《Grand Magic Games: Fairy Tail X Magi Crossover》Chapter 18
"The first game continues in the completely silent battlefield, Hidden! Right off the bat, Raven Tail's Nalpudding has taken the lead!" Chapati announced.
"Man, I'd hate to be in this battle. Seems that it would take too much time." Alibaba scratched the back of his head as he said this.
"Yeah. But I have a feeling this won't end well for Fairy Tail..." Morg stated.
"Especially how that Nalpudding guy started off with Gray." Sin clenched his fists out of anger. 'He sure took into account of what that Rufus guy said...'
Meanwhile, Kouen held a calm composure. "This is a very interesting game..."
"In this field filled with copies of their enemies and themselves...how are they to find out which are their real opponents?!" Chapati continued.
"There's plenty of methods available...For example, they could sense their enemy's magical presence..." Yajima stated.
"Hmph...I'm sure Eve will think of a much more incredible way..." Jenny said, looking smug.
Meanwhile, Erza looked towards the sky. "Besides...as far as sensing the enemy's magical presence, there's plenty of ways to go about it...but identifying them specifically is no easy task."
"Gray~! What are you doing?!" Natsu shouted.
"Why are you letting the same guy get you twice?!" Elfman shouted.
"Raven Tail." As Lucy looked over at them, she glared at them for targeting Gray.
However, Flare noticed her glare. "What are you looking at, Blondie?"
Saying nothing, Lucy kept her gaze. 'Wendy was the same...It seems like she wants to crush me completely...'
"Stop it, Flare." Maskie said.
"That Ivan..." Makarov looked at his son.
With Gray, he kept his stance. Having no contact with anyone, he was starting to get anxious at every turn. 'Come on...Get it together.' However, something started to crack underneath the ground. "Hmm?"
Before he could react, "Carrot Missile!" was sent his way. Millions of carrots started to form, being thrown at him to which he dodged. "Huh...It missed..." Beth said. However, a flytrap was sent her way, hitting her.
"Haha! I saw you using magic!" Yeager earned himself a point. Before he could react, ice was sent his was, knocking him over and losing said point.
Walking forwards, Lyon earned a point. "I saw it, too."
"Lyon." Gray watched him.
"Found you, Gray." As Lyon smirked, a jumping Sora yelled Gray's name.
"S-Sora?!" As he thought he saw her underwear, Sora landed on his head, earning a point.
As Lyon fell to the ground, Sora kneeled down, poking him.
"Hey, hey! No need to touch him..."
"What if he's dead?" Sora looked at him, innocently, tilting her head.
"What a sight..." Lyon mumbled.
However, Sora smacked him on his head. "I was wearing shorts underneath my skirt, Creep!" She stood up, pulling her skirt down. "Pervert..." As Lyon vanished to another part of the city, she turned to Gray. "I'm going to defeat you! Even though I promised Gramps, I was gonna do it anyways!"
"You promised the Old Man?"
"Yep!" Putting her hands behind the back of her head, she reminisced about the promise.
"Are you serious?! Who would do that?!" Gajeel narrowed his eyes at Makarov.
"I don't care who goes, but I don't like the idea of a team b." Laxus stated.
"Then how about this: the team that loses has to do whatever the winning team wants for a day." Makarov said.
"Or to put it another way, the losing team has to go through a Punishment Game." Lily said.
"Whatever..." Laxus thought about Natsu doing his bidding.
"We want?" Gajeel thought about Lucy in a bunny costume as she danced to his songs.
"How interesting..." Mira thought about Erza being a personal maid for her.
Sora looked at them weirdly. "You guys look creepy..."
"Oh, don't tell me you don't have anything you want!" Gajeel pointed at her accusingly.
"Hmm..." As they leaned in for her decision from the silence, escalating their anticipation, she shook her head. "Nope!"
"You're no fun, Sora~" Mira pouted. "Don't you have one thing out of this deal?"
"Maybe...I don't know." She shrugged her shoulders.
"Just think about it..." They face palmed at her.
Flashback over~~~~~~
"Are you serious?!" Gray doubled over. Turning to Makarov, he brows twitched out of annoyance. "Hey, Old Man! This is the first I've heard of this! Why apply this local rule just to our team?!"
Makarov simply smiled as sweat formed out of nervousness. "W-well, you know..."
Natsu smirked as he thought about Gajeel and Laxus acting like Happy. "This'll be fun..."
"That's...fun?" Elfman asked.
Blinking, Magi face palmed themselves.
"That's one rash Master..." Alibaba said.
"Yeah..." Aladdin sighed.
Meanwhile, Juvia and Sin were daydreaming about their 'lovers'. Juvia thought about Gray kissing her, and Sin thought about a million other things he could do with Sora.
Back with Sora and Gray, they got in defended positions.
"So, I won't lose!" Sora said.
"Bring it!"
Before the fight could even start, Nalpudding snuck up between them, and hit Gray while Sora dodged his attack. "Caught you, Fairies!"
"What the heck is with him?!" Gray shouted as he was being transported to another part of town.
