《Shades of Gray》A Desperate Rescue


Graham Calloway dashed through the halls of the museum, clutching the experimental memory-restoring device as if his life depended on it. He desperately hoped it would fix Carmen's memories, like it had once done for him.

He skidded to a stop outside the open doors to the display room, taking in the scene. Agent Devineaux was slumped motionless on the floor, hopefully unconscious and not dead. Under a fallen tapestry was a human-shaped lump, presumably Agent Argent.

He spotted the scarlet thief herself in front of the Eye of Vishnu's display case. Carmen was missing her signature red fedora, and her dark auburn hair was a mess, indicating a struggle.

Graham took a deep breath, shoving his crackle rod inside his jacket and gripping the memory device with both hands. You can do this, Graham, he told himself. Carmen's freedom depends on it. No matter what happens, you have to save her.

Letting out a yell, he charged at Carmen and shoved the device on her head just as she was lifting the jewel out of its case. She let out a gasp of surprise and pain as the gadget powered up, struggling to pull it off her head. Graham held tight, pinning her arms to her sides even as she fought to get away.

"Please come back!" he murmured fiercely as she elbowed him hard in the ribs. She answered only with a growl and flung him off of her, collapsing to the ground and clenching her head. Graham could only watch her and hope for the best.

Her eyes were filled with distress and conflicting thoughts as her memories began to return. Graham had just enough time to think, It's working! before Carmen ripped the device off her head and flung it at a nearby pillar. Graham's heart sank as the gadget shattered into a thousand pieces.


Carmen fixed him with a steely glare as she pulled herself to her feet. Graham must have dropped his crackle rod in their fight, because it was now in her hands.

"You sold me out, Gray," she hissed, her eyes wild.

Graham backed away from her, anguish flooding his voice as he spoke. "No, I'm trying to help!" He noticed her pulling off her gloves so that she could power on the crackle rod. "It's fingerprint activated, it won't work for you."

"Won't it?" Carmen smiled viciously as the weapon lit up and began to hum with energy. "Being V.I.L.E. faculty has its perks."

The two of them faced each other.

Carmen pointed the crackle rod at Graham's heart. "You're a dirty traitor like Shadowsan."

"This isn't the real you!" Graham pleaded. He searched her eyes for any sign of compassion, but found none. She had no hesitations about ending his life.

"Goodbye, Gray," she said coldly, the cruel grin still twisting her lips. "No, wait, you prefer Crackle."

"Please, Carmen-" he started, but it was too late. All he could see was a flash of green lightning, and then an endless darkness. He had failed to save the person he cared about most in the world.

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