《Without You | Sesshomaru》Chapter 11
Once Lyra packed all her things and gifts into a backpack, she said her goodbyes to Renji before making her way to Kagome's house. The journey was long but she was glad the day had come where she could return to the past. The bracelet Kanda gave her still glistened on her wrist. Due to the fact it was so expensive, she didn't want to just leave it in her room or anywhere. It was the safest with her. She knew Sesshomaru would question it but she was going to tell him everything anyway.
It took her a few hours to arrive at the Higurashi house. After taking in all the things she had packed, she settled herself in Kagome's room. She asked her aunt if she could use her kitchen so she could make food for Sesshomaru. She didn't know what he would like to eat so she played it safe. Starting with donburi, she packed it away into a container before making some onigiri. She stuck with just those two dishes for the time being but she made large portions of each. That way she would know if Sesshomaru enjoyed them and next time, she could make different things.
Kagome soon entered the kitchen and leant against the counter. "Who's all this for?"
Lyra was concentrating too much on the food that she blurted out, "Sesshomaru."
"Sesshomaru?" Kagome asked in surprise.
Lyra closed her eyes tightly and mentally kicked herself for her own stupidity. "Well...it's for Sesshomaru, Rin and Jaken." She smiled and laughed awkwardly.
Kagome knew Lyra enough to know something was up. "Is there anything you want to tell me?"
Lyra packed the last container and looked at her cousin. "I'll tell you everything in your room tonight."
"Let's go now!"
Kagome impatiently pulled Lyra along with her up the stairs and into her room before locking the door. She made Lyra sit down before placing herself opposite her, awaiting for her to spill all the gossip. Lyra sighed and told her everything from the beginning, starting with how the confession came about to the marriage pact with Kanda.
"Kagome, you have to promise you won't tell anyone about Sesshomaru. Not even Inuyasha," she pleaded.
"I promise," Kagome spoke truthfully. "But Sesshomaru? Lyra, do you honestly believe he loves you. He hates humans."
Lyra leaned back against the wall and shrugged. "That's what I thought but I can see it in his eyes. And I've fallen for him too."
"And this Kanda guy? What are you going to do about him?"
"I don't know." She sighed and looked at the bracelet on her wrist. "I've seen a couple of visions but any way I see it, I'm always at the alter with Kanda."
Kagome frowned softly. "So, maybe Sesshomaru isn't the one..."
Lyra shook her head. "I saw a future with him when I was sleeping."
"Maybe it was just a dream," she replied with a sad tone.
Lyra breathed out deeply. "Maybe it was..."
After speaking with Kagome, Lyra couldn't sleep at all. What she had told her made sense. Perhaps her vision with Sesshomaru was just a dream after all. As she lay awake in her makeshift bed on the floor, an idea came to mind. If she told her father she was in love with someone else, then maybe he would call off the whole pact. She tried to envision the future with that circumstance played into it, but for some reason her power wasn't working.
'Stupid powers.'
Once morning arrived, they had their breakfasts and decided to set off down the well. She decided to leave her phone with her aunt in case it broke again but before she did, she needed to make one last phone call. Standing at the side of the well in the shrine, she dialled her father.
"Hello, Lyra. Are you ready to go?" came Renji's voice.
"Yeah. Dad, there's something I need to tell you," she spoke hesitantly as Kagome watched her.
"What is it?"
Lyra sighed deeply. "I can't marry Kanda. I'm sorry."
Renji fell silent for a short while before he spoke again slowly. "Why not?"
"Because I'm in love with Sesshomaru."
Lyra didn't know if she had made the right choice or a really bad mistake but she wouldn't know unless she did it. The worst thing that could happen was her vision of marrying Kanda would remain the same.
"I... I understand." Renji sounded disappointed but he kept his cool.
"Thank you. We'll talk more when I get back, okay?"
"Okay. Look after yourself."
"And you."
She hung up the phone and sighed in relief. It was surprising at how well he took it, especially since he knew Sesshomaru was a demon. But the worst was over. Just then, Kagome's mother walked in to bid her farewells. Lyra handed her the phone before they both jumped down the well.