As Gray vanished, Sora waited for Nal to attack her. "Hey, Idiot! What's your problem?!"
"Idiot? Such a dirty mouth for a little girl." Chuckling, he started to attack.
With every attack, she dodged. Jumping on top of a roof, she looked down at him. "Well...there are other words that I could use, but that was the first that came to mind. Now, answer. My. Question!"
Sending fire his way, he blocked them. "No reason." Smirking, he watched as her face formed into fury as she plummeted to the ground, one knee on the ground while the other was propped up.
"No reason?!" Swinging a fist his way, she jumped away. "You're so dead! I will break every bone in your pathetic body!" True to her words, she grabbed his wrist as he was about to send his arm her way, and bent it backwards. As he vanished, she punched a wall. "I'll make sure he has nothing to smirk about."
With Beth, she stopped running as she saw snow falling. "Snow?"
"What do we have here?! Snow's falling in the town?!" Chapati said.
"Eve..." Jenny smiled, putting her hand on her cheek as she tilted her head.
"Psh...Does he think that we mages will get weak in the cold or something?" Eve said, as he put his hand on the ground.
"That's not it! In this cold...humans will shiver...and you can see their breath..." Ichiya said.
"How will Coby deal with this..." Ren said.
"That's the idea..." Hibiki said, looking down.
Looking up, Eve smirked. "I see it." As he hit Beth, Yeager, and Nal with ice, he gained 3 points.
"Eve has just snatched up point after point!" Chapati announced. However, Lyon appeared, and hit him in his back. "But it looks like Lyon has launched his counter-attack!"
"Too bad for you, cold doesn't work on me!" Lyon stated.
"I figured!"
"Elsewhere, it looks like the quietness of the town continues..." Chapati said as the audience watched the members attack each other.
As Gray ran away from Nal, he mumbled, "Dang it, the chin jerk!"
"Found you!"
"Why are you only coming after me?!"
"Rufus of Sabertooth hasn't moved at all...He isn't catching anyone, but he's not being caught by anyone either." Chapati said.
Standing on top of a building high enough away from everyone's eyes, Rufus smirked. "This challenge is far too simple. I remember perfectly...the nuances of your movements...your footsteps...your magical presences' signature...I remember it all..." Putting 2 finger on both hands to his head, he looked down. "Memory Make...A Night of Falling Stars." As everyone was shocked, he let stars fall into the marked areas, hitting everyone besides Sora, who jumped away just in time.
"That was close." Sighing, she looked towards his hiding place. Smirking, she put her right hand on her hip. "Guess he gave himself away."
However, Nal was already jumping to Rufus' location. Laughing, he smirked. "...You're sticking out like a sore thumb!" As he hit him, his eyes widened. "Crap! A copy?!"
"That was a memory of me standing there." With one hand holding his hat as he looked down, he zapped Nal with the other hand outstretched. "I have no need for decoys." Smirking, kept his pose as the crowd cheered.
"He...he got them all! In one instant, he took the lead! That's the power of Rufus; that's the power of Sabertooth!" Chapati said.
As Sabertooth smirked at Fairy Tail's shocked faces, Magi were shocked at this information. There was magic like this too, they asked themselves.
"This challenge isn't interesting at all, Organizers. So, I have no need to hide whatsoever. Even if I were to be found, I wouldn't be able to be hit...What's left of me, there is just a memory, after all..."
Looking up, Gray ran towards him. "Creation Magic?!"
"I'd heard rumors of it...but I see it really is fearsome..." Lyon looked up.
"He's not even playing by the rules of Hidden...That jerk is toying with us..." However, Nal hit him in the back. "Again...?!"
"That guy...instead of going after the opponent who's already exposing himself..." Lucy said as she put her hands close to her chest, furrowing her brows.
"He's just coming after us..."
"More like Gray..."
With Rufus, he merely watched everyone with a smirk. However, before he could react, Sora jumped after him as she punched him in his stomach.
Doubling over, he held his stomach. "That was quite impressive. I do congratulate you for getting a hit into me. Unfortunately, you hit a memory of me." Smirking, he did Memory Make. However, Sora dodged it, making his eyes widen. "What?!"
"I've noticed that you already used that same move once. Pretty boring, if ya ask me." However, Rufus used Telekinesis, and sent objects flying her way. Just as she dodged some bricks, she flipped backwards to gain some distance. Running, she dodged everything sent her way, and threw fire at him as she punched him in the stomach.
However, it was a memory of him. Eyes widened, she turned around only to be hit by a sword made of ice, which turned out to be 'Memory Make: Line of Ancient Master Swordsmen'. Before she could counter attack, he sliced her again, gaining 2 points. As she held her bleeding stomach, she watched him take a pose.
"Too bad I had to penetrate your beautiful skin. Almost makes me regret my choice." Holding his hat, he smirked. Just as Sora was about to attack him, the gong rang, indicating the end. Before the members could blink, the town disappeared into the arena, letting everyone see themselves clearly.
