《Magi x Fairy Tail Crossover》Chapter 6


When Sora returned from searching for Igneel, she was devastated. She even went back to the beach for any clues as to where he went. When she got to the garden, she noticed Hakuryuu talking to Alibaba. 'It looks like something's wrong with Alibaba, almost like he's debating with something.' Before she could say anything, Alibaba collapsed.

Time skip~~~~

As everyone was gathered around Alibaba, Yam was trying to figure out what happened. As Yam was busy, she found out that there was a snake bit on him. 'Could this be linked to Alibaba collapsing.' When Alibaba woke up, he was bombarded with questions. Alibaba talked about the snake bite he suffered in Balbadd, saying that he's been hearing negative thoughts lately, like someone in his mind was telling him to do things. Yam found out that the dark wound was spreading across his body. While everyone was busy, the agent of Al Thamen emerged. Before anyone can react, Sharrkan attacks him. As Sharrkan was close to hitting him, Aladdin uses a borg to protect a few people. When Sharrkan finally hits the agent, the blood splatters on Sinbad, cursing him too. Before the agent disappeared, he explained that it's only a matter of time before Sinbad and Alibaba fall into depravity, and get overtaken by black rukh.

Finally disappearing, Sinbad explained that there's a dungeon called "Zagan" that hasn't been conquered yet. Sadly, since he has so many Djinn, he can't go in.

"I would like Alibaba, Morgiana, and Aladdin to conquer Zagan. Pisti will accompany you on the way there."

"I would also like to go King Sinbad." Hakuryuu offers

"Yeah, me too!" Sora exclaims

"Very well."

With that said, the five of them got on the ship to depart. As for Sora, she was very hesitant on getting on the ship.


"What's wrong Miss Sora?" Hakuryuu asked

"I don't want to get on"

"Why?" Alibaba asked

"I have motion sickness."

After saying that, everyone sweat dropped. Some way they got Sora on the ship. As soon as the ship moved, Sora was on the edge of the ship barfing. Let's just say, this will be a very long trip for the young Dragon Slayer.

Time skip~~~~

Finally arriving at the island, Sora immediately jumped off from the ship. "It feels good to be alive!"

When Morg, Alibaba, Aladdin, and Hakuryuu got off the ship, they saw Sora kissing the ground. Everyone sweat dropped at this. They asked if she was alright, and she said she's never felt better. As they were looking around, they were approached by a child.

"Are you here to conquer the dungeon?"

"Yes we are." Hakuryuu said

"May I come with you?"

"Why would you want to come?"

"My parents are trapped in there and I would like to rescue them!"

"I'm sorry, you can't."

"But please!"

When Sora saw her concern, she said she would bring her parents back.

Time skip~~~~

As Hakuryuu, Morg, Aladdin, Alibaba, and Sora were on boats, they were heading to the dungeon. As for Sora, she was barfing once again. 'When does it end?'

While they were busy rowing to Zagan, they noticed it was glowing. What they didn't see coming was that they were getting pulled in. The first one to get pulled in was Sora, seeing as she was the easiest. Then everyone else got pulled in.

Time skip~~~~

When Morg, Aladdin, Hakuryuu, and Alibaba came to, they saw Sora still asleep. When she finally came to, she noticed everyone was looking at all the doors.

"We should go through all the doors. One of these doors should lead to the treasure room." Alibaba suggested


Opening one door, they all walked in to it. When they got in, they saw a turtle in the room.

"So dungeons can have turtles in it too." Aladdin said

"You guys look really tasty!" the turtle said

Then more turtles dropped from the ceiling, and said the same thing. One bite Hakuryuu on the finger, and he was freaking out. As Sora was watching, a turtle decided to bit her. 'Doesn't even hurt.'

"Miss Sora, how does that not hurt?" Hakuryuu said after getting it off

"I've been through worse." Sora said smiling

'What has this girl been through?!' everyone exclaimed

"This is a dungeon, maybe talking turtles are to be expected." Aladdin said

"The creatures talked in Amon too." Morg stated

"No matter what happens from now, let's keep calm." Alibaba said

"Yeah!" Aladdin and Sora exclaimed

When they opened doors, they saw creatures wanting to eat them. As they were trying to fight them off, Aladdin noticed that they were only protecting their family. As for Sora, she was playing with the creatures.

"Everyone, I found a door that seems to lead deeper into the dungeon." Morg said

Walking into the it, they found a second door. Once they opened it, they saw a giant bear. It asked for honey. After it asked, they heard singing. The bear repeated the same question over and over again.

"S-sorry, we don't have any." Aladdin apologized

The bear started to them. Sora decided she would use her magic to save her friends. When Aladdin and Alibaba jumped out of the way, Haku was scared to move. Morg managed to stop the bear from attacking him, while Sora started to use her magic. "I don't care if you're a bear; once you attack my friends, you're dead! Fire Dragon Roar!" Once Aladdin, Morg, and Alibaba got some hits in, the bear ran away to the water.

"That was amazing Miss Sora!" Haku said after calming down


After saying that, Haku apologized. Alibaba said it was fine and to not let his guard down. Walking to the next door, what they saw horrified them. It was humans in trees, with creatures taking care of them. When Sora saw this, she was enraged.

"Welcome to my stylish dungeon." greeted Zagan

Before anyone could react, Sora decided she would step in. "What the heck did you do to these people!?" When they looked at her, she had flames all around her. 'Note to self: never make Sora mad.' everyone thought. Ignoring her, Zagan started to say he was the Djinn of earth and what he did to humans. Haku remembered what the child said and decided to try to pull a person out of the tree. He noticed that there these vines attached to the person. Once the vines broke, blood came out. Then more vines came and attached the person back to the tree. Haku backed away, horrified. As for Sora, she was starting to get really mad.

What they didn't know, was that a certain dark Magi decided to pay Sindria a visit.

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