《orphic | Complete》One
They met rather coincidentally. But it wasn’t like it was completely coincidental, it was just luck.
There was a show that Yoongi forcibly participated in (thank you, Bang PD, who decided Yoongi looked too intimidating to other people in the industry). The show was meant to last only three months, but it still caused his schedule for their new album to delay and he was really bitter about it, so fucking bitter that none of the members risked talking to him for almost two weeks out of sheer fear. Believe it or not, he was even grumpier than normal and Jimin joked around saying that Yoongi’s grumpiness was having its prime time, but he did it behind Yoongi’s back of course, since the younger valued his life.
It was a show where different idol producers worked together to write/compose/produce a new song per week. That meant the recordings had to start almost a month before the first airing of the show and that meant not a three-months long delay, but a fucking four-months long one. Great.
And then when he went to the first meeting with the cast, he learnt that there were eight of them and they had to pair up, fan-fucking-tastic seriously.
Yoongi worked alone. Even when they produced their albums he worked alone and only when he decided he was almost done, Namjoon and Hoseok came in to participate in the songs.
And then they paired him up with Song Mino.
As in Winner.
As in YG Entertainment.
Yoongi heaved a deep breath, looking at Song Mino who was politely and bubbly smiling at him awfully like Jimin and he couldn’t even be himself towards him because his existence in this show was to show everyone that he could be friendly, too. So he forced out the friendliest smile he could, which probably looked like a grimace but still, and nodded. Song Mino’s smile didn’t falter.
At least Yoongi knew the man was serious about music.
He had seen a couple of clips from his SMTM days and he knew he was an underground rapper before debuting, so he had Yoongi’s respect but…
Yoongi just didn’t do well with working with others.
The first recording took place in the broadcasting station’s meeting room.
They were supposed to decide their schedule and get to know each other.
Yoongi had spent all day and all night at his studio the night before and he had more caffeine than blood in his veins now as he walked to the room. He was drinking his usual coffee – hot, dark, no sugar, and no cream. More coffee than water. The makeup team worked really hard on covering his dark circles and trying to give a healthy glow to his matte skin (too much coffee, too little sleep, no deep skincare during hiatus, so yeah).
He opened the door to the room to find Song Mino sitting and talking nervously with the writer team.
“Hello,” he said when all eyes turned to him. He bowed to everyone on his way to the chair near Song Mino.
“Hello,” the man bowed when he sat down. “I’m Winner’s Song Mino.”
“Bangtan’s Suga,” Yoongi nodded.
From that moment, there were two things Yoongi couldn’t even imagine that could happen.
The first one was becoming fast and tight friends with Song Mino.
They were the same age (21 days apart, to be exact) and they both shared the undying passion for music. So it was almost inevitable, really.
At the end of the third day of shooting they had already exchanged numbers. They mostly talked about music, Mino sharing some new songs or samples he found, Yoongi sharing some compositions he was working on (this made Namjoon and Hoseok a little jealous, and that amused Yoongi a lot) and sometimes Mino would share some drawings he did as well as his fashion style which was ridiculous to Yoongi who preferred simple and comfortable clothes so he teased him a lot, and Yoongi would send him some restaurant or café he found by accident. And they would meet when his members forcibly kicked him out from his studio after working three days straight, and they would talk about things over lunch or dinner or drinks.
Their music almost matched, so the show was going well and not really long after the show aired, they were already the public’s favourite — meaning the expectations had skyrocketed. But it was fine, they were fine. All the songs they produced topped the charts for a week until they released a new song, replacing themselves at number one.
Secretly, they were working on collabs, too. On Yoongi’s next mixtape, to be exact and they had briefly talked about Winner’s next album. So everything was fine. More than fine, actually. Shocking his members, Yoongi was actually having fun and some of the members were complaining with jealousy — meaning Jimin and Jungkook since the two were overly fond of (meaning obsessed) Yoongi and they were constantly whining about how he now preferred Mino’s company instead of theirs and since Yoongi had a very soft spot for the two, he was just brushing them off or scolding lightly instead of glaring at them to death.
For the fourth week, they met at YG to talk about the new song that required some collaboration with other artists. Until now, it was Yoongi or Mino or both of them did the recordings and now they needed someone else.
“We could ask Jiminie,” Yoongi looked at Mino thoughtfully. “You know how his voice is heaven.”
“Yeah,” Mino smiled. “I really like Jimin-ssi’s voice.”
“Yeah,” Yoongi half-smiled. “He’s precious. Or Jungkookie. His pitch is a little lower than Jiminie’s but he’d be okay.”
“So we’re going for high pitches?” Mino looked at the paper he was holding as he leaned back on his chair, it contained lyrics.
“What do you think?” Yoongi asked, playing with the pen in his hand.
“We can go for soft,” Mino offered slowly as if his brain was heavier suddenly. He was rereading the lyrics, chewing on his lower lip.
Yoongi arched a brow, “Soft?”
