《Without You | Sesshomaru》Chapter 7
Sesshomaru pretended he didn't hear them and looked at Rin. "Take Lyra to the nearby lake and help her clean up."
"Yes, Lord Sesshomaru!" Rin answered.
She instantly grabbed Lyra's hand, making her stand up before leading her through the thin line of trees and bushes to the lake. Sesshomaru ordered Jaken to stay put with A-Un before he walked away without another single word as usual.
The lake was large and rather beautiful. The water was crystal clear and glittered as it reflected the sunlight now peaking over the tree tops. It looked extremely refreshing. Lyra took off her shirt, jeans and shoes, leaving her underwear on, before folding them neatly even though they were dirty. She wouldn't have enough time to wash and dry them so she would have to get back into them after she washed herself.
Rin sat on the side and dipped her feet in as Lyra walked into the cool water. The initial chill struck against her skin and tensed her muscles, but she quickly became used to it as her body temperature lowered. Lyra smiled brightly as her body felt invigorated. The weakness from earlier was not as bad anymore. Cupping some water in her hands, she washed the dirt from her face before feeling a sting on her lower lip. She seemed to have a small cut and bruise but she didn't worry too much about it. Looking at Rin, she smiled softly as she watched the little girl kicking her feet gently.
"Rin, I'm sorry I didn't speak to you before I left," Lyra said as she swam over to her.
Rin simply grinned back. "It's okay. I understand why you had to go. I did miss you though, and so did Master Jaken."
"Really? Jaken?" she raised a brow in disbelief. She couldn't imagine him missing her considering all he did was complain about her.
Rin nodded. "And although he never said, I'm sure Lord Sesshomaru missed you as well."
"What makes you say that?"
"Well," Rin put a finger to her chin and looked up, "one time, master Jaken and I were playing Eye Spy and Lord Sesshomaru got annoyed. But when I told him it was a game you taught us, he let us play. He even joined in!"
"Really?" Lyra giggled as she imagined Sesshomaru playing the game with them.
"Yeah, but he only answered the things we had to guess," she explained. "And when Kagura told him that Naraku had you, he stopped at nothing to find you! Otherwise he was telling Kagura he was under no obligation to destroy Naraku until she told him that."
Lyra was taken aback by Rin's words. Of course she had no doubt that Sesshomaru had gone solely to rescue her, but she wouldn't have thought he would drop his own plans just to go after her. Perhaps he had only gone to actually destroy Naraku and after not finding him there, he took the time to save her. But either way, she was grateful and in his debt.
"Rin," Sesshomaru's voice called from beyond the trees.
She jumped up. "Coming, Lord Sesshomaru!"
She ran off towards the trees and disappeared for a little while leaving Lyra alone. She stayed floating in the lake, laying back and allowing the density of the water to keep her floating. The skies were a calming blue and not a single cloud was in sight. Breathing out softly, she closed her eyes. It had been a long time since she had arrived in that world and so much had happened. She would have to go back home at one point and explain everything to her father. He would think her a lunatic but she was sure Kagome would be able to vouch for her. Once she settled everything there, she would return and help the others defeat Naraku.
"I'm back!"
Lyra lifted her head to see Rin running back with something in her hands. It was a folded up piece of material of some kind. Lyra swam to the edge before climbing out of the lake and perching herself atop of a boulder so she could dry off. Rin held the item out to her with a smile.
"What is it?" Lyra asked.
"Lord Sesshomaru got this for you," Rin giggled.
Lyra took it hesitantly, examining the folded fabric. "For me?"
Rin nodded as Lyra brushed her hand over it. The material was extremely soft and the pattern was beautiful yet elegant. She unfolded it and held it out in front of her. It was a kimono. The material faded from white to a musky purple towards her feet with a print of white blossoms on the ends of the sleeves and at the bottom. Lyra couldn't believe that Sesshomaru had gone out of his way to find her a kimono. Her mouth hung open slightly as she looked back and forth between the kimono and her dirty clothes.
"Well, it would be rude not to wear it," Lyra said before excitedly jumping to her feet.
She put the kimono on, tying the purple sash around her waist and letting her damp hair fall to one side over her shoulder. Rin was in complete awe and gasped, her eyes sparkling. Lyra had never actually worn a kimono as casual everyday clothes before, only ever wearing it for traditional events which was once a year. It was definitely a lot more comfortable than the ones she had worn. After putting on her shoes, she grabbed her dirty clothes and walked back to the others with Rin.
