《You Are My Heart》Chapter 6


After Hwasa and Whee-In dropped off Solar near the entrance of the hospital they went to park the car. Once the car was parked and they took off their seatbelt. Whee-In grabbed Hwasa hand before Hwasa could open the door. When Hwasa looked over at Whee-In, Whee-In was staring at Hwasa with a blissful expression on her face. Whee-In ran her fingers through Hwasa's hair gently, down her neckline and up her chin. She slowly guided Hwasa's face towards her own and whispered sweetly.

"I treasure every second with you."

"Me too," Hwasa replied with a gentle smile.

"You are my heart," they said in unison.

Then both of them closed their eyes as their lips slowly brushed against one another. Their kiss became deep and passionate. Whee-In guided her lips along Hwasa's jaw line and gently bid her chin. Hwasa threw her head back and Whee-In softly kissed Hwasa's neck once, twice, three times going down and then she slowly it back up. Whee-In brushed her right thumb over Hwasa's lips and Hwasa kissed it. Hwasa felt Whee-In's hands caressing her body, and her heart began to beat faster. When Whee-In moved their lips together and slid her hand down…

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Whee-In opened her eyes and looked out the passenger window, an old woman with a walking cane stood outside awkwardly staring at them. Whee-In got off of Hwasa and they both quickly tidy their clothes while clearing their throats. Hwasa blushed, looked at the old woman and nervously smiled. They both got out of the car to offered help to the old lady, she gladly accepted and nagged at them in the process.

"Young kids these days, doing inappropriate things in public. Back in the days…"

And she went on and on until they got into the hospital lobby where she found her friends and left their side. Hwasa and Whee-In sighed in unison then looked at each other and laughed when the old lady left. Afterwards they headed toward Moonbyul's hospital room (333) together. Along the way they heard some old people gossiping about a crazy maniac running around frantically looking for someone. They shrugged it off and continue on their way. When they reached room 333 and entered, both Solar and Moonbyul was gone. Solar's bag of clothes was dropped on the ground and hasn't been unpacked.

They left the room to find a doctor or a nurse. Hwasa tapped on Whee-In's shoulder and pointed down the hall to a doctor. When they got closer Hwasa began glaring at him and he got startled. Whee-In nudged Hwasa and softly whispered.

"Why are you glaring at the doctor? You're scaring him…"

"He's that doctor who stutters a lot don't you remember?" Hwasa whispered back.


Whee-In took a look and instantly recognized him as well, but she tried to be polite. Hwasa on the other hand continued to glare at him.

"I don't think he'll be of any help," Hwasa whispered to Whee-In again.

"It doesn't hurt to ask," Whee-In whispered back.

"Don't say I didn't told you so."

"I won't."

They stopped in front of the doctor and Whee-In tried to smile. Hwasa on the other hand pretended he wasn't there.

"I'm sorry to bother you," Whee-In began, "But do you happen to know where the patient in room 333 is at?"

"Uh, I-I'm s-sorry but I d-don’t know," the young doctor replied.

"Figures," Hwasa mumbled, "I told you so," she whispered to Whee-In.

Whee-In nudged Hwasa to stop then proceeded to her next question, "Then have you seen a girl with long hair? She's 25, about this tall," Whee-In lifted up her hand, "She has a candy floss hairstyle. Have you seen someone like that?"

"I…I h-haven't…" he spoke softly.

"What did you say?" Whee-In asked unable to hear the doctor answer.

"Oh, I saw the girl you are looking for," a male patient who was passing by heard their conversation and jumped in.

Hwasa and Whee-In turned their attention to the man and said together, "Where?"

"She was pretty so I remembered her," he paused for a moment and Hwasa urged him to go on, "Although she is pretty, such a shame," he sighed and shook his head, "she seemed a little you know, not right in the head. She was running around screaming Moon something. She ran toward the courtyard. She does have a nice set of you know what though," the man winked at the doctor.

Hwasa kicked the man leg because of his offensive comment and stormed off. Whee-In stomped on the man other foot and ran after Hwasa. The man roll on the ground rubbing his legs and throwing curses at them. The young doctor tried to help the man but was yelled at as well.

When they were nearing the courtyard an old couple passed by shaking their heads commenting about a girl crying her eyes out.

"Poor girl she looked exhausted and still she's crying so much," the old woman said.

"She ran around searching so much and I think the person beside her is the one she's looking for. But I wonder why they're arguing." the old man commented.

At the news, Hwasa and Whee-In quicken their steps toward the courtyard. As they passed by a woman holding a child, Hwasa thought she saw for a brief second the woman glaring at something or someone. She decided to ask Whee-In.


