《Winter Fire [ Book 1 ] ✔》Chapter Twenty
Instead of taking a carriage, Alek guided Claire at a leisurely pace down the narrow residential road. It was lined by tall trees whose branches bore no leaves but rather the burden of snow and ice. Claire noted that when the waning sunlight hit the ice just right it made it seem as though the slim, slender branches were laced with diamonds.
Each time they passed another couple out for an early evening stroll, Alek would greet them with a slight bow of his head and Claire did her best to mimic whatever action the woman took.
"How is your leg, Claire? You'll tell me if it starts to bother you?" Alek asked, looking down at her anxiously.
"It's fine," Claire assured him, and she wasn't simply attempting to keep him from worrying. It truly did feel fine, better than it had in days, though perhaps that had less to do with the injury and more to do with the company. "I promise you will be the first to know when that changes."
Alek nodded and Claire saw his shoulders relax again
Just as it had been on the night of their arrival, the city was vibrant and alive. As they drew closer to the business district, the houses gave way to plate glass storefronts and open air street vendors, all of whom Claire now noticed were decorated for the upcoming holiday.
"Alek, I was wondering about something," Claire asked, shifting her gaze from a rather enticing display of sweets crowding a bakery window to look at him. "The night you showed up at the theatre, that was Christmas Eve, it's been days since then..."
"Ah, Christmas here is not a one day affair," he explained, "celebrations go on for days, sometimes even all week. Tomorrow marks the final day of sanctioned celebration and for as long as anyone can remember the royal family holds the grandest gala of them all. Everyone is invited, from baker to banker, and all are treated to a festive holiday feast and dancing no matter what their station."
"It sounds lovely," Claire said trying to imagine all those people gathered in one space. She had always wanted to go to a ball, a real ball, ever since she had read Cinderella as a child.
"You'll have a wonderful time, I promise," Alek assured her before stopping in front of a narrow brick building. It had only one small window which was taken up almost entirely a large wreath decorated with red and gold ribbons. "I have to step inside for a moment, Claire, it's best if you wait out here for me. Once I've finished my business here, we'll go and find something to eat, how does that sound?"
Claire, who felt anxious at the thought of being left alone, nodded reluctantly.
Alek gave her arm a squeeze before pulling the door open. "Stay right here," he added, motioning to the spot beside the door. Claire nodded again and watched as he disappeared inside.
Claire had every intention of doing as Alek had asked, and likely would have remained where he had left her had it not been for the sound of laughter and cheering erupting across the street. A crowd had gathered on the corner, enthralled no doubt by some display of strength or mystifying magic.
Biting lightly on her lower lip, Claire resisted wandering over, that is, until she saw a wild burst of flame rush skyward. There was a collective gasp among those gathered which was followed by more wild cheers.
It was just across the street, barely ten feet away, surely it wouldn't hurt to go have a look? She would make sure to stay in sight of the shop and keep an eye out for Alek if he emerged before she returned.
Claire waited on the curb for traffic to slow enough that she could get safely across without being run over by a horse or automobile. Once she reached the other side she searched for an opening in the crowd that would offer at least a glimpse of what was happening behind the wall of bodies.
Finding one at last, Claire wedged herself between a stocky woman and a boy who clutched tightly to his father's hand as the act progressed, neither seeming to notice her presence.
In the space beyond a man and a woman were circling one another, swords laced with fire grasped in their hands. At first Claire thought the two were fighting but it quickly dawned on her that the two were engaged in some kind of martial arts performance. They moved in sync with one another, their movements fluid and precise. When one swung, the other ducked, when one advanced, the other retreated. Every now and then the blades would clash and this was when the flames would rise in a wild dance towards the night sky.
Captivating as the performance was, Claire found her eyes rising to look beyond the show towards those gathered on the opposite side of the large ring. Most were shroud in the shadow of the building looming over them and it was from these shadows that she felt she was being watched. Not just a passing glance, or even a lingering one. It felt more like she was being observed.
