《Other Worldly - Magi Fanfiction》Chapter 9 - Reunion


"Is there anything else I should know, Ahbmad?" the king of Sindria asked his fellow king. He glared across the table at the smaller man. He had just learned of the Fog Troop. The king was sure the other was hiding a few things from him, and wanted to get as much as he could out of him.

"There is also this vigilante," the small king continued, in fear of the other. "They steal from the rich and give to the poor, much like the Fog Troop, but more direct."

"You called them a vigilante," the Sindria subordinate pointed out, "A vigilabte I someone who enforces laws without the authority. What you described was nothing more than another courteous thief."

"You didn't let me finish!" the small king yelled. He was trying to be threatening to the much more threatwning men. "They have also been seen stopping petty criminals, and the Fog Troop on a few occasions. Thus they have been deemed a vigilante by my self of the army. They are called Robin Hood by the citizens, whatever that means. If it helps, they are in entirely green outfit. They stand out like a sore thumb." With that they meeting was over.

- • -

I was running along the roof tops. In one of my hands was a sack of cloth, which I was going to turn into clothing and blankets. I had turned into this sorta Robin Hood figure. Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. As of that moment I was in Balbadd, and it was falling. It wasn't my first time doing something like that. Anywhere I went in a similar state I would steal to help those who needed it.

I hadn't come to Balbadd to do that. I had plenty of other reasons. The first being, to try and protecr people from Al Tharmen. Then, to be reunited with Aladdin. Finally, to possibly see Sin again. But when I was there I couldn't contain my evolvement into trying to stop the Fog Troop and correct the King's wrongs. I broke out my green suit and started stealing and fighting for these people. I wanted to help them.


But first I needed to lose these guards. They were not chasing me on the roofs, but were followinf me from the ground. I learned the layout of the city over my time being there. I knew how to lose them, especially in the part of town I was in. It helped that I had a lot of sympathizers. I leaped onto one of the more taller buildings in the area. The hotel. Because of the intircet roof, it was harder to see me. I just needed to find the dinning balcony, then jump to the ground from there, and sneak through the back allies.

I darted accros the roof of the note, and jumped right off where I knee the balcony was. I landed with a loud thud. The small murmmer of conversations disappeared with my arrival. I was about to bolt off the edge of the balcony, but a red string tied itself around my ankle. "Stop right there," said a somewhat familiar voice. I followed the string to see a ground of familiar faces. Two specifically pounded there way into my head. Aladdin and Sinbad.

I froze for a moment, letting everything process. I had lost track of time, and they were already there. So now I somehow need to run into Aladdin, and figure out a lie to tell the others, that won't be too strange for Aladdin to question. Then I need to nee the fact of me beinf a vigilante a secret from them, since I'm wanted by the government, so I'm sure Sin wants to stop me too. Then finally, Ja'far had my ankle trapped. That was easy to solve. I pulled out my dagger ,started running to the edge of the balcony, and as I jumped off I slinced the string with my dagger.

I easily landed in the ally and ran, wanting to lose the Sindrians and the soilders. I quickly made my way bad to where I was staying, and changed into my day clothes. It consisted of black shorts, a cream top, short black boots, knee high socks, and rose red robes. Yes in the world it looked strange, but it was what I was most comfortable in.


I left and made my way back to the hotel. I was just walking around in circles. I then decided to cross over to the other side of the cannel. As I was crossing a bridge, I noticed people talking down on the platform. One of which was my younger brother. Now I needed a lie, or you know, tell them nothing. I was leanibg more with the last option. Lies lead to pain and mistrust.

"Aladdin!" I yelled. I jumped off the bridge, landed and ran to him. I saw his face light up at the sight of me. He easily jump hugged me once I was close enough.

"Oneechan!" he cried in joy as we hugged eachother. I loosened my grip on him and he landed back on the ground.

"I told you we'd see eachother again," I said with a smile, and patting his head. "What have you done so far?" I asked him, completely ignoring the looks from everyone else. He quickly told me everything that happened to him. He was talling really fast, but I understood everything. "Seems like you've had fun," I commented, looking down at him. He only went up to my waist at the time. I was a short person.

"Oh, Ugo told me to let him talk to you when we found each other," Aladdin remembered. A moment later the body of the blue djinn was I front of me. I could help but let out a laugh, causing all those around to look at me like I was crazy.

"Nice face," I teased him. He started signalling with his hands. I see you've matured. "Hey, got take the good things of life as they come," I defended myself. Looking where his face should be, only to find a flute. I laughed again. "Sorry, it just looks weird," I explained through the laughter. He waited for me to calm down.

He started using hand signals to communicate again. Do you remember your promise to protect Aladdin? "Yup!" I popped the p, and swayed to the heels of my feet. "I would have done so even if you didn't ask me to." Is Atelzca still with you? I patted the sword/s that were her metal vessels, which was always at my side. What of you're goal? I was honestly proud of myself for being able to decipher all of this. "I'm still working on that," I told him, with a smile. It was so much more visible with how far I have gotten. He gave me a little notion, which I could only assume was a nod of the head, and turned back to Aladdin.

"Aladdin?" the fanalis girl turned to my brother, "Who is this." I was going to answer before him, knowing he wouldn't lie.

"This is my older sister," Aladdin explained, before I could answer for him.

"You have a sister!?" they all seemed surprised, but Morgiana was the only one to voice her shock. Even her stoic face changed a bit. A silent moment passed as everything sunk in.

The two subordinates turned to their king. They probably expected h to start flirting with me, especially with that amir on his face. I turned and taunted him with a similar smirk. "How long has it been?" I asked, "Eleven years, if I remember correctly."

"It's been ten years, ten months, and five days," he said, as if he had been countibg the days.

"Of course you would keep track," he responded with a cheeky smile. I exchanged my amir for a smile. "It's nice to see you again Sin."

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