《The bucket siblings and the chocolate factory》crazy boat ride


Everyone climbed onto the large Borat and sat down. Veruca and her father in front. Violet and her mother behind them, Mike and his father behind them and finally Charlie, his sister and Wonka at the back.


They slowly began tracking down the river at a relaxing speed. Wonka picked up a ladel from out of no where and dips it in the river then handing it to Charlie.

"Here try it, you looked starved to death" Charlie took a sip and handed it to his sister before smiling at the candy man.

"It's great!"

Lily took a little sip before carefully handing it back to Mr Wonka.

"What do you think?"

"Brilliant" she responded with a little smile.

"That's because it's mixed by a water fall, the water fall is most important because I-"

"You already said that" Veruca pointed out. His smile fell and he say up straighter.

"Your all quite short aren't you?"

"Well yeah we're children"

"That's no excuse I was never as short as you"

"You were once"

"Was not know why? Because I destincty remember putting a hat on top of my head, look at your short little arms you could never reach it haha"

They all turned back around to face forward. Lily stood up on her chair and reached her arm out just tapping his hat. He looked over at her a little confused.

"I have the littlest arms here and I can reach it" She was starting to come out of her shell and show her cheeky personality.

Wonka just chuckled at her. "Well I guess you got me there"

She smiled at him and sat back down next to Charlie.

"Do you even remember what it was like being a kid?"

"Oh boy do I, do I?"


His face went blank and he seemed to be in his own little world. Charlie looked forwards and saw a tunnel.

"Mr Wonka, Me Wonka! We're heading for a tunnel"

He quickly snapped out of it.

"Full speed ahead"

The towers began to go faster as they went further into the tunnel.

"How can they see where there going?"

"They can't, there's no knowing where there going"

"Switch on the lights"

Bright lids suddenly flashed on as the boat took a huge dip and quickly picked up speed.


Charlie picked his little sister up and set her on his lap with his arms around her so she wouldn't fall which she tightly squeezed. The further they went the faster it became.

"Charlie make it stop!I'm scared!"

"I can't Lils, you'll be fine I promise"

Mr Wonka looked down at then feeling a little concerned for the little girl. He noticed that the momentum from the boat had made her hair fly behind head out of her face so he was able to see her face and her percing green eyes that he knew he had seen before.


"Why do you wear that thing, it's so embarrassing"

Young Willy Wonka was stood in a school facing a small group of children that was lead by a boy with the same green eyes that Lilith had, it was his older brother.

"Dad says I have to"

"Well well well looks like we've got a little twerp on our hands guys, poor you having to do everything daddy says?" he teased him "your such a baby"

But Mr Wonka's flashback was cut short by a high pitched scream coming from next to him as the boat suddenly took another dip. This time it greatly slowed down and travelled at the same speed that it began in. Mr Wonka leaned over to Charlie.


"Is she alright" He was worried for the girl, he didn't think the kids night be frightened when he planned the boat ride.

"She will be just give her a minute to calm down" Charlie rubbed cricles on his little sisters back as Wonka went back to looking over all the other guests and noticed some of the rooms that they were passing.

"People, keep an eye out were passing some very important rooms here"

Mrs Beauregard turned around with a seductive smile on her face to look at Wonka.

"What do you use hair cream for?"

"To lock in moisture"

They went past a room with a cow being suspended in the air and whipped by the oompa loompas.

"Whipped cream" Charlie and lily said.

"Precisely haha"

"That doesn't make sense"

"For your information little girl whipped cream isn't whipped cream at all unless it's been whipped with whipps, everyone knows that"

"But it looks like their hurting the poor thing" Lilith said with a sad look on her face. Mr Wonka smiled at her and said.

"Their not hurting it, they are just talking them lightly with the whipps, like this"

He reached out and lightly tapped her arm her eyes never leaving his and the entire time which he found odd.

"Really?" She looked up at him.

"I promise"

The boat stared picking up speed again.

"Oh no, not again" lily turned her head and layed it Charlie's shoulder. She held on to him tightly as it got really fast again squeezing her eyes shut tightly.

"Wait, stop the boat I wanna show you guys some thing"

Everyone got out from the boat and went through the white, circular door. Charlie carried his sister off of the boat and set on the floor once they were inside the room.

The room was filled with all sorts of pipes and beakers filled with colourful liquids and lots of huge machines letting of smoke or making odd sounds.

Lily looked back at they open door where the name Inventing Room was written on it.

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