《Shades of Gray》10. "Carmen's in danger."


Soon they were driving to meet more A.C.M.E. agents that would transport their V.I.L.E. hostages to a maximum-security prison. For some reason, Zack and Ivy absolutely refused to let Devineaux drive, so Zack took the wheel. Devineaux was confined to the passenger seat, and Ivy and Graham sat in the second row.

While they waited for Chief to call them back, (she was talking with the agents in Saudia Arabia again), Devineaux fiddled with a V.I.L.E. phone he had confiscated from Neal the Eel.

The Frenchman growled in frustration, eventually throwing up his hands. "I give up!" he said. "I can't figure out the password!"

Graham leaned forward. "Hand it to me, mate," he replied. "I'll try some of the old passwords I remember and see if I can get it open for you."

Devineaux gave him the phone. But Graham had no time to try and unlock it, because at that moment, Chief's face appeared on the screen in the front of the car.

"Sorry about the delay," she said. "Being Chief of A.C.M.E. means a lot of projects are fighting for my attention. But I'm here now, and I'll answer any questions you may have, Mr. Calloway."

"Alright, so, first of all, what were you doing at the opera house?" Graham asked.

Chief explained that after a recent jailbreak, they received intel that two V.I.L.E. operatives were heading to the Sydney Opera House. A.C.M.E. had quickly discovered that the operatives were going there to assassinate a target, so she immediately dispatched agents to Australia.

Graham's blood ran cold as she spoke. That target... had been him. He recalled how close he had been to dying, and it sent a shiver down his spine. V.I.L.E. definitely did not appreciate traitors.


After Chief finished, Graham told his side of the story. The lights had gone off, he'd seen something flash past in the hallway, he ran into Tigress, and she called him a traitor before subsequently attempting to kill him.

"You were their target," Devineaux realized.

"Yeah. It looks like V.I.L.E. is trying to get revenge on me for betraying them and freeing Carmen." Graham guessed.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to come after you again." Ivy put in. "V.I.L.E. isn't the type to give up, especially when it comes to revenge."

Chief frowned. "You may be right, Agent Paige." Suddenly she sighed and shook her head. "Everything seems to be going wrong on this mission in Saudia Arabia. I need to check in with the agens there."

"Go ahead," Zack waved his hand. "We'll still be here."

As Chief signed off, Graham glanced back down at the V.I.L.E. phone in his hands. He spent the next ten minutes trying passwords while the A.C.M.E. agents chatted with each other.

Got it! he thought triumphantly as one of the passwords he put in was accepted. But his smile quickly turned into a frown. It needed a fingerprint as well.

"Mates, I got the right password for the phone, but it needs a fingerprint." Graham said to Zack, Ivy, and Chase.

Devineaux blinked at him. "The prisoners are in the back, just shove the eel man's finger against it."

"Oh, right," Graham replied, embarrassed he hadn't thought of such an obvious solution.

"Here, I'll do it," Ivy volunteered. "I should probably shoot them with a MIST gun anyway so they don't try to escape."

"What's a MIST gun?" Graham questioned as Ivy climbed into the back of the van with the phone.


"You've seen those little white guns that shoot the blue knock-out gas, right?" Zack said, and Graham nodded. "Those are MIST guns."

"Gotcha," Graham replied. A few moments later Ivy slid back into her seat and handed Graham the phone.

He scrolled through the apps on Neal's phone, noting with disgust the slimy smears on the screen. He opened the most recent mission file after putting in another password and skimmed over the mission objective summary. Graham froze as he spotted a separate note at the bottom of the page, and his eyes widened in horror.

"Carmen's in danger."

Chief studied the mission file, concern etched on her face. "It's a good thing you found this. Ms. Sandiego is certainly capable of taking care of herself, but nonetheless, V.I.L.E. might catch her off guard."

Graham shifted his weight from one foot to the other impatiently. While they wasted time at A.C.M.E. headquarters deciding what to do with the information Graham had uncovered on Neal the Eel's phone, V.I.L.E. could be hunting Carmen down.

The note he had seen at the bottom of the file said this: After the agent formerly known as "Crackle" has been eliminated, you are to return to the rendezvous point in Brussels, Belgium, to prepare for your next assignment. That assignment will take place twelve days from the time you receive this message, and it entails the following: travel to Buenos Aires, Argentina, locate Carmen Sandiego (formerly "Black Sheep") and eliminate her. Leave no witnesses.

Zack and Ivy seemed equally as anxious as Graham was about the situation.

"Chief, we need to make a decision, asap," Ivy said. "Carmen could be in danger. The mission file might say that V.I.L.E. isn't planning on attacking Carmen for three more days, but they might have changed their plans."

"That is a valid point, Agent Paige," Chief nodded. "That is why I am sending you, Agent Dean, Agent Devineaux, and Agent Argent to Argentina tonight. I suggest you should go pack. Agent Devineaux, please inform Agent Argent of this."

Ivy, Zack, and Devineaux nodded and quickly left the room.

As soon as they were gone, Graham immediately spoke up. "I'm going too."

Chief fixed him with a steely gaze. "Mr. Calloway, are you sure you want to put yourself back into a dangerous situation? The Opera House will most likely refuse to take you back if you desert them again."

Graham knew this, but he didn't hesitate. "I don't belong there. I'm not exactly sure where I do belong, but Tigress was right. I'm not an innocent civilian anymore."

Chief contemplated his statement. "Mr. Calloway, would you ever consider becoming an agent of A.C.M.E.? You're certainly capable, and your talents could be used for good here rather than evil."

Graham frowned, taken by surprise by the offer. "I- I'm not sure."

"Just think about it." Chief told him. "For now, you'd better get ready. The plane for Argentina leaves in six hours."

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