《Other Worldly - Magi Fanfiction》Chapter 1 - My Friend Sinbad


I stepped outside after the storm passed. "Audria!" my mother called out to me, before I could run off. I was only there, but showed that I was extremely smart. I still couldn't help the childish urges though. I was watching the little glowing butterflies in the sky. I swear they reminded me of something, but it couldn't be them. They rinded me the the rukh from Magi. Sure I was in a completely different world, but it couldn't be the same thing. Either way it was leading me somewhere.

"I'm gonna follow the butterflies!" I screamed, like the child I was, and ran after the flow of glowing bugs. I found myself on the outside of the village next to the ocean. I scanned the shore line as my small, bare feet sunk into the sand. Just down the shore a boat pulled up, next to the docs.

I slowly made my way over, unsure of what was going on. I found a rock, and clenched it in my hand, thinking it would do more damage than my fists if it was nessicary. I saw two people climb out of the boat one was a grown man with dark purple hair, and the other was a young boy, about my age, with bright purple hair. I wasn't surprised with their hair color mine was blue, so I guessed it was normal in this world. I noticed that the man had a babe, so I lowered my amazing weapon that was a rock.

"Hello,"I said, slowly approaching. I didn't want them to think I was spying on them. "Are you alright? You must have been caught out during the storm." Both of them males turned to look at me, they looked vaguely familiar.

"We're fine," the man squated down I front of me, patting my head. I realized that he was missing a leg. "Do your parents know where you are? They're probably worried about you."


"They let me wander around freely," I assure them. Besides, I'm basically as old as my parents, at least memory wise. "My name's Audria," I stuck my small hand out for a hand shake.

"You're quite mature for your age," he man shook my hand, with an amused smile on his face. "I'm Badr, and this is my son Sinbad." I froze. I would have given anything to see the expression on my face. It could have only been off pure joy.

I was in the world on Magi. The world I loved, and hated at times. I would always dream to go into one of the worlds I loved. I finally did. I was probably going to regret what I did next, but I didn't care. "Thank you!" I yelled into the sky in my language from the world before, English. I ran a quick circle around the beach, laughing in joy as I did. I slid to a stop infront of my fellow toddler. "My king," I said boring down to him. I couldn't hear Badr laugh. I guess being a kid has it's perks.

-Two Years Later-

I was returning home after spending the day with Sin. That was about how I spent everyday, i would wake up, spend time with son till midafter noon, to return home to learn things from my parents. My mom taught me how to cook, sew, even read and write, something rare for the slums and the midst of war. My father taught me to hunt, sail, and fight. They already trusted me enough to go hunting on my own, and I was only five.

As I approached our house I got a little worried. There was no smoke coming from the chimney. I just bolted to the house. It was small, only one room. It was empty. Void of any proof anyone lived there besides one bag. My bag, which contacted a knife my clothing and a blanket. Sitting next to it was a pot and a bow and arrow. Just enough to survive. There was no sign of my parents. The memory of when they found me resurfaced.


I was alone. No, I wasn't. I still had Sin and his parents. I knew they wouldn't mind taking me in, they even told me they thought of me as a daughter. But I couldn't do that, they were have trouble getting by as is. Not to mention, with us being five Badr was going to war soon. I wanted to stop it anyway I couldn't but I wasn't side how. I would figure it out when they blond guy showed up.

- • -

"Knockety, knock knock," I sang as I peaked in through the doorway. I didn't brother for an answer and walked right in.

"Come on let's go!" Sin darted towards me, grabbing my wrist and running out the door I just stepped through.

"Where are we going?" I asked him, easily keeping up pace with Sin.

"Papa forgot this lunch!" my only friend declared. I continued to follow him down to the shore. I didn't know if today was the day or not. I would just wale up early tomorrow and go see if there is a Reim spy in their house. "Papa!" Sin called out as well ran up to him.

"Sin, my boy," he greeted his son, "Audria, I would have been more surprised if you weren't with him." He reached down and ruffled both out hair. Unlike Sin's who's hair stayed the same money got all messed up. I sat there trying to fix my hair as the two ate.

"Papa, can I go out with you on you're boat?" Sin asked, both of us watched him with curiosity. Mine was to see if this was that conversation. "I may be little, but I can't still help out. Im already five! Ady is the same age and she already helps her dad."

"Don't bring me into this," I whined, calling back into the sand. Yup it was that conversation. They group of people would be showing up on no time.

"Sin, how about when you're a bit older," Badr offered his son.

"Really Papa!" Sin laughed throughing himself at his dad for a hug.

"What do you think you're doing?" A man yelled. A small group of people walked up to us. I couldn't let them hurt Badr. I pulled out my knife, and stepped between my friends and the angry villagers. They seemed to be getting a bit violent.

"Stop it!" I yelled up at them. They looked down at me in even more disgusting than Badr.

"Of course the draft dodger's kid would be with you," a woman spoke, "Do those two just run from all their responsibilities."

"Shut up!" I yelled. It wouldn't be until later that I was speaking English. What i did know was that i was on the verge of tears. "Those two saved me. They may be running from the war but they wouldn't run from their responsibilities. The war is nothing but a death sentance. Why are we even fighting it. For land, we have plenty. For pride, we've lost too much to get back. For power, power just brings distruction."

Just thank a man in the group picked me up by my shirt. "No wonder they left you," he spit in my face, "You're crazy." He threw me as hard as he could into the water. It wasn't far out, but I was so short I couldn't touch. I frantically sawm back into shore. I found those two fighting.

"I'm gonna go home," I said in a timid voice. I was drenched to the bone in cold sea water. At least it hid my tears. They were too engrossed in fighting to notice me walking away.

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