

Aiden glared at Eric the following morning in his room. "She did what?! Kicked you in the face? I knew that boot mark looked rather peculiar." Eric laughed louder and Aiden glared more.

"How can you laugh so?! The chit struck me!" He rubbed his sore cheek and vowed to get revenge later.

"Mate, you talked about her bedridden father. I don't really blame her. You deserved it." He patted Aiden's sore cheek and laughed when Aiden winced.

Eric left the room bellowing in laughter with an angry Aiden swearing still rubbing his cheek.


"How is he?"

"Milady no movement but his breathing is constant so he is alive. He has shown no sign of consciousness." The physician bowed and exited the room.

Isabella sighed just as Edwin suggested, "Maybe you should go get some food Princess, clear your head a little, train and then come and visit. He would not want you to waste away. Besides, you still have the Jarians to deal with."

She nodded and smiled before walking to the dining hall. Upon her entrance she saw Eric, Charles, and Mary sitting at the table breaking fast. She had walked into a lion's den. Turned, ready to walk back out, she heard Troy call to her in a clear friendly voice, "Princess Isabella!"

Troy entered with a scowling Aiden, and he jogged across the large hall to greet her.

She turned and pasted a smile onto her face, "Troy, I thought I told you to call me Isabella."

"Sorry Princ-- I mean, Isabella." He bowed anyway. "I have been practicing my footwork and was hoping that maybe you could teach me the cool wall climbing trick."

She smiled geniunely at the lad's eagerness to learn and ruffled his hair. "I will take a look at your improvement and from there I will decide whether or not you are ready. 'Tis not as easy as it looks you know." She winked.

Aiden's eyebrow rose at the encounter and Eric laughed at the pure love on the boy's face as he faced Isabella. "Troy, come here." Aiden ordered.

"Isabella why don't you join us, there is plenty of food dear." Mary said warmly. She had seen the shock and fear in the girl's eyes and knew that her guard would be up more than ever while he father lay bedridden.

Isabella composed her features to a blank slate and sat down stiffly at the table and thanked a maid who provided her with a large plate of food. Aiden sat down as far from Isabella as the table allowed, the bruise on his face hidden from her view.

The table was silent when a voice rang out, "Aiden! Honey, what happened to your face?!" Myra rushed through the french doors and fussed over the bruise on his face. Isabella's eyebrow rose and she leaned over enough to see the giant bruise.

"It was an accident Myra, nothing of your concern."

"What type of accident?!"

"Nothing of importance, just a little misunderstanding." At this Eric laughed and Isabella scoffed and smirked.

Charles spoke, "Aiden what accident was this?"

"Nothing Sir, I fell off of a horse."

Isabella spoke, "Yes, off of a very high horse." She smiled at Aiden's glare.

"You were there?" Myra asked a little angered.

"Yes, I was in fact, Aiden had a mighty great fall off of that high horse of his."

Eric laughed, "His horse is mighty large isn't it Bella?"

Isabella nodded and finished her meal in silence while the Jarian's discussed little nothings. It was mostly Myra complaining about maids, her hair and anything else that she could complain about. Isabella wanted to punch her by time she was finished with her food.


Feeling frustrated she asked to be excused to no one in particular and nearly jogged out of the hall. Eric, who zoned out throughout the entire meal snapped to attention upon Isabella's exit, "I need to go take care of something," He quickly followed Isabella without awaiting an answer.

He looked into the hall and did not see her so he figured she was inside of her room. At her door he knocked twice and recieved no reply so he opened the door only to find Isabella doing different excercises. Her back was to him and clearly she was focused so, leaning against the door frame, he took the time to study her intricate steps and moves.

She worked on her steps and jabs without her swords as she has done every morning since their arrival. That day felt different, she felt more energy and moved quicker than she had in the previous days. With her wound fully healed she moved around as freely as she had before she even got hurt. There was a small scar but otherwise no other trace of that previous event. She did a backflip and turned to a staring Eric. How do I keep managing to be sneaked up on? She thought frustrated. She calmed her breathing and glared at the intruder.