"Did you just see that woman glaring?"

"No, what are you talking about?"

"Nothing, probably just my imagination," although Hwasa was still determined that she saw the woman definitely glaring at something, she decided to brush it off as none of her business.

They saw Moonbyul and Solar from afar. Solar was hugging Moonbyul tightly, the back of her head facing towards them, and so they decided to slow down. Although they find it strange that Moonbyul wasn't hugging Solar, her hands were lifted into the air. Moonbyul then grabbed onto both of Solar's arm and they were face to face saying something. Afterwards Moonbyul tried to leave and Solar quickly grabbed her arm. They saw Solar's face brimming with tears, she was crying and it looked like she was pleading. They looked at each other in utter confusion and ran toward Solar.

At that moment they saw Moonbyul yanked her arm away and it knocked Solar onto the ground. However Moonbyul kept on walking without glancing back even once. They were baffled at the scene they have just saw. When they reached Solar, she was crying so much or mayhap she was hurt so badly that her screamed no longer have any sound. At the sight of Solar they couldn't help but cry with her. Hwasa wiped her tears and was about to charged off after Moonbyul to demand why she could treat Solar that way, but Solar grabbed her wrist. She tried to plead to Hwasa but no sound escaped her, Hwasa only understood her because she was shaking her head. Hwasa and Whee-In couldn't stop crying with Solar as they gently embraced her, hoping to give Solar as much comfort as they could. Solar held onto her chest and kept on crying. She began panting and breathing unevenly hitting the left side of her chest before she fainted.

"Unnie! Unnie!" Whee-In and Hwasa screamed trying to shake Solar awake.

She was rushed to one of the hospital room and Whee-In and Hwasa waited outside of the room. After the doctor had finished looking into her condition, Whee-In and Hwasa got up from the chairs and listened to his report.

"How is she doctor?" Whee-In asked.

"Her condition is stable," he began, "She was just really exhausted and it seems like her heart stopped for a second, she's fine now. She just need some rest and she'll be as good as new."

"Thank you." Whee-In said softly and the doctor left.

They went in to visit Solar who was sleeping peacefully. Hwasa tried to tidy up Solar hair and tears fell down her face, she wiped it away quickly and sniffled.

"Don't cry Hye-Jin ah," Whee-In tried to comfort Hwasa.

"I'm not crying," Hwasa replied, "What about you? You're crying too," they both wiped away their tears before Hwasa continued. "Seeing Yong-Sun unnie like this, seeing what happened earlier, I still couldn't believe what I saw."

"I don't either…" Whee-In added softly.

"That's it, I can't hold it in anymore!"

Hwasa got up suddenly and stormed out the room. Whee-In managed to catch up to her outside of the room and held Hwasa back.

"What are you going to do?" Whee-In asked.

"You know exactly what I want to do, don't you want to know too?" Hwasa angrily responded. "Are you satisfied with it being this way?"

"I'm not…but…" Whee-In hesitated.

"There's no but, either you go with me or I'll go alone." Hwasa demanded.

At that moment they saw Moonbyul entered her room down the hall. Solar was rushed into a room close to Moonbyul's room. At the sight of Moonbyul, Hwasa couldn't held in her anger anymore and stormed off. Whee-In hesitated, she looked into Solar's room and checked on her through the glass on the door and then dashed off after Hwasa to make sure she doesn't go overboard. She reached Hwasa in time before Hwasa entered Moonbyul's room but she wasn't fast enough to stop Hwasa from kicking the door open.

Moonbyul was ing her shirt, when she finished with the second button a loud bang rang out behind her and she was startled. She turned around, the door was wide open and two strangers stood there. She looked at the two strangers, one fuming at the mouth while the other was trying to calm the first one down.

"Can I help you?" Moonbyul asked curiously.

"That's it!" Hwasa lost it.

Hwasa grabbed Moonbyul's collar and knee her in the stomach then she pushed Moonbyul onto the chair. Moonbyul held onto her stomach grunting.

"How could you treat Yong-Sun unnie like that!" Hwasa screamed. "You don't even have an ounce of concern on your face! You heartless jerk!"

Hwasa tried to jump on Moonbyul but Whee-In tightly held her back by the waist. She kept pushing forward and Whee-In pulled her back. Her leg kicked in the air but didn't reach Moonbyul. Moonbyul held onto her stomach, her face doesn't look pleased. She thought today was probably the worst day of her life. Just then the door creeked open and someone stepped in.

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