《The Red Sun of the Crimson Lion || Black Clover Fanfiction ||》Chapter 7


" Baron Nova......Essentially he's a pretty big deal. " Robert said as he stood in front of Julius' desk alongside Strider " The ones who attacked the Capital, there sent into two groups- as you know the Eye of the Midnight Sun were the main culprits and were the ones you rescued Asta from, the second group, although nameless currently, they seem to be the foundation or the spawning grounds for those creatures Jaden has fought." Robert explained " Gurongi is what those monsters are called right?" The Wizard King asked in which the two nodded in sinc " That is what Kagura told us " Strider replied " We know their strengths and their weaknesses are limited " Robert then went onto say " Luckily Nova's hideout doesn't seem to have any around, just regular mages of high caliber " He chuckled " Keep in mind Robert that they can appear to be like any of us, those creatures that is " Strider crossed his arms and sighed " That may be true, but they have an unique thing about them, on the back of their necks in the appearance of the people, they have odd tattoos resembling different animals, and that's how you know its Gurongi " Robert grinned " I see, well in any case this Nova fellow will have to be dealt with fairly soon, and with Captain Fuegoleon out right now we can't send Kagura or Leopold " Julius began thinking before Strider spoke " Don't be concerned about the cap, he already decided he's coming with us, besides I already have some candidates, although it'll be difficult getting them to work together " Strider narrowed his eyes " Then the best of luck to you both then " Julius smiled watching as they both vanished in a warp of light.


" Hey Nee-san! "

" Call me Captain "

"Sure thing Nee-San! Can I ask a question?"

" Go ahead.. "

" you've never accepted a male into the Blue Rose outside of errand boys how come....he is more special than the others "

Sol looked at the Blue Rose Captain; Charlotte as they walked down a market street of the Royal Capital, alongside a shorter male, a bit of messy white hair, light emerald eyes, dress in what some would call a delinquents clothing.

Charlotte looked at the boy watching as he only starred at a fruit stand as she turn back to Sol " He's a bit different from other men " She only said to Sol before feeling a small tug near her leather pouch which she glanced to see the boy pointing towards the fruit stand " Want something? " she blinked softly " Yes please....." he replied rather quietly odd for his appearance; Charlotte had nodded to him and watched as he went forward and bought himself an apple before coming back to her side quickly. Sol had starred rather amazed as if the boy were like a pup and couldn't stay away from his mother for too long but she still didn't understand why this boy was so special in her captains eyes. Charlotte only watched the boy begin to eat the apple, watching eyes his eyes slightly widen in delight " Is it good?" Charlotte asked and the boy nodded quickly " That's good " she sighed just a bit before seeing a warp of light appear in front of her and her two subordinates, revealing to be Strider and Robert " Yo " Strider saluted " What do I owe you two the visit " she starred " Nothing really we just need your precious little child " Strider pointed at the boy " And we need you as well " he pointed his other finger at Charlotte which she blinked " I ref-" " Yoink~" Robert was instantly behind Charlotte and the boy beside her quickly grabbing them and teleporting back beside Strider " Sol be a good girl and don't cause any trouble " Strider said before the four of them disappeared which Sol blinked a couple of times before shouting " GET BACK HERE WITH MY NEE-SAN! "