“Yeah,” Mino turned his eyes to Yoongi. “You know, something soothing to balance our parts. Our lyrics are a little heavy, Yoongs,” he added with a smile. Yoongi’s lips curved up with another half-smile.
“Could be. Anyone in mind?”
“How about Jinwoo hyung? His voice is soft enough. Or like, I can ask Taeil hyung from Block B. Or maybe Baekhyun hyung from Exo?” Mino counted, lost in thought. Yoongi raised both brows.
“How do you know these people?”
Mino grinned, “You know I’m close with Block B. and I’m close with Sehun and Kyungsoo from Exo.”
“Baekhyun-ssi’s voice could be soft enough,” Yoongi murmured, considering carefully. Then Mino clapped his hands as if he remembered something just then.
“How about female vocals?”
“Yeah,” Mino straightened on his seat, suddenly excited. Yoongi couldn’t help rolling his eyes, the boy was just so… excited all the damn time.
“As in?” this time Yoongi leaned back on his chair.
“I don’t know, we can ask Lee Hi?” Mino grinned. “Her voice is soulful.”
“Yeah I know, but her pitch doesn’t match to the beat,” Yoongi sighed. It was a shame, really. He really liked Lee Hi’s vocal colours. Then he remembered.
“I can ask Solar noona? From Mamamoo.”
Mino snapped his fingers, “Bingo. Oh! How about I ask Chaeyoung?”
“Chaeyoung?” Yoongi stared at him blankly.
“You know, Blackpink’s Rosé. Her real name is Park Chaeyoung.”
“Uh,” Yoongi hesitated. The girl group was really popular and Rosé’s voice was really nice but it could create controversies since god knows why it became a hot item even when Bangtan and Blackpink stood on the same stage (meaning because of fans).
“Just ask Solar-ssi,” Mino waved his hand. “Chaeyoung’s pitch is too high.”
“Yeah, one second,” Yoongi took out his phone, forgetting the cameras recording them and it was too late when he remembered, he had already sent the message.
“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath, suddenly anxious. Mino arched one brow and Yoongi subtly shook his head. Him having a female person’s number in his phone was going to cause fans to go crazy and Solar was definitely going to get hate but oh well. It was too late now…
After five minutes, a reply came.
“She replied?” Mino asked, surprised. Yoongi nodded, opening and reading the text.
“Oh,” he said, couldn’t hold back his disappointment. “She says she’s a little busy. She’ll try to spare some time but looks like it’s gonna be hard. Says they’re working on a new album,” he added after reading the text again, looking at Mino. Mino looked disappointed, too.
“Well, we’ll figure something out. Let’s just go get lunch. Aren’t you hungry?” he asked as he got up from his seat.
“Yeah,” Yoongi murmured and took Mino’s hand to get support to get up.
“I swear you’re lacking the basic energy to move,” Mino laughed and Yoongi glared at him.
“Shut up.”
When they went down to famous YG cafeteria and got their trays, Yoongi took a breath and appreciated the cafeteria once more — it wasn’t famous for nothing. The food could be the second most delicious food he had ever eaten (the first was his mom’s).
As they sat at one of the tables, Yoongi’s back was to the entrance to focus on his food as always. To the ridiculous amount of cameras, too. He hated being filmed when he was eating. Not that he really cared about it but he hated some of the gifs fans created. So he was startled when Mino let out a loud oh and a smile settled into his face. He raised his hand, waving enthusiastically and Yoongi turned his head to look at the cause of this erratic antics.
As soon as he turned his head, he saw a small face framed with honey brown hair and a pair of eyes so bright that could compete against Jungkook’s.
The second was that he would fall in love.
The show censored the name Mino almost shouted and the face of the person, much to Bangtan’s disappointment and whines ( it was a collective shouting of oh come on to tell the truth). Yoongi smirked.
They were dying to know the person they’re collaborating and were trying to corner him and trick him into telling the person’s name. No need to say they were failing miserably.
Namjoon and Hoseok tried to trick him when he was working in his studio for two days straight now to complete the melody and was in a rather vulnerable state because of lack of caffeine in his system. Felt worse than top ten anime betrayals.
Yoongi had snapped at them so bad that the two couldn’t even speak to him for another two days straight out of fear.
Jin had tried to use ‘I’m your hyung you brat’ card but all Yoongi had done was to stare at him, eyes so done and dangerous and the next thing Jin had done was asking if Yoongi was hungry.
Taehyung had treated him dinner ("We're the Daegu boys hyung, you can tell me I'll keep it a secret!" and Yoongi rolled his eyes so bad at that because the moment he told Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook would know too) and they had some alcohol but Yoongi just passive-aggressively (at least according to his standards because Jin had scolded him after Taehyung came home really drunk and claiming Yoongi had scolded him so bad) refused him.
