《risk it all ─ jasper hale. iii ✓》viii. cockiness


Jasper interlaced his fingers with Asher as they left his house, Jasper was walking Asher to the treaty line where Paul will be waiting for them to take Asher the the Council Meeting so Jasper and his family can hunt. "You know I'll be fine Jasper." Asher said noticing his quiet behavior. "Its not you I'm worried about, well it is but I know you'll be save I just don't trust them." Jasper said stopping. "I know but they won't hurt me or Bella, especially at a Pack Council Meeting." Asher said seeing Jasper somewhat visibly relax.

Once they reached the treaty line Paul smiled at Asher then dropped his smile and nodded at Jasper who returned the nod. "I'll see you tomorrow okay?" Asher said turning to Jasper, who smile and nodded kissing her forehead. "I love you." Jasper said kissing her forehead again. "As do i." Asher said with a laugh kissing her boyfriend sweetly before stepping over the treaty line.

Paul and Asher began walking away from the treaty line and once they were out of ear shot from Jasper Paul looked at her, "you two really love each other huh?" Paul asked, Asher smiled and laughed, "yeah, we do."

"I better be invited to the wedding." Paul stated pointing a stern finger at his best friend, "wedding?" Asher asked confused, Paul just smirk and shrugged. Asher rolled her eyes with a confused look on her face.

As the two emerged from the forest Asher saw a group gathered around the fire, eating hot dogs, laughing. Billy sits at the natural head of the circle. Quil's grandfather sits on one side of him, Sue Clearwater on the other. The three council leaders, "did Sue take over for Harry?" Asher asked quietly, Paul nodded sadly, Asher nodded back before greeting her pack members. The whole pack was there; Paul, Quil, Embry, Jared, and Sam, with Emily at his side. Leah sullenly stares into the fire. Asher walks behind Leah wrapping her arms around the girl. "Hey L." Asher said, Leah smiled standing up and hugging the redhead.

Once Asher and Leah let go Asher spotted Jacob leading Bella towards the fire. "You sure this is okay? I really hate being a party crasher." Asher heard Bella say as she walked toward them "Technically, you're a Council Meeting crasher. See. The Council leaders, Dad, Quil's grandpa, and Sue Clearwater. She took over for Harry when he died." Jacob explained as Asher came up to the two, Jacob pulling her into a hug and then Asher turned to Bella hugging her as well. "Trust me it's fine, Billy doesn't mind, beside you're as much as a member of the pack as I am." Asher said.


"Okay, I should not be here though, Ash you're the pack's gaurdian so obviously you're apart if the pack." Bella stated, Asher laughed and shook her head, "you're okay. I thought... I mean, they thought it would be good for you to hear the histories." Jacob admitted.

"The histories? The tribe's histories? Aren't they secret?" Bella asked, "We all got a role to play. And you're a part of this. I mean, it's the first time Seth, Leah and Quil are hearing them, too. But you are the first outsider. Ever. And Asher as heard some of the stories from Paul and Sam."

"If I had have known that I would've dressed better." Bella said looking down at her clothes, Asher laughed throwing her arm around Jacob and Bella, "don't worry it's night no one will see your clothes as much." Asher teased earning and elbow in the side from Bella.

"Jake. Asher." They're interrupted by a gangly-limbed boy by the name of Seth, Leah's little brother, who trots up like a puppy. He always idolizes Jacob and especially Asher who treated him like a brother and not a child in a world he wasn't ready for.

"Hey. It's about time, you got here. Paul's been hoovering the grub before he left to get Asher. But, I saved you some burgers." Seth said with a sweet smile, Asher wrapping her arm around the neck of the boy, which was hard since he grew in height now towering over Asher. "Good looking out, Bro. Bella, this is Seth Clearwater, Leah's brother. Newest member of the pack.' Jacob introduced, "Newest, bestest, brightest." Seth said with a smirk, "too bad you cant beat Paul at cockiness." Asher teased sending a smile to Paul who was rolling his eyes at Asher's comment.

"And slowest." Jacob adds as he grabs Seth in a headlock, the two tumble to the sand. Seth laughs, which the two girls joined it with the loud laughter until a whistle comes from the circle made by Sam, Seth jumps up immediately. "Come on. Your dad's about to start.' Seth said excitedly, "Alright." Jacon says a s Seth drags him, Asher and Bella toward the bonfire.


Asher takes a seat in between Paul and Bella who was sitting next to Jacob. "The Quileutes have been a small tribe from the beginning." Billt said beginning the story.

The fire began burning lower as the story continued.

"But we've always had magic in our blood." Billy said, looking at each and every pack member.

"We were great spirit warriors... Shape shifters, that transform into the powerful wolf. This enabled us to scare off our enemies, and protect our tribe."

Asher peeks over at Bella who is absorbing the story, its images alive in her mind and Asher can see that as Jacob glances at Bella as well in awe at her reaction. "One day our warriors came across a creature." Billy said now looking at both Bella and Asher, the redhead knew who he was referring to, what he was referring to.

"It looked like a man, but it was hard like stone, and cold as ice." Billy continued, Asher had a strong feeling that she should look away but she continued to fire into the fire and every now and then she look at Billy to see he was already looking at her.

Billy: Our warriors' sharp teeth, finally tore it apart, of course with the help of their protector, a guardian, one pure of heart that stood beside her pack against the evil beings, but only fire would completely destroy it." Billy said as he looked at Asher and the pack only glanced at her.

"They lived in fear, the Cold Man was not alone. And they were right." Billy continued, glancing away from the two girls and looked around the circle. "She took her vengeance out on the village. Our elder chief, Taha Aki, was the only spirit warrior left to save the tribe, after his son was killed and their guardian got the rest of the tribe that was still alive to safety."

"Taha Aki's Third Wife could see that he would lose. The Third Wife was no magical being, no special powers, but one... Courage. The Third Wife's sacrifice distracted the Cold Woman, long enough for Taha Aki to destroy her. She saved the tribe. Over time, our enemies have disappeared. But one remains... The Cold Ones, every tribe is given a guardian to protect them and help them destroy the Cold Ones." Everyone glanced at Asher who looked down and over to Bella once she noticed the stares. "Our magic awakens when they are near. And we sense it now, we feel the threat in our blood. Something terrible is coming. And we must all be ready. All of us." Billy said finishing his story. The air was tense to Asher and she didn't know if it was just her, Bella's uneasiness or maybe both, but she did know what her pack was expecting from her, and she didn't know how to feel about it.

Bella, Jacob, Asher, and Paul were walking away from the fire and the others in complete silence, "are you guys sure you dont want to stay here? Charlie wouldn't mind I know that." Jacob asked, Bella and Asher shared a look. The redhead was exhausted and could crash any moment and even Bella could see that. "Actually yeah we'll stay, we're beat." Bella answered smiling at Ashwe than the boys. "Cool you can stay in Rachel and Rebecca's rooms since they're not home right now.

The girls smiled and nodded heading to Jacob's home for the night, saying goodnight to the pack members as well as the council members before going into the rooms and slipping into spare pjs. "Goodnight." Asher told Bella as the girl smiled and gave Asher a tight hug, "night Ash." And with that they fell asleep peacefully for once.


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