She went to reach for her dagger when his voice stopped her. "Easy Princess, I know what you are capable of and I did not mean to scare you."

She was shocked at this but glared. "Why did you follow me and why did you not knock?"

"Hold on a minute. I did knock but there was no reply so I opened the door, and I followed you to congratulate you on a perfectly executed kick." Eric grinned and began to clap. He sat down closing the door behind himself.

Isabella broke her agressive stance and grinned before taking a bow. She bit her lip, "It was a great kick was it not?"

"It was, but I do think you should be more careful. As a future Queen 'tis not proper to kick royal officials in the face no matter how much they deserve it." He reprimanded lightly, a crease forming in his brow. "Aiden could have gotten you in serious trouble."

"Yeah right."

"Seriously, you could been put in jail for your agressive assault. I am quite surprised he did not."

"Just a kick? That he deserved? I highly doubt it."

"Certain rules are necessary Bella, you have to be more careful. Aiden is tough but he is also a good man you know." She scoffed. "I know you both are bull-headed Bella, and Aiden is just set in his ways for a very good reason."

"He mocked my father for Lord's sake Eric! What does he have against women anyway? He underestimates and insults me, it is inferiorating!" Isabella ran her fingers untying her loose braid. She wondered also why Aiden spared her.

"That, my friend, is a story for him to tell. Get to know him a bit and you will find that he is not all bad." Eric pushed the issue because he could see the potential of the two bull-heads falling in love with one another. Because he and Isabella had always gotten along, he knew Isabella would consider his request and try to get to know Aiden. He recognized that both bickered in order to combat the growing attraction. I am going to add so much heat to this boiling kettle. He saw her thinking and quickly changed the subject knowing she would think it over later. "Why are you training up here in this small room?"


"Firstly Eric, this room is all the space I need. Secondly, I need an element of surprise on my side."


"Those who underestimate me." She grinned.

Eric knew she meant Aiden and grinned, "Well Princess, showing off trumps surprise everytime." He turned to leave the room, "Think on what I told you?" She just nodded and watched him leave.

Eric shut the door behind him and turned startled to Aiden. "Why were you--"

"Hey mate think we could go to the training room? My arms are feeling a tad bit stiff." He quickly said ushering a suspicious Aiden down the hall. He glanced back briefly to see Isabella, carrying a worn brown bag, leave her room fully armored with her wild waves trailing down her back and frowned.


"Edwin no need to kick me out I'm going, I'm going."

"Go get some air Princess, the men and I are watching the King like hawks, no harm will come to him. I will find you if there are any changes."

Isabella nodded and she began to walk down the hall lost in her thoughts. She was broken from her stupor when she heard the raised voice of Myra.

"Aiden! Why can't you come with Mother and I to the village?!"

She walked into the hall on an uncomfortable looking Aiden, a furious Myra and a snickering Eric. She turned to walk back out when Aiden hurriedly said meeting her eyes, "I have already promised Princess Isabella a tour of the outside. You see Myra, I never got the chance to to finish showing her around the grounds and I would rather not break any previous obligation, another time perhaps." His gaze begged Isabella to play along.

Isabella knowing she would regret it later cut in. "Yes, I wanted to walk around the grounds and meet the hands today and I asked Sir Aiden to show me, I hope that is not too inconvinient Princess?" She smiled sweetly at Aiden. I will try, Eric said it would be a good idea, I trust his opinion.

Aiden was shocked at how easily she agreed but carried on, "You see, that is why I cannot accompany you to the village today." He sighed so that it seemed to Myra that he considered his duty a burden.

"Can't Eric show her around instead?" Myra pouted a pout that Aiden hated so much. It seemed to work on every brainless brute around. He gritted his teeth in irritation and glanced at Eric who had just managed to control his snickers.

