. "Don't let his calm demeanour fool you. Underneath he is a boiling, angry, seething mass off- Uh oh..."
He walked into the back of Sesshomaru's leg, causing him to freeze and halt his words. Sesshomaru glared down at the imp over his shoulder with the coldest expression Lyra had ever seen. Jaken whimpered in fear before a loud whack echoed throughout the area. Lyra flinched. She was certain she saw a flower flow a little to the side from the force of Sesshomaru's hit. Jaken was instantly left with a huge lump on his head.
"I've got to learn to keep my mouth shut," Jaken cried quietly.
Rin had climbed down to get a closer look. "I see what you mean."
Sesshomaru didn't bother waiting for them as he resumed his walking. Lyra leapt over Jaken and jogged to catch up to him. Once she did, she noticed that he still seemed deep in thought.
"That really wasn't necessary," she said to him.
He didn't say anything nor did he even acknowledge her. His mood was so odd at times but she knew there was so much on his mind at that point. It would have been best to possibly give him some space.
With a quiet sigh, she turned to go back to Rin and Jaken. But Sesshomaru had taken hold of her wrist, forcing her to stay by his side as they walked. She smiled softly and gave in as he let go. It was what she wanted anyway.
"What are you thinking, Lyra?" he asked.
She was slightly taken aback by his question. "What do you mean?"
"I have been observing you since this morning. Something is bothering you."
"I'll tell you if you tell me what you're thinking about," she bartered.
He side eyed her before looking ahead again. "This wasn't a negotiation."
"Well, it is now. I have to use it to my advantage," she said humourously as she folded her arms. "So, will you or won't you?"
"Will it make you happy to learn my thoughts?"
He sighed quietly. "Very well. Tell me."
Lyra told him all about her visions and the randomness of it all. Sesshomaru didn't really understand her gift, and neither did she, but he listened to her concerns anyway. He wished he could have been of more help to her but there was nothing he could do. All he could do was support her.
"I think perhaps it's showing me that Naraku is weak but he is trying to grow his strength," she concluded. "And I don't understand the seven men. It tried to show me something about you too. You were holding something but I couldn't see what it was."
"Do not burden yourself with something you can't control," he told her.
"I suppose you're right," she sighed in frustration. "I just feel as though something is blocking me from accessing my true potential. How am I supposed to help win the fight against Naraku if I don't know how to?"
He thought for a short moment. "I have faith in you, Lyra. Do not strain yourself and I'm certain all will fall into place."
She was slightly surprised by his words and smiled. "Since when did you become so philosophical?" she asked rhetorically. "Now tell me what you were thinking about?"
Sesshomaru suddenly halted mid step and stared ahead. "Poison," he said with a concentration in his eyes.
"Poison?" she asked as she stopped beside him. "Why were you thinking about poison?"
"Jaken," he called, completely ignoring Lyra and making her raise her brows in offence.
Jaken and Rin stopped walking just behind them. "Yes, my Lord?"
"Stay here with Lyra and Rin," he ordered.
"Yes, my Lord."
Lyra stood in front of him. "What's wrong?"
He looked at her. "There is poison in the air further ahead. Stay here until I return."
She gave a single nod before Sesshomaru left. With a quiet sigh, she turned to the others and smiled.
"Let's just rest a little while we wait."
Rin smiled as well. "Okay!"
Quite some time had passed and Sesshomaru still had not returned. They all had found a log to sit on while they waited. Lyra didn't know how much time had passed. Whenever she decided to go back to the future, she was definitely going to bring a watch with her so she could add up all the hours Sesshomaru had made them wait.
She stood up and stretched. She had been sitting for too long and the log was starting to make her butt sore. After letting out a yawn, she suddenly felt something in the air. It was a strange aura, however it was neither good nor bad. 'What is that..?'
Rin and Jaken didn't seem to notice anything but she could feel the energy calling her.
"Uh, I'll be right back..." she said quickly.
Rin looked up at her. "Where are you going?"
"I just need to stretch my legs. I'll remain close by."
Jaken crossed his arms. "Don't be gone too long because if Lord Sesshomaru returns and you're not here, it will be my life on the line."
Lyra laughed quietly. "Don't worry."
She walked away from them and towards the direction of the strange energy. After going through a small clearing, she went between the trees. She hadn't gone far from the group but the energy was feeling stronger.
'Whatever it is, it's close.'
She stopped in the middle of the trees and searched around before going a little further ahead. 'It's gotta be here.' Just as she thought that, she passed through some brushes before halting to a stop.
