《Without You | Sesshomaru》Chapter 15
Rin was delighted to see that Lyra was safe. She just hoped that Naraku would just leave her alone because she hated seeing Lyra in trouble. Lyra had become like an older sister and mother figure for Rin and it always worried her whenever she was taken. Even Jaken wished that Naraku would stop. But only because he hated the fact his Lord Sesshomaru had to keep going after her. To him, Lyra was a nuisance. And honestly, Lyra was feeling it as well. It seemed whenever she was in the feudal era, Sesshomaru was always having to save her butt. The thought kept bugging her over the next few days and Sesshomaru could see something was bothering her.
He would often ask her what was on her mind, silently hoping and worrying that it wasn’t something he did. However, Lyra would always put on a smile and say everything was okay. Her short and obviously fake answers were beginning to annoy him as well and he would usually just sigh and walk away.
There was a small campfire going, Jaken was fast asleep and snoring whilst leaning against A-Un and Rin had just fallen asleep using Lyra's legs to cushion her head. Lyra gently patted her head as she slept. Sesshomaru had just returned from a short walk to make sure the perimeter was safe. He found Lyra still awake and questioned whether or not to ask her again. He couldn’t help but worry. She was lost in her thoughts, suddenly flinching when Sesshomaru gently held her chin. She didn’t even notice him sit beside her.
Their eyes locked onto each other; Lyra's eyes slightly wide and surprised whilst Sesshomaru’s were deep and questioning.
“Tell me what you’re thinking, Lyra.”
She could hear the seriousness in his voice and see it in his eyes. A simple answer wouldn’t do for him this time.
“Sesshomaru, I’m telling you, you really don’t have to worry.”
Sesshomaru sighed out through his nose in frustration, his brows creasing slightly. “Lyra, this is your final warning. I am not going to ask you again.” His grip on her chin even tightened a little.
Lyra knew not to test his patience and gulped silently. “I... Well, I... I’m just worried,” she mumbled.
Sesshomaru frowned softly and let go of her chin. “What do you mean?”
“I mean all that ever happens is Naraku capturing me, me being imprisoned and then you having to save me. I keep having to be saved. The only reason Naraku hasn’t killed me yet is because he thinks if I die, then he’ll die. If he knew the truth... If he knew that if I choose to leave, he’ll win, then he would have killed me long ago.”
Lyra sighed softly and averted her eyes whilst Sesshomaru listened to her intently.
“I don’t know, Sesshomaru. I feel as though I’m not this great prophesised oracle everyone’s been waiting for.” She lowered her head, closing her eyes. “I’m nothing but a burden to you.”
“Don’t speak that way,” he scolded her. He cupped her cheek and turned her to face him again. “Listen to me. I will not repeat the same mistake. Naraku won’t be able to take you from me again. Know that I will always protect you and I will always save you. You are not a burden to me but a blessing.”
Lyra couldn’t help but smile at his words and she instantly felt better about everything. She wished she had shared her feelings with him before instead of keeping it bottled up. Sesshomaru was glad to see her smile again. He placed a kiss to her forehead before carefully moving Rin off her lap so she could rest as well.
As usual, she rested against Sesshomaru whilst he ran his fingers through her hair. They were both silent but at peace. Lyra couldn’t sleep but she enjoyed the relaxing sensation of him playing with her hair.
“Sesshy, if it’s alright with you I would like to go back to my time for a few days,” she spoke quietly. “I’m really missing my father.”
“I have no objections. I will escort you to the well after you awaken.”
Lyra smiled softly and nuzzled into him. “Thank you.”
She hoped that a few days at home would reset everything and she could return refreshed and ready to take on Naraku. Plus, she could stock up on treats for Rin. She would miss Sesshomaru but she knew she would be back again.
“You’re going back again? But you just got back,” Rin protested, holding onto Lyra's hand as they made their way to the well.
Sesshomaru was leading the way with Jaken at his side whilst the two girls followed behind.
Lyra laughed nervously. “I know, Rin. I’m sorry. I just need to see my dad.”
Jaken grumbled, crossing his arms. “Such a nuisance having to escort you. Good riddance I say!”
A simple glare and a sound of disapproval from Sesshomaru was enough for Jaken to eat up his own words.
“I-I mean it's a pleasure, Lady Lyra!”