Kagura was left in the lounging room within the Crimson Lion base simply starring out the window with his eyes narrowed "....you know....he told a bit about you...before we met " Leo said as he starred at Kagura standing beside him " Fuegoleon always having to stick up for me? Yeah that was most my child hood " Kagura closed his eyes entirely " No.....he used to tell me you were the most stubborn person around. Always trying to be the best you could so others around you would be happy " Leo smiled as Kagura glanced at him " He also told me how much you looked up him and Mereoleona " Leo added " Well, I did used to look up them, they protected me from many things especially the pain of the truth, it was Mereoleona who told me where I actually came from and even said she accepted that would make me a proud member of the family alongside Fuegoleon although I never imagined the day where I have to protect either of them....I wasn't strong enough to....because I kept trying do things on my own, but now I know that ask for help, working together with others is better than trying to do something all alone " Kagura smiles and put a hand upon Leo's head making him blink a little " The real reason I chose to be apart of the Crimson Lion wasn't to show off my own strength, it was to make me whole again,and you helped with that Leo" Kagura chuckled and so did Leo before both heard the sound of a warp behind them and when they looked to, they saw Robert holding Charlotte and another blue rose boy at his sides with Strider beside Robert " Yo cap " Strider greeted " Ok I know I said I was fine with ANYONE I didn't think you'd bring the woman who antagonizes all men " Kagura sighed which Charlotte quickly retorted " Not ALL men, I fine with two and two only " she replied before freeing herself from Roberts grasp and glaring at him " Oh~ so scary " Robert chuckled " please put me down.....i don't like being touched...." the Blue Rose boy muttered rather quietly to which Robert raised his eyebrow " your an odd one " he commented as he put the boy down on his feet watching as he went behind Charlotte "........I don't like it here....." he muttered " for his appearance i expected him to be more.....assertive " Kagura added to Roberts comment as Strider said " Eh, he's just like Gordon, both are just really quiet but need some love in their life, well at least Gordon does I'm not sure about that kid " Strider yawned " Who the hell is Gordon?" Kagura replied " oh just a really quiet mage from the Bulls " Strider laid on the couch and put on a sleeping mask " Wake me up when we leave " he mumbled as he fell asleep a little too fast " men truly are useless, Otoya, don't ever become scum like them " Charlotte starred at the Blue Rose boy Otoya who only nodded " I understand...." he replied " I HAVENT EVEN DONE ANYTHING TO YOU " Kagura exclaimed as Leo starred at him " It doesn't matter the Blue Rose don't like men " he clarified as Kagura rubbed the temples in his head " Whatever anyways did gent explain to you the whole gist of why they brought you here?"he asked Charlotte " Briefly, and I fully intend to make the enemy suffer for aiding in the attack of the Capital " Charlotte said while Otoya only looked as if he wasn't useful at all to the cause. " Although.....if even the slightest finger is laid upon my delicacy....I will punish you all as well..."Charlotte threatened as she held Otoya close to her " ......C-Captain....Your touching me...." Otoya mumbled and Charlotte blinked and let go of him " Forgive me " she apologized which both Kagura and Leo had an expression similar to -_- " Anyways....you won't be the only female on this mission, I have someone who owes me a favor coming along " Kagura said to which he starred at Robert " I'll be right back " Robert smiled casually before teleporting and within seconds of his disappearance , he was back in an instant holding Kibana at his left side and Luck by his other " Hey Hey, Borsalino are we fighting? " Luck asked " No not now, you'll be able to fight so strong people later alright " Robert chuckled " I can't wait! " Luck smiled " Oi! Why am here and who are y-... Kagura-Senpai what's up?? I haven't seen you since last time, I heard you and Asta were kicking butt together during that whole capital invasion thingy it's a shame I couldn't help, I would've totally laid the smack down on those punks!" Kibana grinned " Lucky you, you get to kick the asses of the culprits sidekicks " Kagura replied " Awww Yeah!" Kibana pounded her fist together " So then let's get you two up to speed on the situation at hand " Kagura said as he begun to explain the mission they all were taking part in.



" N-Nebra-sama....is it really ok for me to be able to stay here?" Aello asked quietly as she hugged her legs to her chest while sitting on the Silva's bed " Yes....it's fine for you to stay but.......please put some clothes on...I can't sleep if your going to be in the same bed as me naked " Nebra looked to the side covering her eyes " B-B-But Kiji is Fine with it! I-I usually sleep on his chest anyways!" Aello quickly replied " WHA?! N-N-N-No, what do you mean?!" Nebra quickly starred at her only to see a blue snake in place of where Aello once sat ".....I-I meant...in this form!" The snake had a lighter voice as Nebra plopped onto the bed and sighed " I thought you two slept together naked " Nebra giggled as sign of relief " we have both me and him " Aello replied which Nebra's eyes shot open instantly ' next time I see that bastard he is so dead! ' whole Nebra was plotting various ways to torture Strider, Aello had noticed an ice bird perched outside the window, it had turned into lettering which spelled out ' I'll be gone for some days, you'll be safe with Nebra, I hope she doesn't cause too much of hassle but, try not to panic while i'm gone, k " - Stri. And I'm seeing this Aello only blinked as she turned back into her human like state, watching as the ice faded into mist ' stay safe....Kiji....' she kept to herself before hearing Nebra exclaim once more " AT LEAST PUT A NIGHTGOWN ON!" " I-I'M SORRY N-NEBRA-SAMA!"

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