

"That wound could be fatal."

Aiden saw the older man move with surprising speed and agility. Within minutes they were headed toward the Gates of Hartha in full sprint.

William placed Isabella inside of the carriage gently, her head rested against the cushions. He ordered a knight to lay beside her and helped the injured semi conscious knight into the carriage as well. William in warrior mode leapt onto a horse and signaled to the man to drive the carriage. Now I ride with the men daughter. I should have been all along. Just hold on my sweet. He would find out who those men were later he vowed and get his retribution. He swore he would have their heads for this. As they rode, he also had time to ponder who the mysterious knight was, something about him rung a bell but he was in no mind to seriously think about it. He prayed that it would not be too late to save his daughter.

Aiden's mind kept playing the scene over again. He wondered if he would have arrived to her side sooner could he had blocked the blow of that cowardly refugee. No man with honor would attack an unarmed person who has their back turned much less a woman. Then again no refugee had honor.

They arrived and as soon as Aiden hopped off of his horse he yelled "Get a physician hurry!" The guilds and monks stared dumbfounded at the strange man with blood all over his torn shirt. "Don't just stand there get help!" The carriage had stopped and King William walked over to Aiden, unconscious Isabella cradled in his arms.

He spoke calmly to the people, "I am King William of Gardia. My daughter and I were attacked by refugees on our way here and she has been wounded." He paused to clear his grief clogged throat, "if you could please direct me to your best physician..."


"Bring her." An elderly lady pushed through crowd. "This way hurry, looks like she has lost a lot of blood." William followed eagerly.

Just as Aiden went to follow, he heard his name. Prince Eric approached him elbowing his way through the thick crowd. "Aiden, you're covered in blood. Are you injured? What happened? Were you attacked by Gardians? Refugees?"

Aiden interrupted him before he could ask more questions though his eyes still followed the King and the woman in his arms. "I came upon a couple being attacked by refugees. The man was being held hostage, the refugee had a dagger to his throat, I knocked him out from behind. Eventually, the woman was injured, I caught her before she fell." Aiden informed.

Prince Eric not realizing the gravity of the situation focused on one thing, "A woman? You saved a woman? Today is an odd day indeed."

"Eric!" Aiden snapped impatiently, "If you hadn't interrupted me you would know that the couple were the Gardians. The King and Heiress to be exact. Not just some man and woman."

"Bella?" Eric asked baffled. He hadn't seen her in years. He expected them to show but not bloody and she almost dead. He sombered instantly. "We must inform father and see to them immediately."

Aiden met with Charles and informed him of all that happened. "He only bought six knights with him? The woman was fighting you say?"

Aiden nodded, even though he stood there, he wanted to go and see to the woman. The feeling was foreign but he felt like he needed to know that she was okay. He brushed it off in his mind as guilt he felt for not warning her that the refugee was gaining consciousness behind her.

Charles despite his disdain, felt bad for William, he knew the man would be beating himself up over what he considered to be a failure to himself and daughter. He hoped the girl lived.


"Come. We're going to go to them."

Eric agreed but spoke up, "Father 'tis still pretty tense with you all right now. Would visiting be a wise choice?"

"William could probably use the distraction of his hatred for me now more than ever. Trust me I would know, he is grieving and I fear that it not good for him." Charles replied.

Aiden wondered how the King knew William so well but said nothing to question him. Instead he walked out of the chamber to his and changed into a clean soft cloth shirt with his light breast plate. His daggers and sword clicked as he walked to chambers ordering eight of the fifteen men they had brought, to accompany him and the King.


The elderly lady examined the stab wound carefully. The blood flow had slowed because of the cloth but she knew it would have to be stitched soon or the young lady would die of blood lost. In her sixty the years of living she'd never seen someone survive such a wound but something told her that the women was a fighter and had a lot to live for. Her thoughts were interrupted by William's voice. "How does she fare? Will she live?"

She motioned to her son and helper James to gather the alcohol and stitching equipment. "I will not lie to you Sir, I mean King--"

"Nonsense, call me William."

The woman huffed at being interrupted but continued, "William I've never in my years as a physician seen any one survive this but... She's seems strong--"

This time they were interrupted by a moan from Isabella as James applied alcohol to the wound to cleanse it. She whimpered in pain unconsciously trying to move away from James' hands.

At that exact moment Aiden and King Charles walked in and Aiden in response to her whimpering and squirming sent James a death glare and his hand shot to his dagger. "What are you doing to her?!" He demanded.

The woman studied the young man, his stance screamed danger but she saw his eyes soften at the sight of the woman on the bed. Still she glared and stood at her full height of five two. "Sir you are not barge into my home and yell at my son, he is working, now you can either lower your voice or feel free to leave."

Aiden went to retort but Charles laid a hand in his shoulder to silence him. "William, how is she?"

William went and stood in front of Isabella fully intending to keep her from view. "What are you doing here? Ready to gloat you at my vulnerability and rejoice in the pain of my heir. My only child?!" He tried to control his anger and shaking.

The lady shooed her son away and got to work stitching close the wound, curious as to how it all will play out between the kings. Aiden remained silent, shocked by the angered outburst.

Charles sighed, "Rejoice over what, the fact that your daughter is wounded by those savages? You know how I feel about family slaughter, why would I be glad to see your pain? William we were friends at one point, I'm just checking in on you. And her." He added at the end nodding his head at the figure behind him.

William's angry eyes softened at the mention of their old comrade before hardening again. He remembered Sir Baldwin's words.

Isabella stirred and cried out just as the lady finished the last of the stitches. She motioned to James to wipe the wound and soak it in her home made ointment made of herbs.

She spoke. "I've done all I could. Now we wait." She ushered the men out of the room.

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