《Ronance one shots》I miss my lover


The angst you have been waiting for (listening to Mr Loverman

Nancy and Robin have been dating for a little over 4 months the party knows there together they ended up telling them the day after their 3 month anniversary. They had everyone in the wheelers basement and they both came out then told them they where dating, El and Max already knew due to the fact that there not as oblivious as the others. Will said that he was thinking they where but they doubt that. Ok now to the actual thing there in the upside down

"NANCE BEHIND YOH" Robin screams "Robin what do you mean then she looked behind her and she saw it the 10ft demogorgan that loves will "ROBIN RUN" Nancy screams at Robin "NO NANCE IM NOT LEAVING YOU" "GO ROB" Nancy screams "their will be no need for that" they heard behind the demogorgan and they both recognize the voice it's Steve. The demogorgan then attacked Steve bc idk

Steve was jumped on by the 10ft monster and robin was scared to lose steve so she did the dumbest things possible stab the demogorgan it didn't do much besides having the demogorgan attack her instead. Nancy tried to help Robin but it was to late.

"Nance it's to late" Steve says stopping her "No steve no no no" "nance shes gone" "NO" Nancy screams while balling but the demogorgan was still right there "nance shes not gonna want us both dead to let's go" nancy dosent budge shes just there frozen so Steve picked her up and ran for Eddie's trailer.

Eddie, Jonathan and the party where there waiting for them to come back. When they got back Max noticed Robin wasn't with them so she asked "where's Robin" Nance gave her that look and max understood and said "I have to go to the bathroom I'll be right back" in reality she really didn't have to she wanted to jump out a window but she couldn't Robin was a mother figure to her which made it hurt a little more.


Back to everyone else. Eddie said "yeah max is right where is Robin?" Nancy and Steve just started crying in eachother arms. "Oh" is all Eddie could get out. Everyone was just as shocked and it was completely silent until max came out with blood shot eyes. Nance took max and went to the car. "Where are we going?" Max asked "Robins house" "oh"

Time skip

They where back from robins they got all of her stuff including cloths, posters and way more. She gave the stuff to max, Steve and her no one complained cause they knew what would happen if they did complain

Time skip 5 months

It's been 4 and a half months since Robins funeral and it seems like everyone forgot about her. But deep down inside they could never forget her. Nance went to bed like usual but when she woke up in the chair next to her bed was someone it was Robin? "ROBIN!" Nancy yelled "Hey Nance" Robin replied with "how are you here the demogorgan and the upside down" "Because nance" Nancy noticed something weird about Robin so she said she had to use the restroom but then Robin grabbed her arm and told her she wasn't going anywhere. Nancy knew it wasn't Robin but then there she was in vecnas little cave thing she was tied up till she heard something "I've been hiding for so long But these feelings, they're not gone Can I tell anyone? Afraid of what they'll say So I push them away I'm acting so strange" she realized it was her favorite song (ik girl in red is a now song but idc this is still based on the 80s but pretend the song was out then😭) then she saw the portal she was running while hearing "They're so pretty, it hurts I'm not talking about boys, I'm talking about girls They're so pretty with their button-up shirts" she was thinking about Robin the whole time then suddenly she was back she turned right to max and hugged her sobbing "Robin" everyone around them understand what she meant.


Nancy finally let go of max "I miss my lover man" "I know nance I understand" Mike says "NO MIKE YOU DONT YOUR BOYFRIEND IS RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF YOU" everyone seemed shocked because Nancy pointed at will. "OH WOW NANCE YOU JUST OUTED ME TO EVERYONE" Mike screamed "Mike I'm really sorr" she couldn't even finish her sentence before Mike interrupts her "YOU KNOW WHAT NANCY MAYBE ITS GOOD ROBINS DEAD MAYBE THIS WILL TEACH YOU THE REAL WORLD" everyones jaw dropped lower then Chrissys. Max stood up and everyone knew what was about to happen "what did you just say" max says " I said maybe it's good robins dea" thud mikes body hit the ground cause max just punched him really hard "this is what some wheelers deserve" max punched him multiple times in the face until Mike was bleeding all over his face and maxs knuckle was bleeding. "Alright that's enough" El gets max off of mike:

Time skip

"Steve" Nancy said "yea nance?" "Do you think Robin can see us" " I bet she can she's probably so proud of you you've been holding up really good" Steve says "thanks Steve" Nancy says while smiling hugging him "even if she still can see us i still miss my lover and I'll never be able to see her again" "nance it's gonna be alright" Steve says shedding a tear.

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