And it was really hard to resist Jimin and Jungkook’s combined efforts, especially when Jungkook used all his maknae powers (innocent looks and doe eyes and bunny smile which Yoongi had a really hard time at refusing) and Jimin acted all clingy and cute and smiles (all that whining and pouting and eye smiles and sneakily cuddling him which Yoongi had a whole harder time to refuse), abusing Yoongi’s soft spot for them.
But still, he managed to keep his mouth shut for the fun of his members' confusion and irritation and uneasiness and also the show’s surprise element.
On the second recording day, Mino and Yoongi were really early at YG building. They were recording in there because Yoongi knew that if they did it at BigHit, the little shits he called his members would definitely lurk around the entrance to discover their guest singer’s identity. And also there was a big chance of them barging into the studio in the middle of the recording and then Yoongi would have to unleash his entire wrath — it was an image he really didn’t want to share with the rest of the world and also would ruin everything he had been trying to establish with this show.
So here they were, at one of the YG’s recording rooms, working on their own parts in silence. The first day there were cameras but now they were camera-free until the d-day.
As the clock on the wall showed the hours passing with them working and recording and deleting and recording again until they were almost satisfied with what they did mostly thanks to the company of six cups of coffee each (that was another thing Yoongi and Mino shared, their coffee tastes; black, no cream, no sugar — and more coffee than water), it was almost noon.
Mino was behind the mic in the soundproof room when the door opened and Yoongi was so absorbed in the beat that he didn’t realise someone walking into the room. He raised his head to look at Mino who had stopped recording and was coming out of the session.
“Hello,” a soft voice startled Yoongi, whipping his head towards it.
Honey brown hair framing a small face, bright eyes and a shy smile.
Lalisa Manoban.
Yoongi hurriedly rose from his seat to bow, “Hello.”
She bowed back, lower than he expected and Mino came to pat her back.
“Welcome Liz,” he grinned affectionately.
“Hey oppa,” Lisa grinned, high-fiveing Mino.
Mino led her to the couch against the wall and Yoongi turned his chair towards them. She glanced at him shyly, a tint of pink brightening her creamy, soft skin.
She was wearing a baby blue hoodie over some skinny jeans and white sneakers. Her hair was flowing down her back and shoulders and her face was bare except some eyeliner.
And she still managed to destroy Yoongi's concentration, making him feel devastatingly overwhelmed.
“Lisa! Come, come!” Yoongi heard Mino almost shout again and swallowed his bite.
The girl bowed to them low and hesitantly took some steps before stopping a little away from Yoongi.
“You know Suga sunbaenim, right?” Mino gestured Yoongi.
“Of course,” her lips formed a nervous smile. “Hello, sunbaenim. I’m Blackpink’s Lisa.”
“Hi,” Yoongi muttered, straightening a little.
“Are you going to have lunch? Come join us,” Mino grinned and Lisa’s eyes darted to Yoongi. He nodded.
“Of course.”
So she smiled shyly again and said she’d be right back. Yoongi turned to Mino.
“What the f- I mean what in the world?” he corrected himself at the last moment, remembering the rolling cameras.
“Lisa’s voice is perfect, Yoongs,” Mino’s eyes shone with excitement.
Yoongi raised his brows, “I thought she rapped?”
“She does,” Mino confirmed. “But she can sing, too. It’s just Sajangnim doesn’t let her. Her singing voice is soft and melodic and she’s fluent in both English and Korean,” Mino smiled, satisfaction dripping from his voice.
“I don’t know,” Yoongi hesitated. “Wouldn’t it be better if we go for a vocalist?”
“Just wait until you hear her,” Mino’s smile turned into a smug one. “She can also rap, if we need her to. It’s perfect.”
“We’ll see, I guess,” Yoongi muttered, watching her come towards them on the mirror behind Mino.
“Are you ready?” Yoongi asked as politely as he could manage. Lisa nodded as she got up and walked around Yoongi to enter the soundproof room —l eaving a trace of a flowery scent behind her.
Mino had left to meet Kang Seungyoon about their album, saying he’ll be back in a minute and making Yoongi panic. Now he was alone with her and felt his body warm up, palms sweat a little and heart hammering in his chest.
He watched her throw her hair back, put on the headphones and adjust the mic. She looked so tiny with the headphones too big for her small head and the mic almost the size of her face. And Yoongi kind of wanted to groan at how cute she looked. It was painful, really.
She licked her lips as she read the lyrics again before raising her coffee brown gaze to him. His stomach clenched very uncomfortably and ridiculously.
Fucking ridiculous.
“I’m starting it if you’re ready,” he said after he pressed the button to make himself heard. But only after he cleared his throat to make sure his voice wouldn't crack with nerves.
“Yeah,” Lisa said softly.
The recording began.
And this was the story how he slowly, but steadily, fell for her and by some miracle, she returned his feelings.
They both fell hard for each other. And thankfully their personalities matched, too. They were both a little jealous, a lot possessive, a lot defensive and a whole lot more head over heels gone for the other.
They were dating for a year when their first serious fight happened.
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