《Armor》The Dinner


As the two women arrived to the dining room, Isabella noticed her father already deep into conversation with Sir Baldwin and from the looks of it, it was about one thing; Jaria.

She waved Hazel off and stepped into the room. Her father, so engrossed in what Sir Baldwin was explaining, did not even acknowledge her presence.

With her eyebrow raised she took a small step forward and was able to clearly hear Sir Baldwin's booming voice.

"King William we cannot allow this to happen!" He exclaimed.

Now what is this old bald man going on about now? She snickered to herself at the bald joke. Haha his name is Sir Baldwin how very appropriate. Okay focus Isabella.

She tuned back in just in time to hear Baldwin tell her father, "You should raise taxes and declare war!"

She gasped completely disagreeing. The people would hate war and would starve if taxes were raised any higher. People live comfortably in middle class, taxes would bring poverty.

King William, usually slow to anger, interrupted the robust balding man, "I still do not know what the Jarians have done this time to offend you. Please elaborate."

He paused, "Sir they have stolen our goods and slaughtered our children! They undermine YOUR authority!"

He ran a hand through his silky black hair, "I have heard no stories of that recently. I think a declaration of war would hurt our kingdom more than help it. I am trying to usher in a new era of peace..." he paused, "I don't want Isabella to rule in a time of conflict... No I will not place that burden on her shoulders. And I'll be damned if my people resent me for starting a preventable war." At that, she saw a flash of something in Baldwin's eyes. Greed? Malice? Mischief? She just put it up to her imagination.


"Sir what if they go so far to harm the Heiress? Isabella, think of Isabella. Besides the people can't exactly resist war, they are so easily influenced. The right influence could do wonders. What if it was spread that you aren't doing enough to protect them? They could rebel!" Baldwin surpassed the urge to smirk at the thought of a rebellion.

"The Jarians and Gardians have had financial and political conflict but since my crowning there has been no mass family slaughters. What are you implying Sir?" King William raised his voice, a warrior's glint entering his eyes at the thought of Isabella being harmed. He wondered wether or not the man was actually hinting at something of importance.

There is a fine line between influence and manipulation, she thought and her mind flashed back to the story of Michael and Micah. She noticed the look on her father's face -similar to when she was in battle- and knew that Baldwin had pressed the right button. She hurriedly cleared her throat making her presence officially known, just as Trent Baldwin scurried in.

"Father the carriages and horses are all taken care of-- ah Isabella! Don't you look lovely?" He walked over and pressed his pudgy moist lips to her soft hand.

She smiled a plastic smile that didn't quite reach her eyes and quickly pulled her hand out of Trent's sweaty paws. Gosh my sword would sure be use-- Happy Thoughts Isabella, Non violent thoughts, Isabella.

The King and Sir Baldwin stood, "Isabella, it has been awhile my dear you have grown to be quite a gem."

Isabella felt his gaze sweep her body and winced slightly. "Thank you Sir, good..." She forced herself to finish her sentence, "to see you and Sir Trent." She coughed to cover her unlady like snort and motioned to the waiting servers to place the food onto the table. Her father and Sir Baldwin walked to the table and sat down, William at the head of the mahogany table and Sir Baldwin to his left. Though the table was but a few steps away, Trent grabbed her arm and tucked it into his arm and escorted her the long way to get seated which was placed to her father's right. When her mother passed she sat to his right every dinner in memory of her. Very few women, much less daughters, would be allowed to dine with men, but like always, Isabella was not the average woman and her father allowed it.


Everyone knew of William's soft heart when it came to his daughter. Some thought it suitable but to woman of the court it always caused jealousy. Though most women knew nothing of politics, they thought themselves more worthy of sitting in on business meetings with the king than the Crowned Heiress. A few women made remarks to the king but he ignored the bantering.

A few minutes into the meal Sir Baldwin bought the topic back into conversation. "King William, you must consider Isabella's life even if you care not for the people."

King William paused in his meal flared slightly, "Are you saying I don't care for my subjects Sir? Are you questioning my ability to rule?" Sir Baldwin paled.

"Of.. of.. of C-c-course n-not Your Majesty. I just meant that no reinforcement of your power could prove fatal to the people of your kingdom."

She cut in while he father thought to himself. "Surely we are in no danger Sir. War would bring more harm. Who knows if the Jarians have violated any of our people and goods. Do you have proof?"

He ignored her questions and turned to William, "There has been a change in power recently, new systems in place, they're at their most vulnerable! We should attack!"

William raised an eyebrow, "What has changed?"

"Sir they have a new young Head Knight. The King's nephew apparently. Name is Aiden, I believe. They say he's very good, Head Knight for two months. But I believe he still has to learn the ropes before he could fully take reigns."

A new head knight? Hmm...But how does Baldwin know this? The last Official Meeting was YEARS ago. Isabella thought.

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