Lyra chuckled, shaking her head before returning to Rin. “And there’s many more treats I want to buy you. I promise I won’t be gone for long. It will only be a few days,” she said as they reached the well.
Rin hugged Lyra around her legs, grinning up at her. “Just come back soon. I’ll miss you!”
“I’ll miss you as well, Rin,” she smiled, ruffling her hair. After she let go, Lyra turned to Sesshomaru. “Try not to miss me too much.”
Sesshomaru held her chin gently, tilting her face up slightly. “That will be impossible, my beloved.”
She laughed quietly. “I’ll miss you too.”
After sharing a short kiss, Lyra climbed onto the edge of the well and jumped in. Before she knew it, she was back in her world. After a quick greeting to her aunt and Kagome's grandfather, she stole some of her aunt’s cooking and made her way to her car.
On the journey, her mind was filled with numerous thoughts. The last thing she told her father was that she didn’t wish to marry Kanda because she was in love with Sesshomaru. She could recall the disappointment in his voice before promising to talk more after she returned. She wasn’t looking forward to the talk but she knew it was unavoidable. Now that Sesshomaru had proposed to her, she hoped her father would give her his blessings.
After a couple of hours, she parked up in front of her house before heading inside.
“I’m back!” she yelled into the house.
Seconds later, Renji had appeared in front of her. “Ah, Lyra! What a lovely surprise.” He pulled her into a hug, which she returned before letting go. “How is everything over there?”
“Still a bit hectic,” she admitted whilst flopping onto the couch. “I got captured by Naraku but Sesshomaru came to my rescue.”
Renji's expression instantly faltered. “Why don’t you freshen up? I want to talk about what you told me before you left.”
Lyra nodded hesitantly before going up to her room. Renji sighed deeply. He didn’t know how he was going to tell her that he’s agreed to the marriage on her behalf. In fact, he probably wasn’t going to tell her at all. He had to get her to marry Kanda no matter what.
Just as Lyra got out of the bathroom, she heard her phone ring. ‘Kanda?’
“Hello?” she answered.
“Hey, Lyra. How are you?” He sounded like his usual self.
“I’m great,” she replied as she sat on her bed. “And you?”
“I'm well. I haven’t contacted you since you left since I thought you’d be busy with your grandfather. How is he? If there’s anything I can do, just let me know.”
She couldn’t help but smile at his selfless nature. “Thank you. He’s actually doing quite well now. He’ll be back to his old self in no time.”
“That's good to hear.”
“Your timing is seriously impeccable, Kanda. I literally got home a few minutes ago.”
He chuckled softly. “Call it a sixth sense. Ah, I would like to see you but they’ve sent me away to another hospital for a couple of days.”
“Don’t worry about it. I wanted to speak to you about something actually, but it would be better face to face,” she said, forcing her voice to stay calm.
“Okay. I’ll call you again once I’m back and we’ll arrange to meet.”
“Perfect. I’ll see you then.”
“Take care, Lyra.”
“You too.”
After hanging up, she let out a long frustrated sigh before falling back onto the bed. It was clear that Kanda didn’t know she had refused the marriage meaning her father hadn’t told his dad her decision. Perhaps he was waiting for her to return. Either way, she knew she would feel better and more comfortable telling Kanda herself. He deserved that much at least. He was a good man who didn’t deserve this. She just hoped he would find someone who could love him in return.
Shaking her head, she sat back up ready to face her next battle; her father. Returning down to the living room, she found her father slumped on the couch staring into space.
“Dad..?” she called quietly.
Renji jumped slightly at her voice before looking up at her. “Take a seat,” he told her, which she did before he continued. “So, tell me about you and this...Sesshomaru.”
Lyra suddenly felt super nervous, letting out an awkward cough before speaking. “Well, I know it hasn’t been that long since I first met him but...” She couldn’t stop the smile from forming on her face from just the thought of him. “I’m in love with him.” Renji frowned a tiny bit from disapproval but allowed her to continue. “I know it's crazy because he’s demon and I’m human but we’ve accepted that. And we’ve been through so much together. He doesn’t talk much but he’s sweet and caring and I know he would do anything for me. I’m sure you would-"
“And you wish to marry him?” he cut her off not wanting to hear anymore.
She nodded once. “Yes.”