Her eyes widened as she let out a gasp. There was a man on the ground, but he was unconscious. He had messy, purple coloured hair with a lock of hair going over his face. His clothing was something she had seen traditional villagers wear so she figured he was probably attacked and left there to die. But...
'I can no longer feel that aura. Was it leading me to this man?'
She stepped towards him and kneeled down. Upon closer observation, she realised that the man was just a villager. What she could not understand was the importance of him. However, she simply couldn't leave him out there to die. She reached over and checked his pulse. He was still alive. Looking around, she saw there was no one around.
"Jaken! Rin!" she shouted out to call them.
There was no response. She sighed. She couldn't leave him there alone and the others couldn't hear her. Not knowing what else to do, she stood before standing near his head. She crouched down and hooked her arms under his and began dragging him away.
"Damn, you're heavy," she heaved.
She had to stop every few seconds to catch her breath and to get a good grip. Somehow after much struggle, she had managed to drag him all the way back to the others.
"Guys, help me out here," she told them.
Rin and Jaken looked stunned at what Lyra had brought back with her. Rin instantly jumped down and ran over to help. Meanwhile, Jaken had began counting down the seconds to his death by Sesshomaru's hands. 'Is she crazy?! Lord Sesshomaru won't approve of this and he'll blame it on me...' he thought. Jumping down from the log, he stared at the man as Lyra lay him down again.
"Who is this man?!" Jaken yelled at her. "And why have you brought him here?! You can't just decide to bring random humans! Lord Sesshomaru will not approve!"
"Jaken, calm down," she said. "I'll handle Sesshomaru. I found this man unconscious while I was walking. I couldn't just leave him alone. Once he's better, he can return to his village."
Rin crouched down near the man. "I've never seen anyone with purple hair before."
Jaken's eyes nearly popped out. "Rin! Stay away from him! He could be dangerous! If anything happened to you, Lord Sesshomaru would have my head!"
"Jaken!" Lyra called loudly. "Please just fetch us some water."
She went to her bag that was attached to A-Un and pulled out a cup before giving it to him. Jaken looked at the cup and then looked away.
"No! I am under no obligation to take orders from you!"
"Okay. I'll get it myself," she said before walking away again.
"Wait!" he screamed before rushing over to her and snatching the cup. "I'll get it. If Lord Sesshomaru returns and sees me with the man, he'll think it was all my doing."
Lyra shrugged. "Very well."
Jaken disappeared to find water as Lyra returned to the man, kneeling down opposite to Rin. She looked at his face and clothes. He seemed like just a normal villager and so she couldn't tell why her vision had showed him in particular. There was so many questions she had to ask him once he woke up.
"He doesn't seem injured in any way," Rin pointed out.
Lyra took a closer look. "Oh, yeah. You're right. Maybe he simply fainted."
Not long after, Jaken had returned with the water. After giving the cup to Lyra, he went and sat back down on the log not wanting to have anything to do with it. If anyone should get reprimanded for a stranger in their midst, it should be the one who brought them. But Lyra didn't mind. She knew Sesshomaru would disapprove but she couldn't leave the man all alone in the forest. The energy took her to him and there must have been a reason why.
Dipping her fingers into the water, she splattered his face to see if it would wake him up. However, nothing happened.
"Hmm... Rin, could you get my bag for me, please?"
Rin smiled with a nod. "Yes!" She stood up and ran to the bag before unhooking it. "Here you go," she said as she handed it over.
"Thank you," she smiled.
Lyra opened her bag and pulled out a cloth before wetting it and wringing it out just a little so it was still damp. She began wiping the man's face, hoping the cold water would bring him to. Jaken huffed in disapproval and shook his head.
"Do you think he'll be okay, Lyra?" Rin asked.
"I hope so. He probably has a family waiting for him."
"I wonder how long he's been out there for."
Lyra sighed softly. "Me too."
'Why was I lead to you? Are you just a simple villager? Or...were my senses warning me about something? Are you an enemy?'
"He's waking up!" Rin gasped, making Lyra alert again.
She jumped out of her thoughts and looked at the man. He was beginning to stir a little, struggling to open his eyes. Lyra put the cloth down and leaned over his face a little to get a closer look to see if he was in pain. Slowly, the man opened his eyes and gazed up at her. The man's eyes were of a hazel colour, which contrasted with his purple hair. He blinked a few times.
"You..." His voice was hoarse as though he hadn't spoken for a while.
The man blinked again. "You're...an angel. Am I dead?"
Lyra quickly shook her head and sat back. "No, no, no. Far from it," she assured him. "I am no angel and you are very much alive."