When Lyra walked towards them wearing the kimono, Sesshomaru couldn't help but stare at her. To him, the kimono definitely suited her better than the modern day clothing. With a warm smile, she stood in front of him.
"Thank you for this, Sesshomaru," she said happily as she brushed down some of the material. "It's beautiful. But you didn't have to get me anything."
Sesshomaru stared at her blankly for a few more seconds before he decided to respond. "Your other clothes were filthy."
That was all he said and to that, Lyra didn't know how to respond. She simply laughed quietly to herself, her smile widening and showing off her white teeth. Sesshomaru found her behaviour odd but he expected no other response from her. Her hair was still damp and a small strand had gotten stuck on her face. Her laughter suddenly came to a halt as Sesshomaru absentmindedly brushed her hair from her face before his eyes caught the small cut on her lip. Lyra felt butterflies in her stomach when she felt his fingers brush against her skin before it felt like her heart was about to explode. He moved his thumb lightly over the little wound, tracing her lower lip. It was as if Sesshomaru was in a trance whilst he was doing it and her cheeks instantly heated up, showing off a deep blush. She didn't quite know where to keep her eyes and so she just closed them.
"Does it hurt?" he asked quietly.
Lyra held her breath. "No," she squeaked.
Just a couple of seconds later, he moved his hand away and she heard him breathe out through his nose. Slowly, she opened her eyes and saw the back of him as he walked away from them. Again. Lyra felt somewhat relieved as she could finally breathe again. She let out a deep sigh and looked down at Rin and Jaken, who were both staring at what had just happened.
"What?" she asked in embarrassment, her cheeks feeling hot again.
Jaken huffed in disapproval before he stormed away after Sesshomaru. Rin giggled and held onto Lyra's hand.
"I think Lord Sesshomaru might like you," she whispered.
Lyra's eyes widened before she quickly shook her head. "I doubt it, Rin. But let's forget all that otherwise we're going to get left behind."
She gripped onto her hand and began to run after Sesshomaru, Jaken and A-Un making Rin giggle as she spread her other arm out as if she was flying. Sesshomaru could hear the two girls laughing as they made their way closer. He thought deeply at what had just occurred. The way it felt so natural for his fingers to glide across her smooth skin and her reaction to his touch. These were emotions he was unfamiliar with.
'Impossible. I surely can't be growing feelings for her. She is but a human. Yet there is something different about her scent. Something special. She doesn't smell like an ordinary human, which is why I was so easily able to identify her when she followed us.' He closed his eyes, listening to her voice as she chatted away. 'You truly are a mystery, Lyra. What are you doing to me?'
Over the course of the next few days, Sesshomaru had remained extra vigilant for any signs of Naraku. It seemed as though Naraku was laying low for the time being. But Sesshomaru didn't want to risk anything and stayed on edge in case Lyra was taken again. She had explained to him how she had been taken without the knowledge of Kagome and her group and so he made sure to keep his eyes on her at all times in case her body was overtaken again.
However, despite all that, he physically kept his distance from her and Lyra found it especially frustrating. Whenever she wanted to speak to him, he would either respond with short answers or he wouldn't speak at all.
Night had fallen. After Rin had fallen asleep, Lyra got up and found Sesshomaru standing on a small hill. He was watching the stars, the Milky Way glittering against the navy sky. The emotions he was feeling towards Lyra hadn't stopped growing. His plan to keep his distance had failed. In fact, the total opposite had happened; he simply wanted to be closer to her. He was growing to hate it. She was becoming a distraction. How could a great demon like himself fall for a human? 'Father... Is this how you felt towards Inuyasha's human mother?' A light breeze caused his long hair to flow gently as Lyra made her way to stand beside him.
"You seem to be doing a lot of thinking recently," she said to announce her presence.
She wasn't surprised when he didn't answer, causing her to sigh in defeat and walk away again.
She stopped in her tracks and looked back at him. "Yes?"
"I'm searching for a mate," he said suddenly.
Lyra raised her brows, her eyes widening as she blinked a couple of times. 'Is this why he's been so quiet?' she thought. 'This just took an awkward turn.' She walked back to him but stood a little bit to the side so she could face him.
"Would you like some help in finding one?" she asked since she was unsure what else to say.
He looked at her, his expression dead serious. "If you wish."
"Okay." Lyra folded her arms and thought a little. "Does she have to be pretty?"
"Appearance matters little."
"So, you're okay if she's ugly?"
Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed a little in anger. "She must still be pleasing to the eye."
Lyra held her hands up in defense. "Okay, okay. Let's see... Her personality. Do you want her to be calm or perhaps more energetic."