Sesshomaru's week without Lyra had truly been an experience. She had not travelled with them for long, and their secret relationship had been even shorter than that. She had made quite the impact in his life that the days really did drag without her. For all of them. In the space of that week, the Panther Demons had attacked, targeting both Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. He was simply grateful Lyra was present for any of the danger for he knew for sure they would have targeted her. Other than that, his days had been pretty uneventful.
Finally, the day he had been awaiting arrived. He reached the well, leaving Rin and Jaken behind with A-Un. Having time alone with her was what he needed. Shortly after, he was joined by Inuyasha and his friends and instantly sparks of hate shot between them. However, it didn't last for long as just then, the well emitted a short glow.
Kagome climbed out first, jumping over the well shortly followed by Lyra. Sesshomaru instantly walked over to the well before holding his hand out to help her. She smiled and gratefully took hold of his hand as her feet landed on the grass. As she looked up at him, they almost forgot they were in the presence of others.
"Okay, Lyra, I'll see you soon!" Kagome said quickly to divert their attention.
Lyra blinked and turned to her, noticing that they were all watching. "Oh right. Of course. Heh heh... Bye everyone!"
She waved at them and they all said their goodbyes before going on their own journey. As soon as they left, Lyra breathed out deeply before turning back to Sesshomaru. His eyes were already on her, eyes she had missed so much. Being back now, she realised how much she had truly missed the open air.
"You seem well," Sesshomaru spoke first.
Lyra giggled quietly. "I come back after a week and that's all you have to say?"
Sesshomaru leaned down and kissed her forehead. "I have missed you dearly, my beloved."
She smiled softly. "I've missed you, too."
Sesshomaru lifted her hand to place a kiss but was quickly distracted by the bracelet on her wrist. With the diamonds sparkling so prominently, it was difficult not to see it. There was no change in his expression but he could smell another scent emitting from it. Lyra took in a sharp breath and watched him nervously.
"Is this new?" he asked, his eyes glued to the bracelet.
"Yes," she breathed out. "There's something I want to talk to you about."
His eyes darted to hers. "Come."
Holding onto her hand, he lead her away from the well and towards the trees. They walked in silence and all Lyra could hear was the loud beating of her own heart. She was afraid of what he would say. They soon came to a clearing with a waterfall on the far side, the gushing water splashing into a surrounding lake. With the sun reflecting off the sprayed water, the droplets sparkled like diamonds. Similar to the diamonds on the bracelet around her wrist, which Sesshomaru was still gripping onto. Once he let go of her hand, she perched herself on top of a boulder, not wanting to waste time on admiring the nature around them.
"What do you wish to talk about?" Sesshomaru asked as he remained standing.
Lyra didn't know where to begin. "I- Well...it's- I guess..."
"Lyra." Sesshomaru crouched down in front of her and held her hand. "I won't be upset with you. Whenever you're ready."
She smiled softly and held his hand in return before taking a deep breath. "My grandfather made a pact with his best friend that their children would marry. It didn't work out for their children so they decided their grandchildren would marry. Before they both died, they each made it their dying wish and now..." She lowered her head, gazing at their hands joined together. "His name is Kanda. Our fathers' want Kanda and I to be married."
Sesshomaru listened to her carefully as his usual stoic expression remained. She looked at him again and then went on to explain in detail about the dates she had been and the conversations they had. She even included the fact that he had kissed her hand and cheek as well, which he huffed in disapproval to. By the end of it, Sesshomaru was leaning against a rock with his armour off and Lyra was resting back against him. Her backpack was on the side beside his armour as she snuggled into him.
"Before I returned, I told my father I couldn't marry Kanda because I'm in love with you," she finished.
Sesshomaru absentmindedly played with her hair. "Will your father be able to end the pact?"
"I hope so. A few nights ago, I had visions of what would happen if I either said yes or no to the marriage. But for some reason, both visions showed me the same thing," she explained. "Either way I was getting married to Kanda."
"Even if you refuse?"
Lyra nodded. "Yes..."
"You will be forced?"
"That's what I was thinking."
Sesshomaru thought for a moment. "Your visions show you the future depending on current circumstances. What have you seen after telling your father about me?"
"I haven't been able to see anything," she admitted.