"Myra, I have duties of my own to attend to today, how about you get your friends of court and we will go and buy cloths at the village to make your new gowns with. Come. I will be your royal escort." He held out his arm.

Myra sighed at Aiden and glared at Isabella before nodding to her brother. She is spending too much time with MY Aiden. When is she leaving? She pouted and was led out of the hall by a smirking Eric.

That was better than anything I could have constructed myself, the only down side is the fact that I am stuck with Myra and her bratty gossiping hens that she considers friends. He shrugged. For the greater good I guess.

Aiden nodded awkwardly to Isabella, "Thank you for helping me there." He turned to leave when Isabella spoke thoughtfully.

She fixed the strap of her worn bag and said not meeting his eye, "Sir Aiden, I do need a tour of the outside. I've a mind to hold you to that." She smiled slightly attempting to be friendly.

"Very well, would you like to take one now?" Isabella nodded and followed Aiden out of the side door. Training could happen a little later.

Aiden showed Isabella different parts of the grounds and Isabella took all the information he provided and stored it in case she needed it later. She glanced around and actively asked questions as they went farther away from the gates of the castle.

"There." Aiden pointed to a large willow just outside of a grand forrest, "Is the oldest tree in our history. I think it dates back to when Micha first took over. Centuries ago."

Isabella observed the tree and in the process of walking near it tripped over a root. Her ankle twisted and she fell to the ground with a painful thud, everything in her brown bag scattering on the ground. Aiden went to help her up, but Isabella held him off. "Please just get my things, I have cloth in my bag, I-- I can wrap my ankle." She gritted her teeth at the pain.

"You sure you don't just want me to carry--"

"No, I promise I am fine just please collect my items?"

Aiden began to pick up all of the items and put them back into the bag. He sat the cloth aside but paused when he noticed a worn book. It was the book he had seen Isabella reading the first time they had talked.

He handed her the cloth and as she wrapped her ankle he held up the book. "Was this the book you were reading before?"

Usually Isabella would have lashed out because he hadn't put every item back, but that day there was an unspoken truce between the two of them. She realized she was enjoying not arguing with Aiden for once, so she explained. "At home I was in the library and I found it. It turns out to be some kind of alternate history book, from the looks of it, used a long time ago."

Aiden skimmed it and noticed a book marked stopped. He read out loud. "The man was the King of Jaria."

"Yes that is where I stopped at when you had spoke. I am not sure if it is true."

"Tell me what you have read so far." He sat down next to her and Isabella explained to him the tale of Michael and Micah and Micah's banishment and Micah's meeting with the old man who turned out to be a king. "This is not an alternate Gardian history book. 'Tis a Jarian historic story telling book. How did it end up in your library?" He laughed lightly.

"I am not sure. So 'tis all true?"

"Yes from the accounts, 'tis true. The rest of the book is the controversy following Micah's coronation. Assasination attempts, civil wars, destruction. Very dark history for a while but after a few years people saw how kind of a king Micah proved to be. Not even he could stop all of the conflict though."

"What conflict?"

Aiden turned to a page in the book and showed Isabella. "Michael found out Micah did not starve to death and became the ruler of another prosperous nation while his had fallen upon poverty and crime."

"Gardia." Isabella knew what he was referring to and remembered her tutor teaching about what was called the Ash ages. Great fires plagues the country because of drought, people became poorer as the monarchy became richer.

"Michael hatched a plan to attack Jaria and the Jarians being prideful people attacked back. The animosity grew from years through decades to centuries throughout genrations of the monarchies." He finished sadly. "Even after Michael's and Micah's deaths their descendents and lands still remain at war. The book also recorded a rebellion in Gardia."

Isabella nodded, that was when her great great grandfather lead a rebellion against the tyranny of Michael's descendents. "'Tis said that the whole monarchy was slaughtered."

Aiden nodded, "That is what sparked the Era of familia massacres. Luckily it has stopped with the coronation of your father and Unc Charles."

