《Other Worldly - Magi Fanfiction》Chapter 4 - Destiny


I wasn't sure how long I had been gone. It had been weeks. I originally wanted to go to Reim, but then remembered Parthevia is at war with them, and I was from Parthevia. I then thought about Susan or Anytmyra, but they were secluded. What was left on that land mass was Heliohapt and the Dark Continent, and I had little interest of going their yet. I finally decided to go to Balbad, you know before it goes to hell.

I made my way to a port city. No boat would tale me for free, and I wasn't about to stow away on one. I cut my hair, and tricked people that I was a guy, to get a job. I would load cargo onto ships. I saved up enough to pay for a ride to Balbad. Once there I went around and saw everything. Maybe stalked Alibaba for a bit, but hey my fangirl side still existed. I didn't get caught though.

I got a job, saved up plenty. Now I was walking out in a burning desert, following a map I bought to visit the small towns out in the dessert. There weren't many yet, as no dungeons had appeared yet, but there were some, usually around oasis. For me, it seemed like an eternity away. I stopped, and sat down, trying to figure out how I could do it more efficiently.

I was about to get up to continue going then there was a sudden change in the rukh. A large mass gathered infront of me. Not a moment later a dungeon was standing eight in front of me. It looked like it was coated in gold as it was sparkling in the sun. Like any sane person who had a build show up out of no where, I ran right in.


I was blinded by light. When I opened my eyes, I was expecting was something trying to kill me, not an endless world of white. It reminded me of where Squidward went after he broke space time on that episode. "Hello!" I called out into the void. Only for a to echo around me. "Welp," I popped the p, "Guess I'm dead, again."

"Not this time," a warm voice told me. I had gained some pretty quick reflexes and quickly turned around. Standing there was a man with the same blue hair as me, but was in a messy braid. I also had the same eyes as him. But noticing it, he sorta looked like how Aladdin would, but older.

"Oh my god! or is it oh my you?" I couldn't even freak out correctly, "You're Solomon! You're literally a G."

"She gets this from you," a soft femine voice said. Next to him appeared a woman. She had long pink hair, and red eyes. After some close inspection, my face was similar in shape to hers.

"You're Sheba!" I yelled, again. Honestly I could only assume about that. But all signs pointed to me being correct. Both of them had a look on their face, sorta like a proud parent look. Not like I've gotten one before. "But you're dead, and if I'm with than I'm dead, but he said I wasn't dead.... You know what, I'm gonna stop over thinking things."

"That's probably a good idea," Sheba said, setting a hand on my shoulder. I looked at her, I was just a bit taller than her.

"Now, this has been on my mind for years," I turned to face Solomon, "Why am I here? Like I get that I am, but why? Why me?" Sure j fell in love with this world the moment I saw the firsr episode, but I was nothing special. Yet there I was.


"Simple, you're our daughter," Solomon answered. I froze. He really was blunt.

"Huh?" I questioned, making a strange face while cringing back a bit. "Dose that mean I'm replacing Aladdin? Dose Aladdin not exist!? But if I'm you're daughter why was I in another world, and not in the... that.... th-that sacred palace place?"

"Aladdin is fine," Sheba reassured me. Should I call her mom. Why did I even accept this so easily. Like really, why? But then again, why would they lie about it? "He is in the Room of Fortitude with Ugo, and your body too, I guess." This raised more questions.

Before I could ask them Solomon, or my father, started explaining. "You were five years old when Alma Torran fell. You were only five, but you were more powerful than myself and Sheba combined. You had an extraordinary magoi output, and surpassed my knowledge. If we didn't know better, we would have thought you were a magi. You were badly injured during the battle...." It felt like he was hiding something about that, but I wasn't in a place to question that.

"I brought you here, where your body froze in time, along with your conscienceness. Over time I started seeing what was fated to happen in the world. Even with Aladdin's help there were things that couldn't be prevented. Then you were still an option, I could easily heal you and send you down with your brother when the time would come. But I doubted that would do anything, you would need to go sooner and have knowledge. But u couldn't send you there without prepairing you. Thus I sent you to the other world, for you to learn of what comes and have some experience. I'm sure you can understand the rest on your own." I could, but I took a moment for it all to settle in.

"I just have two more questions," I said, they nodded and watching me, waiting for those questions. "If I was five when Alma Torran fell, shouldn't I have memories of it?" I still had memeories from when I was five in the world before, I'm just gonna call it Earth, for simplicity.

"It wouldn't be right for you to know the past and future," Solomon told me, "Those memories will return to you when the day comes." The day of the last episode of season two. Sure I knew bits and pieces that cones after, but nothing major.

"Alright," I said. I understood, I'd be a bit too op if I did. "My last question, what is my mission?" I asked. Like he wanted me to change things, but how, for what reason?

"Oh my daughter," he pulled me into a hug, and Sheba joined. We all started to loose mass, and fade away, "That is for you to decide." What did I want to do. That was something I needed to find out. I was still question it as I faded out of my parent's fading arms.

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