《Freaky Flaws and All : ᴍᴏɴsᴛᴇʀ ʜɪɢʜ》vi. on top of drama


It was early that morning. Clawd, Clawdeen, Howleen and I were on our way to school. Patra and her 'tomb' came by.

"Hey!" Patra said rolling down her window. "Need a lift?" She says giggling, politely asking her servants to stop.

Everyone, I mean my siblings jumped in. "Thanks Patra, but where's your family?" I asked sitting next to her.

"They feel offended by how nice I am so they didn't bother to come with me. Well, except Cleo but since she had to 'Give the monsters what they want' and stuff she ditched me." She said sadly.

"Awe, I'm so sorry." Howleen says sympathetically. "I know how you feel." of course, she had to glare at Clawdeen.

"excuse me but-" Clawdeen argues with her.

I didn't bother on listening to them yap until we got to school. "Okay pups, out!" I demanded.

"Yo thanks again Patra, sorry about them." Clawd says pointing to Clawdeen and Howleen argue.

"Hey it's ok, I see my sisters yap so many times, it's a second nature to block them out." she says smiling. "Anyways bye." she says waving bye at me.

I didn't want to go to first period so I just went to sit by the pool across from Monster high til 3rd period.

"I really hope Clawra doesn't think that I like Holt.." I told Lagoona about how I talked to Holt at the Coffin Bean, but not about his crushes.

"Oh mate, she most likely won't, Clawra's is an understanding ghoul. She'll come around." Lagoona assured me.

"I hope so," I say closing my locker.

"Ghouls!!!" I hear Frankie exclaim running to us with Draculaura, and Clawdeen.

"what???" I asked curiously to why she's running up to us.


She took a deep breath, "I think I like Holt and Jackson, again..."

Then there was silence. I gasped silently from my conversation with Holt last night.

"Oh no ghoul..." I hear Clawdeen say. "My sister would be devastated..."

"We're suppose to fang out after school... Yikes..." Frankie says sarcastically at 'yikes'. " We're going to skate around."

"FRANKIE STEIN!! How could you do this to CLAWDEEN'S TWIN!?" I heard Draculaura almost yell.

"She might think it's a friend thing we do?" Frankie says making up excuses.

I shook my head, how dare she insult Clawra's intelligence."Frankie. Hun. Clawra's smart, I hope you are too." I say to her before leaving to class.

I haven't seen Clawra the last 2 periods, I hope she wasn't mad.

As soon as the bell rings, I see Clawra walk into class and sit in front of me, I got worried since she normally sits next to me.

"Hey Clawra, what's wrong?" I whisper to her, but she doesn't respond making me sit back down.

I heard a dig from my phone, saying I received a message. I looked to see it was from Clawra. I forgot that Clawdeen has added her to a group chat before she came her, so everyone had her number and vise versa.


you and Patra are

cute, I understand

DJ 🎶💙 huh?


didn't you confess

to her yesterday?

My eyes widened in realization, she thought I liked Patra. Creep... -mhs version of crap-



Flawless, Patra

was telling me about

her and Heath and want

some of my advice.

This technically isn't a lie, since they both asked me for advice yesterday.


Oh sorry.. lol I feel dumb.


Haha its fine!

anyways see you


next period?


For sure Holt :)

I finally decided who I liked. It was Clawra. I texted Patra about my decision, but I got left on 'read', it was alright though.

(I'm lazy & it's Clawra's P.O.V)

I walked to put away my stuff to my locker until I see a tail pop up in front of me and I notice it to be orange and with black stripes. I looked up to see it was the popular Warecat of the school. It was Toralei.

"What is it Toralei?" I groaned. She is my friend, but she can be so annoying.

She smirked and purred,"Meow. I kitty can't befriend a wolf?" She asks jumping down.

"Sorry. I'm tired. What's up?" I ask.

"Well. I heard that Holt and Frankie are going out on a date~." she says walking behind me.

My eyes widened, "No... They can't be..." I stuttered out. I knew he was jealous yesterday, but I didn't know he'd actually ask her out when she has a boyfriend.

"Well, you can go out and see. They ARE only in the front of the school." She says before running off with her Werecat pals.

I tried to resist but I ran outside.

( it's Holt's P.O.V, still lazy )

It was the end of the day and I excited to meet up with Frankie for our friendly little competition. I went outside and go up to Frankie who was already out there.

We talked for a while and all of a sudden I see Nefera having an amulet. Nefera's on school grounds?

It looked like an interesting type of amulet. I wondered what she was doing with it and I unknowingly leaned towards to Frankie.

And then out of the blue she kissed me.


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