"I don't mind."
"Does she have to be a dog demon?"
Lyra couldn't believe she was actually having that conversation with Sesshomaru of all people. It was awkward but also quite fun to get an insight of his ideal woman.
"Okay," she said. "I'm sure we'll be able to find someone for you in no time. I'll make sure to keep a look out."
She was just about to step away before Sesshomaru used his speed to appear behind her, making her gasp in surprise. His hand went around her neck and she froze on the spot, unable to react. She just remained still. Sesshomaru could feel her gulp and hear her breathing hitch in her throat as he lightly dug his claws against her skin.
Leaning down to her ear, he spoke in a low and deep tone. "You were the answer to all those questions."
Her eyes widened in shock. Her lips parted as a million things came to mind but she simply couldn't speak. Was she dreaming? Did she mishear him? Her heart raced in her chest, threatening to just fail on her completely. Slowly, he released her throat and she hesitantly turned on the spot to face him. She didn't realise how tall he was until then as she craned her head up slightly to look into his eyes. There wasn't even a hint of amusement in his eyes and she could tell he was speaking the truth.
"I- But-" She was at a loss for words and she forced herself to get a grip. She could feel tears stinging her eyes. It wasn't something she was expecting nor ready for. "But I'm human."
"That is what has been bothering me," he replied truthfully. "How is it my heart has set itself on a mere human?"
Lyra felt slightly angered at the way he spoke about her like she was trash under his shoes. "Well, it's not my fault," she argued back, blinking away her tears.
Sesshomaru seemed unfazed by the anger apparent on her face. "I could kill you with a single claw."
She frowned deeper, staring him directly into his eyes. "Kill me then and put an end to your suffering."
"Perhaps I will."
He suddenly grabbed hold of her chin, his thumb and fingers squeezing her cheeks. Lyra didn't fight back, simply closing her eyes and accepting whatever was to come. If her fate was to die by his hands, then so be it. Sesshomaru looked at her face. The bravery and sacrifice for his own sake. He could tell she was trying to stay calm but he could feel her shaking. How was it that she came from another time only to steal his heart?
Lyra waited, not daring to open her eyes. She didn't want to see his eyes when he finally killed her. She felt his grip on her cheeks loosen slightly and prepared for the attack, but she gasped loudly as a pair of lips crashed into hers. It shocked her to the core as Sesshomaru kissed her. Her heart panged before she calmed herself and accepted his kiss. His hand lowered itself to her waist and gripped onto her, causing her to tilt her head ever so slightly as kept her head craned back. He kissed her deeper, both their eyes closed as they lost themselves in the moment. And to each other.
A few moments later, their lips slowly parted but their faces remained close. Lyra slowly opened her eyes to lock onto his. His eyes seemed different somehow. They were so much warmer and she was about to lose herself in them. Sesshomaru lifted his hand and gently stroked her heated cheek with his thumb as he stared deeply into her eyes. Feeling embarrassed, Lyra lowered her head and looked down.
"Well, I wasn't expecting that," she admitted quietly.
"Did you honestly expect me to kill you?" he asked, still looking at her.
She gazed up at him, lifting her head again as she laughed awkwardly. "Uh, kinda, I guess. You know, you're not very predictable. Although sometimes you are when you start walking without saying anything and we all have to guess if we are to follow you or not. And I-"
Sesshomaru cut her off by pressing his lips to hers again, instantly making her silent. "Foolish woman. You speak too much."
Lyra froze again, blinking a few times. It was going to take a while for her to get used to the intimacy. "You like it though, don't you?" she coughed and looked up at him.
A small smirk crept onto his lips. "Indeed."
His hand went to the back of her head, his fingers tangling into her hair before he pressed his lips to her forehead. She closed her eyes and smiled softly at the closeness, her hands lightly pressed against his armour. It felt so surreal yet so natural at the same time. She had always found him to be handsome, and he thought her to be beautiful, but neither of them would have guessed such a bond would form between them.
"You need to sleep," he said once he looked at her again.
She opened her eyes, peering up at him. "I'm afraid this will all be a dream."
"I assure you it is very real. Come."
He took her hand in his and sat with his back against a tree whilst pulling Lyra down with him. His arm wrapped around her waist making her blush like mad as she buried her face into his mokomoko. Looking down at her, he saw that she had already closed her eyes but there was a very faint smile spread across her lips. She tucked her legs in and rested her knees against his legs so she was almost curled up against his side.
Even if it was a dream, Lyra would cherish it forever.
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