After scanning the crowd several times, Claire finally met the gaze of a stranger lurking just inside the ring on the very edge of the performance. Despite being part of the crowd, he seemed separate as well, as though he existed independently from the rest. The strangest part of all was that despite clearly seeing him there, Claire couldn't see him clearly. She could make out no distinguishing features though somehow she knew it was a man. If she had been asked later to describe him, she would have been unable to do so. It was as though she were looking at him through a thin layer of water, just enough to distort and blur the figure in question.
When their eyes locked, she saw no evidence of surprise or embarrassment as one might expect. Instead, the stranger simply smiled.
Before Claire could do anything, she felt a hand grab hold of her shoulder. Startled, she turned to see Alek standing behind her. He looked scared and angry, but mostly scared.
"I told you to stay over there," Alek said, his voice low.
"I know, I'm sorry," Claire said breathlessly. "I just wanted to see the show and it didn't seem far. There was someone watching me." She looked back towards crowd, back towards where she had seen the man.
He was gone.
"Where? Who?" Alek asked, stepping closer and using his height to his advantage as he glared over the heads of those crowded in front of them.
Claire's gaze swept the crowd twice over but the man, and the sensation of being watched, were gone. "He must have left... it was probably nothing."
Alek scowled and used the hand on her shoulder to guide her free of the onlookers and back towards the other side of the street were it was quieter. Once there, he released her and crossed his arms over his chest.
"There's no reason to be so upset," Claire said at last, breaking the uncomfortable silence that had settled over them.
"That right there is the problem," Alek replied, "you still seem to think this is some sort of dream, that you're going to wake up and nothing bad can really happen to you here. Let me be the first to tell you, this is no dream, the dangers here are very real and if you aren't careful you could get yourself killed -- or worse."
"Then why did you leave me alone?" Claire snapped back.
"Because I didn't think you'd wander off like an ill behaved child," Alek declared. Claire was silent and Alek sighed, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.
"I told you before that the less you know the better," Alek reminded her, his voice soft, "Hard as it might be to believe, I've got my fair share of enemies and I don't want you getting caught in the crossfire."
Claire nodded, staring down at the toes of her feet where they protruded from beneath the hem of her skirt..
"I'm sorry if I was harsh," Alek added, reaching out to hook his finger beneath her chin. Claire didn't fight him when he coaxed her face upwards so their eyes could meet. "When I came out and saw you gone... I've never felt that scared. It's not something I'm used to and... well, there's no excuse, I shouldn't have behave like such a brute."
"I'm sorry too. I should have stayed where you asked," Claire replied, "I shouldn't have made you worry."
Alek smiled and offered her his arm. "If you're still willing, I know a quiet little cafe that makes the most delicious pie."
"Cherry?" Claire implored.
"Of course," Alek declared.
"Well then, what are we waiting for?" Claire asked as she reached out to loop her arm through his. "Lead the way."
An hour later found Claire and Alek with a stack of plates six high at their elbows, each having once held a single slice of pie. Alek was grinning as he leaned back in his chair and let out a contented sigh.
"Not a word of this to Ms. Avery, she would be horrified if she knew we hadn't eaten something proper for our dinner," Alek announced, "I'd like to say we'd both be in for a lecture, but the odds are I'll be the sole victim."
"I mean, it was your idea," Claire said with a shrug.
"My idea? I do believe I suggested we eat something more substantial before trying the pie, but you insisted on dessert first."
"Is that how it happened? I don't remember that at all," Claire replied, grinning.
"I'm starting to think you really are just a petulant child," Alek smirked, leaning forward to rest his forearms against the table. "Wandering off, pie for dinner, and such a sloppy eater..."
Alek reached out, cupping her cheek before allowing his thumb to brush some lingering crumbs from the corner of her mouth. "There, much better," he concluded, his fingers lingering against her cheek before he remembered himself and drew his hand back.
"Thanks," Claire said, shifting her gaze as a flush rose to turn her cheeks pink.
Alek simply smiled before rising from his seat and offering his hand with a flourish, "Come along, we should be getting back, people are going to start to worry."