"And, that's the end of it~!" As Chapati watched the crowd cheer, the score board showed the points. "These are the standings! This is just the first event, so these rankings can still change at any time."
"What are you doing Lyon!" Obaba screamed.
"Calm down, Granny!"
"Looks like it's over already." Ren said.
"Yup." Hibiki said.
"This is no good~" Arania scowled.
Laughing, Risley said. "Beth did what she could."
"Just as we all expected, first place goes to Sabertooth!" Chapati cheered. Bowing, Rufus smirked. "Too bad for both of Fairy Tail's teams, they came in behind. Perhaps there's hope for next round."
As Gray, keeping his down out of shame, and Sora walked towards their teams, Natsu walked up to her, and looked at her bleeding stomach.
"I'm fine."
Rolling his eyes, he held it. "Obviously." However, he heard the audience boo and mock them. Angered, he glared at them as he heard them say Sora was too weak to even dodge the shards of glass. "What is so funny, S***-heads?! You wouldn't be laughing if you got cut in your stomach! I could make it happen right here, right now!"
"Uwah...he snapped!"
"How scaaary~"
"Look at him whining!"
Coming up to him, Erza and Elfman surrounded Sora and Natsu.
"Forget it." Erza crossed her arms over her chest as she watched them.
"If they wanna laugh, let them laugh." Elfman said.
However, Sora merely walked away, noticing Gray. As she watched Lucy and him communicate, Natsu stopped her, making her look into his eye. "C'mon, let's go to Porlyusica."
"I'll be fine, Natsu." Eyes softened, she smiled. "Just to make you happy, I'll go to her." Putting her hand on his cheek, she hugged him. Letting him go, she walked away. As she felt concern from Magi, she smiled at them, and waved towards them, signaling that she was okay.
"We'll be entering the battle part, next. If we call your name, please step forward." Chapati announced.
Meanwhile, Gray finally was alone in the hallway of the entrance. Angered, he punched the wall. Looking up, he stood there. "I swear...I'll get them back for this..."
"You know, I think I can help with that." Making him jump, Sora laughed. Standing in front of him, she took ahold of his hand, checking for any damage.
As he watched her, he looked at her bleeding stomach. If he could, he would heal it so she wouldn't have to go through pain. Reaching towards her, he took ahold of her wrist, and walked towards the infirmary.
Blinking, Sora tilted her head. "Where are we going?"
"To get you patched up." Without looking at her, he kept his eyes forwards.
Smiling, she laughed. Stopping abruptly, he looked at her questioningly. "It's just...it's funny seeing people like this." Walking backwards, she grinned as she saw him finally snap out of his gaze as he caught up to her.
Finally at the infirmary, she let Porlyusica patch her up. Meanwhile, Gray watched from the door frame as he leaned on it with his arms crossed over his chest. Finally down, Porlyusica looked at him.
"Get out."
"I'm here to make sure Sora is okay."
"Well, she's obviously fine. Now, get out!" Before he could blink, Por threw him out. Sighing, he decided it was best not to fight with her, remembering meeting her for the first time.
Meanwhile, Chapati announced, "Let's take a look at the battle part's system.
A Team VS B Team
C Team VS D Team
E Team VS F Team
G Team VS H Team
"Each Team will be paired up like so...just like a tournament."
"The matchups were decided by the Organizers."
"I hope there are some interesting matchups..." All in all, the crowd was very curious.
"And down on the event grounds, the battle is about to begin. The first match of day one: Fairy Tail A's Lucy Heartfilia...VS Raven Tail's Flare Corona!"
As Sora was with Porlyusica, she talked with Wendy. Before they could react, Magi ran in there. Upon seeing her sitting on a bed, looking at them crazily, they all hugged aside from Muu and Kouen, who thought it was a good idea to not upon seeing Porlyusica's glare.
"You're okay!" As other things were said, Sora patted them.
As the hug tightened, she swore she could see the light. "The...light..."
Eyes widened, they let her go immediately. "Sorry."
"We were really worried about you." Alibaba explained.
"Thanks, but ya didn't need to go that far." Laughing, she stopped abruptly as she saw Sin look at her stomach, checking for the wound which was bandaged. "Uhh...you okay there, Sin?"
"Just seeing if you're in pain." Blinking, he pouted when she scooted away from him, holding her arm close to her chest.
"Yep. Por patched it up real nice."
"Por?" Porlyusica asked, looking at her weirdly.
"Ah, c'mon Grandine. It's no harm to make a nickname!" Wendy smiled.
Sighing, Por shook her head. "Whatever..." Looking at them converse, she started getting annoyed. "Well...now that you know she's in good hands...get out!" Before Magi could react, they were thrown outside. Blinking, they complained but left after many warnings. (A/N: You know, Porlyusica is kinda like Madame Pomfrey from Harry Potter in a way. Who knows, she could be her in Fairy Tail universe.)
After a while, Porlyusica assured Sora could go as long as she let her arm heal. Waving goodbye, she ran to the crowd. As she was surrounded by her teammates, them patronizing her, she cheered for Lucy upon hearing that she was about to fight.
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