《Magi x Fairy Tail Crossover》Chapter 14


The next day, was the time for Aladdin, Sora, Morg, and Haku to depart for their journey. What they didn't know was that Alibaba as a surprise for them. Sora didn't have much luggage, for she only packed the crystal. When she came to the ship, she saw Aladdin there.

"Hey Aladdin!"

"Hey Sora!"

While they talked, people finally showed up to wish them luck on their journey. When Sora saw Sinbad, he came up to her.

"Hey Sin!"

"Hello Sora. Are you sure you really want to go?"


"Well then, I wish you good luck."


After talking to everyone, she got on the ship. Though she was hesitant, Aladdin persuaded her to get on. She decided to go to Reim first.

Time skip~~~~~~~

While Aladdin, Morg, Haku, and Sora were walking to where they will be staying, Sora noticed Haku was nervous around Morg. 'Did he do somethin' wrong?'

When they got there, there were only 3 hammocks. Morg offered to sleep on the floor, but Haku suggested they could sleep in one together flustered. What they didn't know was that Alibaba was in the room next to them. They knew he was on the ship, even though it was suppose to be a secret. They decided to play a little prank on him, knowing he's listening right now.

They talked a little bit, questioning what was missing. This got Alibaba's hopes up because they said it was food, not him. Haku questioned what they thought of him, and Aladdin said what he thought. This got Sora's attention. When she heard Morg talk about the time when she saw Alibaba naked, she felt bad for her.

"What do you think of Alibaba, Miss Sora?"

"Like I said, drop the miss. As for me, I thought he was a creepy, old man." It was a lie, all for the sake of pranking Alibaba. He kind of reminded her of Natsu. As she said this, she was throwing up in a bucket. Morg, Aladdin, and Haku sweat dropped.


This got Alibaba's hopes up. As he was sulking, they decided to stop the prank and tell him it was a prank. Walking in the room, they saw Alibaba sulking. Aladdin spoke up.

"It was just a prank, Alibaba."

"Really?" He had sparkles in his eyes.

"Though what I said was true." Morg stated

This shocked both Haku and Sora.

"Oh Morg, I had know idea you went through that!" Sora said. It was true that she's seen Natsu naked, but that was when they were taking a shower in a river as kids. She would be horrified to see Natsu naked now that they're older.

Time skip~~~~~

After settling down, Alibaba told them that he was going to Reim to train with the Yambala Gladiators.

"Guess I'll be with ya, Alibaba!"

"Are you gonna train with me?"


"Why are ya goin' anyway?"

"To master my Djinn Equip and control my magoi."

After that said, they all decided to go to bed. Haku and Morg slept on one hammock together, though they were flustered, Aladdin slept in one alone, and Sora and Alibaba slept in one together. Although Alibaba was flustered about this, Sora didn't mind. She's slept with Natsu a bunch of times.

After settling in their beds, Alibaba saw Sora fell asleep immediately. 'How is she okay with this?!' Looking at her now, he saw how beautiful her face was. He reached out and touched her cheek. He could of kissed her, but decided against it.

After some time, he fell asleep. What he didn't know was that he put his arm around her in his sleep.

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