Claire sighed and nodded reluctantly. "If you think that's best," she said, taking his hand and following him from the cafe.
Once outside, Claire noted that the streets here were not as crowded as they had been before and Alek walked with slow, casual steps despite his earlier insistence that they head back. She fell into step beside him, his slow stride making it easy to keep pace with him. He kept her hand in his and Claire made no attempt to pull free as they walked in companionable silence.
They had only traveled a few blocks when the soft, lilting strains of music drift towards them, carried on the back of a light, cool breeze.
"Where is the music coming from?" Claire asked, looking all around, but unable to locate the source.
"Would you like to see?" Alek replied.
Claire nodded eagerly and followed half a step behind Alek as he guided them around the next corner and down the street.
The road eventually came to an end, stopping before a wide, wrought iron gate that stood open and welcoming despite the late hour. The music was louder now and Claire felt that familiar need as her toes curled slightly in her shoes.
"It's this way," Alek said, leading her under the gate and down a wide dirt path. As they rounded a bend the trees that had been obstructing their view gave way to a clearing in the middle of which was a frozen pond. Set up to the left of the pond on a grassy slope was a small band of musicians who appeared to be playing for the enjoyment of those who had taken to the ice.
"It's amazing," Claire exclaimed, "can we skate? Are we allowed?"
Alek stopped short and Claire nearly ran into him.
"You... want to skate?" He asked.
"Why not? It's fun, don't you like to skate?" Claire asked.
Alek frowned, glancing away from her. "It's not my favorite thing to do," he admitted at last.
"But you know how... right?" Claire pressed.
"Of course," Alek insisted, "what incompetent prat doesn't know how to skate?"
Claire had to resist the urge to laugh. "Well then, what's the problem?"
"I don't want you to risk hurting your leg," Alek declared.
The laugh finally broke free and Claire shook her head. "My leg isn't the problem," she said, "you don't know how to skate, do you."
It wasn't a question so much as an accusation.
Alek's frown shifted into a scowl as his brows furrowed. "So what if I don't? It's not like it's a practical skill. I've gotten on fine all my life without needing to know how and it hasn't hindered me in the slightest."
"Unbelievable," Claire said still taken aback by the confirmation that her suspicions were true, "the man who leaps from the back of trains and doesn't falter in the face of certain death doesn't know how to ice skate?"
"Could you say that last bit a little louder? I'm not sure they heard you on the other side of the pond," Alek grumbled as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"I'm sorry," Claire said, laughter still lighting up her eyes. She held out her hand to him. "Come on, it's easy, let me show you."
Alek made no move to take her hand but Claire would not be dissuaded.
"What? Don't you trust me?" She asked.
After several agonizingly long seconds, Alek let out a heavy sigh. "You aren't going to take no for an answer, are you," he inquired.
"Nope," Claire replied, wiggling her fingers invitingly.
Finally Alek reached out and took hold of her hand.
"I'm going to regret this aren't I," he muttered as Claire pulled him in the direction of the pond.
"Don't be such a spoil sport," Claire said. "Where do we get skates?"
"Get skates? Claire, we have to bring our own skates," Alek said with a quirk of his brow. Claire frowned and looked back out at the pond.
"Oh, I see," she replied, her heart sinking like a heavy lump in her chest.
Beside her she heard Alek sigh. "Sit down," he instructed before tugging her towards a fancy wrought iron bench. Claire sat and watched as Alek knelt down and reached beneath the hem of her skirt for one of her feet.
"Scandalous," Claire teased earning a hint of a smile from Alek as he dusted the snow from her shoe. "What are you doing?"
"Making do," he said simply before pressing his palm against the sole of her shoe. She felt the fabric tighten around her foot and then loosen before it began to unravel before her eyes. The threads wove through the air, growing longer as they stitched themselves back together. In less than a minute, the simple fur lined flat had become a sturdy boot. Alek did the same to the other and then rocked back on his heels.
