《Poetry and Clarinet (Wirt x Reader》Hard Times at the Huskin Bee (part one)


You were walking next to Greg, who was making fart noises with his face (as most five year old boys do), while Wirt was mumbling to himself.

"Hey (y/n), are you sure this is the way the woodsman told us to go?" Wirt asked you. His eyes sparkled with golden specs, similar to how they were on the first day of school.

"Have you two been listening to anything I've been saying?" Greg asked you both, with his voice full of seriousness.

"What were you saying?" You asked him. Greg smiled a goofy grin.

"For the last couple of hours, I've been saying..." and then he continued to make the funny noises with his mouth. You normally would have laughed, but you were too focused on trying to get back home.

"That settles it, I'm going to walk up ten feet ahead of you." Wirt growled. You rolled your eyes at how non humorous the tall fourteen year old was being. All of a sudden, you noticed something. There was a wooden sign nailed lazily to a tree.

"Hey, Pottsfield one mile! Look Wirt, a town!" You yelled. You looked behind you and saw Wirt and Greg standing next to a weird bush. You walked over to them.

"Greg, stop talking to a bush," Wirt said. You cocked you eyebrow at the out of context statement.

"Ok," Greg Said. He reached his hand into the bush, and when he pulled it out, the same talking bluebird came flying out.

"Great, you saved me so now I owe you a favor. You guys are lost kids with no purpose in life right?" The bird asked. You already didn't like or trust the bluebird, so you were silent.

"Yep!" Greg replied.

"How about I take you to Adelaide of the pasture, the good woman of the woods? She can get you three home."


"No, no, no, no, no!" Wirt cried. "Magic talking birds leading us to fairy godmothers in the mysterious... we're going to Pottsfield." Wirt grabbed your wrist and started to drag you along.

"Yeah, we're going to Pottsfield!" You we're relieved to hear Greg tell the bird.

As you approached the colonial style town, you heard the creepy bluebird land on your shoulder.

"So, Greg here tells me that your name is (y/n)." The bird went on. "Well, I'm Beatrice, and I've been here long enough to know that going to Adelaide's will get you home much faster than walking this way and that throughout the woods. So what do you say you, me, and Greg ditch your boyfriend?" You blushes at the thought of dating Wirt, but also frowned upon the idea of leaving him all alone in the mysterious wood.

"First off, he's not my boyfriend. Secondly, I'm not going to run away with some talking bluebird to a weird woman that I've never met." You flat out yelled at Beatrice. You were glad that Wirt hadn't heard your remarks.

"Aha! Civilization!" Wirt exclaimed, throwing his arms up in the air. "Let's Go rejoin society!" You cheered. You laughed at Wirt, who had stepped on a pumpkin as you four made your way down the steep hill that lead to Pottsfield.

After a while of searching the town, and running into a few human sized turkeys, you and Wirt gave up hope of finding a phone in that town.

"Wait- do you hear that?" Greg asked, poking his head out from inside of a haystack. You could hear very faint music coming from an abandoned looking barn across the path from where you were.

As you neared the door of the barn, you felt a hand tap your shoulder. You turned around and let out a small scream. Standing there was a walking pumpkin!


"Pardon me there," he said as he walked in the door. Wirt hugged you so that you were completely out of the way of the pumpkin man. You looked up at him while he was looking down at you, and you felt blood rising to your cheeks.

"Say, you folks should put on your vegetables and celebrate the harvest with us!" The pumpkin man said to us.

"Oh, so you're uh... wearing costumes?" Wirt asked, awkwardly letting go of the embrace.

"Well sure, pumpkins can't move around on their own? Can they?" The pumpkin man ominously said back to us.

"Well, (y/n), you and I should go get directions. Greg, you stay out of trouble. Beatrice- thank you but you can leave now." Wirt directed. You thought it was weird that Wirt was so persistent and easily taking charge here. You kind of liked it, considering how timid he was back at home.

"I can't leave, I'm honor bound to help you since you helped me. That's the... bluebird rules." Beatrice said. You thought that she sounded like she was making that up, and it seemed that Wirt did too.

"Uh... okay," Wirt glanced at you and shrugged.

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