《[1.1] Highly Antisocial ✓ | MARAUDERS INSTAGRAM AU》L.E ↣ 06/11/75


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Yep, you're seeing it right, Mary is wide awake and they say she'll make a full recovery! Our girl is a trouper and we love her to the moon and back 💙💙💙 #standwithmary


hee hee, more like #liewithmary because i'm not getting out of bed for a few days

You cropped me and Hestia out!

It was either you or me who had to be cropped, a brunette adds a nice contrast to the other two...

Can we just stay in the duvet nest all day?

I would have done if Madam Pomfrey hadn't kicked us out...

Just wanted to check that how you're doing? Feeling better? If there's anything we can do, me and Sirius can pay for it, we want to help as much as possible

Much better, thank you! I think I'll make a full recovery even if my arms still hurt a bit! Thank you so much, I couldn't possibly take anything but thank you so much for the offer!

I can tell Lily that you asked about me, she might soften a bit...

Nah, don't. She'd just think I did it for her sake

Was going to disagree but you're probably right sadly. Again, thank you!

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