Again, Renji had gone into deep thought, becoming silent only causing Lyra to worry more than she already was. She searched her father's expression for any hints as to how he was feeling but she got nothing. He was contemplating. Contemplating his decision in forcing Lyra to marry Kanda. But he promised himself and his wife that he would give her the safest life he could give her. And she would not find that safety in a world filled with demons.
After a few minutes of silence, he looked towards his daughter but still he said nothing for another couple of minutes. The silence was too much for her to bear.
“I'll think about it,” was all he said.
He then got up to leave the room before retreating upstairs. Lyra sighed deeply and leaned back against the couch. She sent a text message to her manager to say that she was back for a few days. Luckily there were some shifts available for her to work starting from tomorrow. At least it would help to keep her mind off things for a short while.
She didn’t really see her father for the rest of the day until it was time for dinner. Even then he didn’t speak to her very much before returning to his room. Renji was busy making other arrangements concerning her future. He didn’t think it necessary to tell her what he was doing because it was for her best.
Putting her uniform on, wearing a bit of light makeup and doing her hair in a simple low updo was a little bit of escapism from the stress Lyra was feeling. It was nice to forget about everything for a small amount of time. She had broken sleep all night thinking about her fate in both her world and the feudal era causing some faint dark circles to appear around her eyes. It was nothing a bit of concealer couldn’t fix though. Renji hadn’t come down for breakfast but she could hear him talking to someone on the phone. Thinking it best not to disturb him, she left for work.
Being amongst her friends and work colleagues again was great. Due to the small number of customers, most of the time it was a huge gossip session. Unfortunately, the main topic was usually Lyra and Kanda. The girls simply couldn’t believe everything that was going on in Lyra's love life, talking about how lucky they would be to marry the rich and handsome doctor. She had obviously kept Sesshomaru a secret though. She could only give limited information. As much as she loved them, there were some things she simply couldn’t and wouldn’t share.
“I’m so jealous!” One of them exclaimed. “You were destined to marry Kanda.”
“There go all of my daydreams,” another one pouted.
Lyra laughed, waving her hands in dismissal. “Nothing is set in stone. Nothing has been confirmed yet.”
“Well, I’m not keeping my hopes up,” the third one sighed. “I don’t want to be disappointed again. Gosh, Lyra, you seriously are so lucky.”
Lyra shook her head. “You girls are crazy,” she giggled. “Anyway, it's the end of my shift. I’m gonna grab my stuff.”
She went through the staff door before making her way to the staffroom. She took her time getting things out of the locker, checking any messages as well. There was one from Kanda. It read:
Are you free tomorrow evening?
She quickly replied back:
Yes. I can meet you straight after work.
As soon as she pressed ‘send’, one of her colleagues entered the room.
“Um, Lyra? Some guy is asking for you,” she informed.
Lyra looked at her, confused. “What guy?”
Her colleague pressed her finger to her chin, recalling what the man looked like. “I don’t know. He kinda looks like he’s dressed in some sort of cosplay but I can’t tell. He’s wearing yellow contacts and he’s got a long white wig on. He seems very serious.” With each description, Lyra's eyes grew wider and wider as her colleague continued talking. “And he's wearing this big furry thing over his shou-"
“Okay! Gotta go!”
Lyra slammed her locker door shut before rushing past her colleague and back onto the shop floor. As she stormed through the staff door, she saw her other colleagues whispering amongst each other whilst staring curiously at-
“Sesshomaru!” Lyra gasped.
Sesshomaru was already looking in her direction. “Lyra. You-"
Lyra suddenly laughed nervously, a bead of sweat forming on her forehead at the sight of him in her work place. Her colleagues stared at her in confusion as she rushed over to him, grabbing his arm and pulling him along with her towards the exit.
“Lyra, you know this man?” her manager asked.
Again, she laughed awkwardly. “Heh heh okay I’ll see you tomorrow same time same place bye!”
She left the store completely, Sesshomaru following behind her as she dragged him along. They were receiving a few strange glances mostly due to Sesshomaru’s outfit. He stuck out like a sore thumb. Once they were clear and on a quieter street, Lyra finally slowed down and looked towards her secret lover.
“What are you doing here?!” she hissed quietly from the building stress.
Sesshomaru's brows furrowed at her tone. “I expected you to be relieved to see me.”
