《don't you mind? | KARL JACOBS》23 IT'S WHAT...?


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Matty's house came into view.

It was a simple home. A two-story white house with dark brown accents and a stone path. It also had a little garden at the front that looked well-tended and a red mail-box that looked so out of place. The usual.

Matty gave Karl a shy smile as the man himself began to observe the place. He'd probably have seen better houses. For all she knows this guy sat on her passenger seat must have a mansion or a penthouse. Maybe he already owns two houses. Being a well-known streamer and a part of a growing youtube team obviously would have its perks.

Matty parked her car and the two quickly got out. Their butts were numb from sitting too long.

It was way past 1 pm so they might have a late lunch if they were up to it.

Matty wasn't a chef but she can and tries to make a decent meal. Notice the key-word try. If there were days of overcooked pasta or bland fried chicken, she oddly just dubs it as a trial-and-error. She finds that lightening the situation helps lessen the feeling of disappointment as she stares at the overwatered rice or the over-seasoned fish and it's not like the world's going to end if she accidentally makes one or hundreds of shitty cooked food. There was still room of improvement somewhere and that's what matters.

Matty took the box of donuts from Karl's hands as he had to take his suitcase from the trunk before they went to the front door. It's not like he could balance both but even if he could it was rude not to offer any help when her hands were technically, in a way, free but not really.

She was holding her keys and the tray of iced coffee that wasn't hard to maneuver with. One cup was almost finished while the other was on the brink of overflowing since the ice slowly melted on the way back to her house.

She quickly unlocked the front door, silently praying that she had cleaned the house and didn't imagine it, and held it open for Karl to go in.

Ok, so far... it's clean. Let's just hope the rest of the house is... decent.


"Well, this is thy humble abode!" Matty exclaimed with a toothy grin. She briefly disappeared to set the food on top of the kitchen island before going back to him.

Her house was neat.

The walls were painted white and there was a small dark wooden desk near the door where a couple of books and a glass bowl sat for keys and such. There was a painting hanging above the desk with black smooth frames. The sides of it were reflective, like a mirror, so Karl was vaguely able to see how tired he actually looked but he brushed it off and diverted his gaze to see the rest of what he could see from where they stood.

He began to walk forward and left his luggage by the door as Matty told him to. He also made sure he'd sanitized his hand incase he gets too intrigued and touches one of the painting and decorations inside the house.

His eyes were caught by the stairs. They were this dark wood, but not too dark that it'd be too confusing to try and pinpoint exactly where the edges of the stairs were, and the floorboards were this type of light brown that was cool to the eyes. Not too shiny, not too matte-looking.

The door lightly shut behind him but he still jumped nonetheless as silence took over the whole time he was observing the place he'd be staying at.

"I'll show you your room but can we disinfect your luggage first?" Matty sheepishly asked as she stood beside the black suitcase, "It's just you know... extra precautions. I don't want you to get sick while you're here."

"Yeah, yeah. It's alright, which reminds me. Can I use the shower? My mom said that whenever you get back from outside, somewhere, you need to take a bath or something.."

"Yeah! My mom says that too..." She said, her eyes widening in recognition at the piece of information before she cleared her throat, embarrassed by her sudden excitement. "Um... anyways, the guest room has its own bathroom. I already bought stuff for baths, if you don't have any. There are also some spare towels. They're new and clean. I just washed those yesterday." She rambled. She suddenly realized and soon enough a soft red hue covered the apples of her cheeks. "Yeah." She muttered, nodding towards Karl after her little spew.


He laughed and raised a hand to ruffle her hair, "Thank you very much for this, Matty." Matty playfully frowned at the gesture and swiped his hand away from her hair, "Hey! Get your own hair, mate!" She stated in faux anger as she tried to pat down the bird's nest he'd created.

The pair laughed while Matty finished spraying alcohol and wiping the luggage before she beckoned Karl with a nod of her head toward the stairs, "Come on. I'll show you your room. And if you're hungry we can eat the donuts or I can make some lunch to eat while we watch a movie? Only if you're up for it and if you aren't busy!"

"I'm down—"

God, man. You're so down.

You're even getting jealous now.

Not a good look, man.

Not a good look.

Karl coughed, suddenly choking on air when the memory of Quackity making fun of him resurfaced just by saying that word. He thanked the heavens that he didn't overreact too much as they were gradually ascending the wooden stairs. It would've been embarrassing if he were to fall back all of a sudden.

Matty turned around, eyebrows furrowed in worry, "You alright there, Jacobs?" She asked as Karl heaved, his face red as he tried to eliminate the bothering itch in his lungs. She mentally rolled her eyes at herself, "Of course you're not ok. Wait, I'll get you some water." She announced.

Matty was about to rush towards the kitchen to grab him some when Karl stopped her with a frantic wave of his right hand, "No, no. I'm alright. I just remembered... something." He said. His voice was still raw from all the coughing that it was difficult to even try to speak.

"Oh... you sure?"

"Yeah. I'm alright, I swear. Just choked on some air, you know, the usual."

She looked at him with pointed eyes, trying to see if he was bluffing but when she was given a smile, she decided she'd let it slide.

Matty sighed, "Alright then. I don't know how to feel about the last part. Does it really happen often?"

Karl's cheeks reddened, "Only sometimes."


They continued walking up the stairs, side by side. Matty still looking at Karl, waiting to see if he was about to choke on air again but it never came.

They quickly arrived at the door of the guest room. It was a white door, with a silver handle that kind of looked like a hook in some way.

Matty held the door open for him, really trying to live up the idea of being a decent host. Too excessively though.

"Here's the room. If the bed's too small, we can always exchange rooms, I don't mind." Matty said as they got inside.

The room's walls were painted a light, cool grey and there was a window situated at the left side of the room, the sun's rays pooling through the blinds. It gave the room more depth. The bed that was situated near the wall looked fluffy. The sheets were this light blue, the pillows were covered in white casing. Everything looked so soft that Karl was excited to sleep on it.

There was an empty bedside table next to it and there was a large wooden cabinet on the far left, near where the bathroom was. It was simple and didn't feel too extravagant.

She watched his reaction go from awe to a content smile.

Their eyes met and Matty tried to maintain eye contact until her brain decided that it was time to be flustered so their staring match ended when Matty looked away. She puffed her cheeks and wrung her hands together before she glanced at him again, "What do you think?"

"It's perfect."

"Pfft, you're just saying that, Jacobs." She teased.

"No, I'm serious! It's amazing. Thank you so much for letting me stay. I owe you a lot." He said once again.

Gosh, how many times was he going to say thank you? Matty's ego was going to blow up with each thanks she's getting from him.

"No worries, Jacobs. It's what friends do."

big yikes :o

anyways, how's everyone? hope you're taking care of urself!

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