"I see." He closed his eyes. "You are very beautiful so I mistook you for an angel. I apologise."
She laughed awkwardly and waved her hands in dismissal. "There's no need to apologise. Are you in any pain?"
He shook his head and looked at her again. "No. Where did you find me?"
"In the forest not far from here. What happened?" she asked. "Perhaps your village is close by. We can take you there."
Again, he shook his head. "I'm a traveller. I've come from quite far. I must have grown weak from hunger."
"I see. Can you sit up?"
The man gave a single nod before attempting to sit up. He seemed to be struggling due to his weakness and so Lyra and Rin helped him. Seeing the new faces, he smiled politely at their generosity.
"Thank you," he said.
Rin smiled. "You're welcome. We were quite worried about you, mister."
"I'm glad such kind people had found me otherwise I may not have been so lucky," he told them. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Itachi Henso. It's nice to meet you."
"My name is Rin," she introduced. "This is Lyra and over there is Master Jaken," she said, pointing to everyone in turn.
The man known as Itachi turned to see Jaken sitting on the log. His eyes widened upon seeing the little imp demon. Jaken glared angrily at the newcomer, his arms folded with his staff in his arms.
"Hello there," Itachi greeted with a wave, only to be met with an even stronger glare. "He doesn't seem to like me very much."
Lyra shook her head. "He doesn't like anyone he doesn't know. I mean, he didn't even like me at first," she laughed quietly.
Itachi gazed at her and smiled warmly. "I don't know you, yet I've already grown fond of you, Lyra."
She suddenly felt extremely awkward, especially with the way he was looking at her. She quickly glanced at Rin, who simply shrugged, before looking at Itachi again.
She coughed awkwardly. "Um, I-"
Suddenly, Jaken jumped up. "That's Lady Lyra to you, peasant!" he yelled angrily. "She is to become the wife of the Great Dog Demon, Lord Sesshomaru! Show some respect!"
"Jaken, it's fine," Lyra tried to calm him down.
Itachi blinked a couple of times. "Lady Lyra?" he said, sounding quite astounded. "You're marrying a demon?"
She nodded with a smile. "Yes. I am actually part demon myself but Sesshomaru and I had chosen to marry even before I found that out. And then this whole thing happened where I was getting forced to marry someone else and then I died and then I found out about my past where-"
"Lyra, you're babbling again," Rin stopped her as she giggled to herself.
Lyra blushed a little and let out a quiet laugh. "Sorry. I tend to do that."
Itachi chuckled. "It's fine. Your story seems very interesting and I hope to hear about it some day."
Jaken began yelling again. "That will not happen! You better make yourself scarce before Lord Sesshomaru returns or mark my words he will lop off your head!"
"Jaken!" Lyra scolded him. "You seriously have to stop with that." She looked back to Itachi. "I'm sorry. He's been put in charge of watching over us so he's being cautious."
"I understand," he smiled. "It's just been so long since I've spoken to someone and it feels nice. I feel a connection to you somehow."
Lyra wondered if it was the same connection she felt. She could feel it even at that very moment. There was an odd aura again. However like before there was no positive or negative connotation to it. He seemed like a friendly man though, so she would simply stay positive for the time being but remain cautious at the same time.
Itachi and Rin looked at Lyra as she drifted off into space. They glanced at each other before looking at her again.
"Does she do that a lot?" he whispered.
Rin giggled. "Sometimes."
Itachi waved his hand in front of her face causing her to jump slightly.
Itachi laughed. "You were daydreaming."
"Oh, sorry. Uh..." She stood up. "I was thinking that you must be hungry. You fainted due to weakness. I have some snacks in my bag."
"That would be much appreciated."
He made his way to stand before he was taken by a dizzy spell. He closed his eyes and lost his balance, falling forward slightly. Lyra gasped and automatically went to try and catch him before he could fall. It was just a natural thing and her body moved on its own accord. Rin's eyes widened as Lyra managed to steady him and Jaken let out a shriek as the man leaned against her, thinking that the worst had happened. Itachi clutched his head and tried to balance himself, taking his weight off Lyra.
"I'm sorry," he said before shaking his head to regain his composure.
Lyra made sure he was able to stand by himself before moving her hands away. "You are extremely weak. You need to eat."
He opened his eyes and smiled. Before he could speak, there was a sudden flash of white and he went flying back. He stumbled over his feet a little before coming to a stop. Looking up, he saw another man in front of him with his arm raised.
Lyra could only see the back of him, her eyes widening a little. "Sesshomaru..."
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