"Perhaps the future has changed. Lyra, I am pleased you told me the truth," he spoke softly as he moved his hand to wrap around hers. "Do not fret over it."
Lyra smiled and tilted her head slightly to look at him. "I won't. I feel at home now that I'm with you again."
"As do I."
Lyra closed her eyes as he leaned down to kiss her. Their lips moved together slowly as if they were making up for lost time. They both had missed each others touch and presence and both felt even more in love then they did before. Lyra felt as though her breath had been taken away, Sesshomaru's hand lifting to hold the side of her neck. Slowly, his lips left hers as they trailed down to her throat. Her cheeks burned, her lips parting ever so slightly as Sesshomaru explored. He sensed her breath hitch when his lips reached the crook of her neck under her jaw and he instantly kissed her deeper. The action was well received as Lyra breathed out a long moan, suddenly letting out a loud gasp as he bit down to leave his mark. She moaned again softly as he continued to kiss her, not realising she had been clutching onto Sesshomaru's kimono in her tight fist.
"Sesshomaru..." she breathed.
Hearing her call his name like that was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. He couldn't imagine what she would be like once they mated. However, he would not mate with her until after they were married in order to save her honour.
Slowly, he released her from his hold and admired the bruise now adorning her throat. He lifted his head and examined the expression on her face. Her eyes were still closed, her lips still parted. His thumb brushed over her plump lips prompting her to open her eyes. She gulped slowly and gazed deeply into his golden orbs as she loosened her grip on his kimono. Cupping his cheek with her own hand, she lifted herself up slightly and pecked his lips slowly.
"I love you," she whispered.
"I love you, too."
They decided to remain in each other's presence before joint Rin and Jaken. They wouldn't know when they would have a moment to themselves again. The sound of the waterfall gave the atmosphere a sense of serenity as they sat together in silence.
After Lyra finished talking to Renji, he had been pacing up and down the living room, clutching his phone tightly in his hand. He was shocked that Lyra had refused to marry Kanda. It was his dream to see her married into a rich family so she would have no struggles in her life. Kanda would be able to provide her with whatever she wanted. Yet, she was in love with Sesshomaru. A demon. It was something out of a horror movie. There was no way he was going to allow her to ruin her life by falling in love with a demon. But she had said no. As her father, it was down to him to make the best choice for her.
Taking his phone, he dialled Kanda's father.
"Hello, Renji. How are you?" came the familiar voice.
"I'm well," he replied. He suddenly felt hesitant.
"Is everything alright?"
Renji cleared his throat quietly. "Yes, yes. Sorry. I just called to tell you that my daughter..." He sighed in defeat. "Lyra has agreed to marry Kanda."
It was probably a good whole hour before they made the decision to leave. As much as they wished to remain there, they knew it wasn't possible. After Sesshomaru had secured his armour and Lyra grabbed her backpack, they both walked side by side. They didn't have to walk for very long before they could hear Rin talking and Jaken yelling.
Rin was the first one to spot them approaching. "Lyra!" she yelled excitedly as she ran towards them.
Lyra kneeled down and hugged Rin tightly. "Rin! I missed you."
"I missed you, too. And so did Master Jaken," she stated as she pointed at the imp who had his arms folded in denial.
Lyra laughed, taking off her rucksack. "Now that we're all together, I've for gifts. Rin, this is for you." She pulled out the dress and gave it to her.
The little gasped, a huge grin lighting up her face. "I love it! Thank you!"
"You're welcome. If you want, I'll keep it safe in my backpack and you can wear it on a special occasion."
"Oh, I know. I'll wear it on yours and Lord Sesshomaru's wedding!" she suggested.
Lyra smiled softly before folding it away. "I got these for you and Jaken as well," she said, quickly moving on from the subject of marriage as she pulled out the packs of sweets and chocolates. "Make sure you both share."
Jaken perked up at the sound of the gifts that came for him as well and he and Rin quickly began to try out all the different flavours. Lyra stood up, enjoying the sight of the two having fun before facing Sesshomaru.
"I didn't know what to get you from my world so I made you something instead," she told him as she fiddled around in her bag before pulling out some containers. "I don't know if you'll eat these but I made it myself."