Isabella smiled but was saddened at the thought of her father, Aiden patted her shoulder a little timidly, "I am sure he will be fine. From what I have witnessed, the man is a fighter."

"He has taught me everything I know, I cannot imagine a world without him. I love him too much. He is all I have had after my mother passed." Aiden understood her sentiments.

"I feel the same way about my father. I would kill for the man."

Isabella nodded but asked, "What about your mother?"

Aiden froze and shut off. "That is nothing of your buisness." Isabella sat hurt for a bit because she had thought they had grown closer. She shut off of her emotions and spoke hurriedly changing the conversation,

"I realize that my reaction yesterday was a tad bit harsh and Eric informed me that you spared me of the gallows." She smiled a bit. "Thank you, and" she curled a finger around her hair per her usual habit. "I am sorry for kicking you in your face." She touched the scar timidly. "Honestly, I did not think--"

He closed his eyes at her gentle touch and felt bad for cutting her off so quickly, "'Tis fine I should not have taken a jab at your father. Forgive me." Sparks felt as if they were exploding on his cheek and he quickly removed himself from her touch putting his carefully constructed wall back into place.

She blushed lightly and lowered her hand, and tucked it under herself as a breeze picked up, "How about a sort of truce?"

Aiden smiled a bit, "I would like that Princess, a new start. We might find we have a lot more in common than not."

She nodded and picked up the book, "If you wouldn't mind reading a bit more about Micah's history?"

He read for a while. At certain parts they laughed together, and he added his own twist to certian tales at times. A small bit of a bond grew as they sat under the old willow discussing the history of their different nations.

"You really think so?" Isabella laughed loudly her voice springing out kissing the sun goodnight as it set. The sunset highlighted her face and rosy cheeks.

"I know so Princess. I am the greatest knight that has ever lived." He flexed and grinned at her laughter while reading the last few pages of the old book. "Princess, I think we are losing the light." His eyes sparkled with unspoken mirth.

"Yes, we should return, my men will be worried, and I must check on Father." Aiden nodded and stood brushing the grass off of his trousers, and leaned a hand down to help her up. Isabella found that her ankle felt better as she walked, just slightly sore.

"Your ankle?" Aiden asked as they walked.

"Sore but bareable. Thank you for asking." They continued to walk each stuck in their own thoughts which happened to be about the other person next to them.

She is not horrible. Aiden decided.

Eric was right, he is bareable. Isabella admitted.

They returned at the castle doors a little later and at the gates Aiden spoke, "'Twas nice spending the time um-- discussing history and the grounds with you Princess Isabella." He bowed and turned to leave.

Isabella spoke, "Call me Isabella, I insist." She smiled a little. "'Twas nice indeed. Good night." They went their seperate ways, but had never felt closer.


In his room Aiden was taking off his armor when Eric appeared and poked his arm, "'tis night mate, I checked the training grounds earlier, where have you been?"

"Showing Isabella the grounds. Where else?" Aiden shrugged lightly dismissing futher questions.

"For that long?" He called her Isabella. First name basis now? Wow he enjoyed himself, he won't say it but I know he did.

"The grounds are large. And she twisted her ankle so we just sat under the willow and talked history for some time if you must know."

Lover's Willow huh? Innnnnteresting. Eric thought and laughed, "Glad you had a good time mate." He clapped Aiden on the back and left smiling like a kid did after recieving chocolate.

Aiden shook his head and got ready for bed, quickly falling asleep that night.

The next couple of days after breadfast Isabella would check on her father only to be kicked out by Edwin and to pass the time, much to Myra's chargrin, she and Aiden would walk to the Willow and just talk, sometimes they just sat in silence enjoying the peace and one another's prescence, though they would never admit it. They both decided to enjoy the truce while it lasted.

One day Aiden veered from the path of the Willow tree. "Where are we going?" Isabella asked confusedly.

"I want to show you something." He replied distractedly.

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