《Shades of Gray》3. A Visit from Chief


Graham was taking an afternoon doze when something made him stir. He thought it might be a nurse coming to check on him, but he opened his eyes to find none other than the chief of A.C.M.E. standing at the end of his hospital bed.

Graham studied her for a moment. "Well, well. Could it be the real you?" he asked.

"Indeed," Chief confirmed. "It's all real this time, Mr. Calloway. The hospital stay and the 'jolt' that landed you here."

Graham smiled wryly. "Electrician's trick. I rewired my rod so it wouldn't power up any higher than stun mode."

"It did more damage than you know," Chief replied. "The electromagnetic pulse seems to have fried your tracking chip. Once you're discharged, I wouldn't be surprised to never see you again."

That was good to know, but Graham was more concerned about something else. "And Carmen?" he asked, sitting up. "Is she okay?"

Chief nodded. "I can pass along your contact information, if you'd like."

Graham shook his head, looking down at the blanket on his lap. "She doesn't need me complicating her life. I just... needed to know she's alright."

"I'll send your regards." Chief replied. She dipped her head in a farewell before exiting the hospital room.

Graham laid back down with a sigh, glancing out the window. He smiled sadly. As much as he longed to see Carmen again, he knew that it would probably be best if he stayed out of her life. He had only brought trouble to her, and if she really was safe now, he didn't want to drag her into danger on his account.

Now, though, Graham had to figure out what he was going to do with his own life. Going back to V.I.L.E. was a definite no. What they had done to Carmen had been a step too far. Besides, he thought ruefully, I did betray them. They certainly wouldn't welcome me home with open arms.


He supposed his best option was to try to find some sort of electrician job somewhere here in Sydney. He doubted the travel opera group would take him back after he disappeared for nearly seven months. And anyway, he was done with travelling the world for quite awhile. All he wanted was to have some peace. No capers, no danger, just time to quietly rebuild his life.

Graham sighed and turned away from the window to see Nurse Deleon walking into his hospital room, followed by an assistant with a clipboard in hand. Nurse Deleon seemed to be the one in charge of him, and he appreciated her cheerful attitude.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Calloway," she smiled brightly. "I have some good news for you. Dr. Locke says you're free to leave on Monday after a final examination."

"That's great!" Graham replied. Monday was only three days away.

Nurse Deleon nodded. "Do you have any way of getting home?"

Graham frowned. His car was still at his house, and he had no family members to call, being an orphan. "Well-" he started, but the assistant interrupted him.

"Actually, his car was left here for him by a woman named Tamara Fraser," the assistant said to Nurse Deleon. "She visited you not too long ago, didn't she?" she asked Graham.

That couldn't be anyone other than Chief. "Um, yes, she did." he nodded.

"Perfect," Nurse Deleon replied, satisfied. "Then you're all set to leave on Monday. Is there anything else you need, Mr. Calloway?"

"Nope, I'm good," Graham said, shaking his head. "Someone brought me lunch earlier."

"Alright. We'll leave you in peace, then." Nurse Deleon teased. She and her assistant stepped out of the hospital room, leaving Graham to alone with his thoughts.

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