Sesshomaru eyed up the containers of food and was impressed by her skills. "Thank you, Lyra. You shouldn't have gone through the trouble."
"It's no trouble. I enjoy cooking."
"I would very much like to taste some with your own hands."
Lyra blushed softly and nodded before taking out an onigiri rice ball and holding it up to his lips. To her, it was so odd seeing him physically eat but she enjoyed it at the same time as he took a small bite. She waited nervously for his verdict and thankfully she didn't have to wait long.
"It's delicious." He leaned down and kissed her cheek. "You will have to cook for me more often."
She smiled proudly. "Of course I will."
He waited for her to feed him the rest of it, which she did and she happily watched him eat. It was rare moments like those that Lyra kept hold of in her heart. All she wanted was to take the time to enjoy it before impending doom took it all away. Naraku would be coming out of hiding soon enough.
Just then, she was overtaken by a vision. She could see Naraku in some monstrous demonic form, almost like a spider and pieces of his flesh were surrounding Sesshomaru to devour him. Lyra gasped as the vision cut off, almost losing her balance but Sesshomaru had caught hold of her. His eyes narrowed with concern as Lyra looked at him with a frown.
"Naraku is planning something and he's going to target you," she told him quickly.
"I'll be ready," he reassured her. "Calm yourself."
She took a deep breath and steadied herself before looking at Rin and Jaken. They had been silently enjoying the treats but soon they themselves wished to save the rest for another day. Lyra hoped that Naraku would be unsuccessful in whatever plan he was conjuring. She felt Sesshomaru hold her hand and pull her to the base of a large tree before sitting down, gently tugging her down with him.
"You have only just returned," he said. "Do not stress yourself over Naraku."
She leaned against his mokomoko and snuggled into it, trying to only focus on being there with him. Sesshomaru spotted the bracelet still on her wrist. He wished she would take it off, not wanting to be constantly reminded of the man who was awaiting her hand in marriage. However, he didn't want to tell her what to do. His trust in her was strong enough. Whilst he was thinking that, Lyra began fidgeting with the bracelet and she soon took it off her wrist. He watched her quietly as she put it away in her bag before leaning against him again and holding his hand. Sesshomaru closed his fingers around her hand, feeling at peace in her presence.
About a day had passed. Jaken told Lyra he was going to attempt stealing the Tessaiga for Sesshomaru and she simply laughed at the idea. She knew for a fact that he would fail because Inuyasha was very protective over his sword, but it would give them all peace for him to be away for a while. Rin was playing in a river they came across whilst Lyra sat between Sesshomaru's legs, both of them enjoying the quiet moment while it lasted.
Lyra could sense Naraku's strength increasing and worried her deeply. As much as she was calm on the outside, her heart continued to beat rapidly. She closed her eyes, trying her best to steady the beating of her heart.
"You will be mine..." Naraku's voice echoed in her ears.
Her eyes shot open and her breath caught in her throat as her eyes darted around, searching for him. Sesshomaru looked down at her with concern. He had noticed how restless she had been but he had never seen her so frightened. He moved his arm around her waist, pulling her into him more.
"I will not allow him to take you again, Lyra," he assured her softly.
Lyra breathed out and relaxed in the safety of his hold. "I know..."
He rested his chin atop her head. "If Naraku is preparing to attack, you must rest and gather your strength."
"And you. Make sure to eat the food I so lovingly made for you," she told him, smiling.
"Having you with me is strength enough."
"You're so charming," she breathed out, playing with his fingers and sharp claws. "But seriously-"
"I will eat," he cut her off, knowing what she was going to say. "So long as you feed me with your own hands. Food holds more value when it is fed to you by the very hands of the one you love."
Lyra blushed softly, still not used to his affectionate words. "I would be honoured...my Lord," she added with a slight tease in her tone.
Sesshomaru smirked just barely. For all his long 200+ years of roaming the lands, he was used to everyone calling him by 'my Lord'. Yet when Lyra said it, it sounded both right and wrong. She had never addressed him by that title even when she first joined their group, but now she had the right to call him by his name as his mate. However, he enjoyed that sense of dominance over his mate and Lyra herself was already aware that he was the alpha.
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