《The bucket siblings and the chocolate factory》he's found it!


The next day news broke out that the last golden ticket was found by someone in Russia. Both of the children were devastated but deep down they both knew that with how much money they had they didn't really have any chance at finding it.

Lilith had just been punched by her father for not working fast enough and was spitting a little blood and a tooth into the sink when she heard pounding footsteps getting closer and closer. Then there was a voice, her brother's voice shouting something.


He ran into the house with a huge smile on his face and Lilith dropped the rag she was using to clean her face with her mouth agape.

' there's no way ' she thought.

He handed the ticket over to his grandpa who looked at it for a minute waiting for his vision to focus but when it did she shouted "yipeeee!" And jumped out of bed doing s little dance. Everyone just stared at him, shocked that he was out of bed, dancing!

He gave the ticket to Mr Bucket who turned it over.

"Here read it aloud, lets hear what it says"

"Greetings to you, lucky finder if this golden ticket, from Mr.Willy Wonka. I shake you warmly by the hand and do invite you to come to my factory and be me guest for one whole day.

I Will Wonka will be conducting you around the factory showing you everything there is to see.

After, when it is time to leave you will be escorted home by a professional.

And remember one of you lucky five children will receive and extra prize beyond your wildest imagination. Now here are your instructions.

On the first of February by you must come to the factory gates at ten am sharp. Your allowed to bring one member of your family with you. Till then.


Willy Wonka"

"The first of February, that's tomorrow"

"Then there not a moment to loose children wash your face, comb your hair, scrub your hands, brush your teeth, blow your nose"

"And get that mud of your pants Charlie"

"Now we all must keep very calm"

"Also it was Charlie who found the ticket not Lilith, she will not be going"

At her fathers words all they excitement she had just felt vanished and tears swelled up in her eyes but she didn't let them fall. She just picked up the rag she had dropped and went back to cleaning her face. A large frown appeared on Charlie's face and he felt angry towards his parents at the sight of this but didn't show it. He turned back to his family.

"No. We're not going. A woman offers me five hundred dollars for the ticket, I bet someone would pay more. We need the money more than we need the chocolate."

There was a moment of silence as they all took in Charlie's words. He was right, they did need the money more.

"Young man" grandpa George spoke up "come here"

Charlie went over and stood by his grandfather.

"There's pleanty of money in the world, they print it every day. But this ticket, there's only five of them in the while world. And thats all there's ever going to be, only a dummy would give this up for something as common as money. Are you a dummy?"

"Nor sir"

"Then get that mud off your pants you've got a factory to go to"

"Alright, but on one condition"

"What is it Charlie?" Mrs Bucket asked him.

"I'm taking Lily as my guest"

Lilith dropped the broom that she was holding and turned to Charlie looking shocked as was everyone else except for grandpa Joe who smiled.

"That's an excellent idea Charlie" He said to him making Charlie smile as well

"But Charlie -" Mr Bucket tried

"No its my ticket. I get to decide"

They both have up trying to convince him and Lilith ran up to give her brother a huge hug which he gladly accepted. She couldn't believe it. She was going to Willy Wonka's chocolate factory with her big brother.

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