"Something for the blade..." he murmured, eyes sweeping the snowy ground. Claire thought a moment then reached up into her hair and pulled two hairpins free.
"Will these work?"
Alek glanced up, saw what she was holding, and grinned. "Perfect."
He took the hairpins rolled them quickly between his palms. Tiny blue sparks began to emit from between his fingers and when he opened his hands, the pins were glowing a brilliant shade of blue. He pressed one to the sole of her boot and slowly began to coax the metal outwards in thin, simmering tendrils that looped and coiled through the air. They wound up and around, before finally settling and going still. When Alek was finished, the pins resembled thin blades which were now attached securely to the bottom of her boots.
"Alek, that was amazing," Claire exclaimed.
"It's only temporary, but it will serve our purposes," Alek replied with a nonchalant shrug. "Can you spare two more pins?"
Claire pulled the pins free and the curls that they had been holding in place spilled down over her shoulder. Alek smiled and reached out to catch one between her fingers and tuck it neatly behind her ear. "It looks much prettier down," he commented before turning his attention to his own makeshift skates.
Claire felt heat rise to her cheeks and turned away, hoping it would clear before Alek was finished. It didn't, but that didn't matter considering Alek was too focused on walking to notice the embarrassed flush that had turned her entire face red.
"Slow and steady," she reminded him when he attempted to rush the last few steps and nearly ended up on his backside before ever stepping onto the ice. A fence had been constructed around the perimeter of the pond and it had been decorated with long strings of garland and red and gold ribbons. Upon each post was a lamp in which tiny balls of light floated and flickered independently of one another.
"Hold the fence there," Claire instructed before she stepped out onto the ice. Her movements were slow and cautious, not out of fear but because it had been several years since she had donned a pair of skates. The last thing she wanted to do after teasing Alek was make a fool of herself.
As it turned out, skating came as naturally to her as dancing did and within minutes she was gliding back and forth in lazy circles while Alek watched from the fence line. He was gripping it so tightly that his knuckles had grown a ghostly white. Seeing how anxious he was almost made Claire feel bad about begging him to do this.
"Are you ready?" Claire called out before moving to join him.
"No," he said, his voice strained. "But there is no point in prolonging the inevitable."
Claire laughed and held out both her hands. "Take my hands," she instructed. He reached out and caught her fingers in his, holding them tightly. "Now, find your center," she continued, "finding your center will help you keep your balance."
Alek straightened, wobbling slightly as his feet began to slide back and forth in opposite directions. For a moment Claire was certain he was going to fall, but he managed to maintain his balance and stayed on his feet.
"There, see?" Claire exclaimed, slowly pushing off with her toe and propling herself backwards. She lead Alek this way, carefully navigating the other skaters who seemed content to avoid them as well. After they had made one full circuit around the pond without incident, Claire slowed them to a stop and grinned at him.
"See? You did it!" She exclaimed. He scoffed and rolled his eyes, but Claire could see the smile of delight attempting to make its presence known on his scowling mouth.
"Can we go now?" Alek asked.
"No, we've barely skated," Claire said. "Now come on, lets see if you can do it mostly on your own this time."
"What? Claire, wait, don't let go!"
Claire studied him, not understanding what it was he was so concerned about. "It's not the end of the world if you fall down, Alek," she said, "so long as you get back up and try again. Now quit fussing and try."
In the end Claire decided compromise was the best solution. So instead of releasing both of Alek's hands, she held fast to one of them, skating alongside him as they made their way around the pond again.
"You're doing great," Claire said after they had gone around a second time without so much s a wobble. "Time to fly solo, little bird."
Without warning, Claire released Alek's other hand and skated just out of reach.
"Come back, Claire, this isn't funny," Alek called out, she only laughed.
"No, but it's fun," she teased.
"Oh yeah?" Alek replied, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth.
"Mhm," Claire confirmed with a nod. She continue to skate close to him, moving in slow circles around where he stood on the ice while making sure to stay out of reach. "Lots of fun."
"I think you forgot something about me, Claire," Alek called out.
"What's that?"
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