Lyra took a deep breath and looked up at him. “I’m sorry. I truly am happy to see you. I just wasn’t expecting it. And for you to track me all the way to the place I work... Let’s go to my house and we can talk there.”
“Very well.”
Luckily, her home wasn’t too far away. She caught up on what was happening in the feudal era. She thought something terrible had happened and that was why Sesshomaru was there but that wasn’t the case. Naraku was up to something but he was in hiding. It was calm for the moment. As they arrived in front of her house, Lyra noticed that her father's car was gone. Upon entering, she found a note by the coat stand. Apparently he had gone to get some groceries and then he was meeting up with his friends for dinner so he would be home late. Lyra was secretly relieved. She wouldn’t have to worry about the awkwardness between Renji and Sesshomaru.
“Anyway, this is where I live,” she said awkwardly. “It’s not much but it’s where I grew up.”
Sesshomaru observed the place carefully. “Our home will be much larger than this.”
“Is that so?” she asked as she put her shoes away.
Sesshomaru's eyes soon landed on a photograph of Lyra in a frame. He lifted it and stared at it curiously as she came to stand beside him. He found it odd. It was almost like a painting but it was incredibly clear. It was as if Lyra had been captured and pasted onto the frame.
“It's called a photograph,” she explained. “Or a photo for short.”
He placed the frame down before he found another frame. “This man...”
“He's my father,” she told him, looking at the picture of Renji and herself from when she was younger.
Sesshomaru’s eyes narrowed slightly as he took a deeper look at her father. Before he could delve further into his thoughts, Lyra called him. She motioned with her head for him to follow her upstairs. He placed the photo back down before following behind her. When they arrived to her bedroom, he was again looking at everything as if it was alien. Lyra shut the door behind him. She let him just stand there and look at everything whilst she decided to change out of her work clothes.
He was quickly distracted though as she removed her blazer before hanging it up inside her wardrobe. It was only then he got a good look at her attire and the way she was dressed. He had never seen her that way. Her skirt elongated her legs and her blouse really accentuated her figure. Her hair was different as well. It wasn’t something he was used to. He stepped towards her, his deep gaze confusing her slightly.
“Are you okay, Sesshy?”
Without saying a word, he reached behind her hair and carefully removed the hair pin that was holding her hair up. Her locks unravelled down her back, her shorter layers falling to frame her face. A soft blush crept onto her cheeks as she averted her gaze, suddenly feeling shy at the way he was looking at her. Before she knew it, he had lifted her head up by her chin and her lips had been captured by his own. The kiss was soft and romantic yet hungry at the same time. It lasted only a few seconds before they parted again.
He whispered against her lips. “It is taking everything I have not to make love to you right now.”
“That’s a shame,” she whispered back.
“Your bed would meet an unfortunate end.”
Lyra laughed softly before pulling away and looking up at him. “Now that I definitely don’t want to happen,” she said before pecking his lips. “Stay until I fall asleep. You can climb out the window.”
“As you wish.”
Lyra was confident enough to change into her nightwear in front of Sesshomaru before climbing into her bed. She patted the space next to her for him to join her. The bed felt incredibly strange to him.
“It’s soft.”
She giggled. “It beats sleeping on the ground outside,” she said as she cuddled up to his side.
He began to run his fingers through her hair. “Soon you will not have to. I wish to take you to my home.”
“You have your own home? Why don’t you stay there?”
“My father had it built which he then gave to me. I refuse to return there until my goal is complete. However, I will take you when you return.”
She smiled softly. “I can’t wait.”
She let out a small yawn and closed her eyes. Within a few minutes, she had fallen asleep. Sesshomaru waited a bit longer, enjoying having her at his side before slowly getting off the bed. After placing a kiss upon her cheek, he went to the window, opening it before climbing out and disappearing into the night.
Sesshomaru’s visit the day before was just what Lyra needed. She was able to get a full night’s sleep and was feeling completely refreshed in the morning. She got ready for work, this time opting to keep her hair out. Although Sesshomaru wasn’t there to see her, she knew he preferred it that way. She checked her phone, having not checked it since the day before. She wasn’t surprised to see a a message from Kanda.
That’s great. I don’t get out until 6.30 though. I’ll meet you at town central
She quickly replied back:
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