《My Papa》Chapter nine


After a couple of weeks Blair had gotten much better.

She was back to her happy, bubbly self.

Currently, her and her family were in the woods, racing eachother.

They liked to do this freaquently.

Of course they let Blair win majority of the time.

Until the time where Vincenzo won, which Blair did not take lightly.

She shoved her paw down onto the ground, making the tiniest indent.

"PAPA THAT'S NOT FAIR!" She whined.

"Bubby's bigger than me!"

"But pup you won so many times!" He said licking her face.

She pouted.

"How about me and you team up against Bubby's? We'll definitely win." He suggested.

"B-but-" she looked down, her brothers and papa new what she was about to say.

"Baby I'm tired." Vincenzo lied. "Can we do this another time?" He said.

"Y-yeah!" She nodded.

She was scared of going fast, especially with her papa she knew he was going to win and she wasn't going to feel very well afterwards.

Everyone heads home afterwards and Blair was put down straight away for a nap in her father's bed.


"Papa." Blair rubbed her eyes as she walked into the kitchen.

Lorenzo immediately picked up Blair and rubbed her back.

"Papa. I'm a big girl." She said.

Blair always tried to prove she was a 'big girl' but not in her father's eyes and same for her brothers.

She was still a little baby. Even though she was six.

Their baby.

"No. You're still a little baby." He coped.

"No! I'm SIX!"

"Yes! Which is a baby! You're not a big girl not until you're 62."

"That's far papa." She said.

"That's a good thing. I can look after you forever then." He kissed her cheek.


She giggled.

After that, Blair went to her play room and did some colouring. She loved it. She drew some pictures and cut out photos.

Of course, she made one for each brother and the biggest one for her papa.

He hung them up in his office and above their beds.

They truly loved her.


It was Blair's bedtime.

7 o'clock.

But before she went to bed, there was a knock at the door.

Blair was of course told to stay in bed but she didn't listen. She went down the stairs to raised voices and shouting.

It was a man and an unknown woman.

"Papa." Blair said.

He turned around, "Blair I told you to-"

"Don't worry Blair!" The woman ran in.

"I'll save you! I'm your mama." She said crouching to her level.

Blair was startled.

She didn't have a mama. Only a papa and bubby's.

"I don't have a mama." She said running, hiding behind her father's leg.

"You do. It's me. Do you want to live with me instead?"

Blair always wanted a mama.

"Yeah!" She giggled.

"Mama and papa!"

Lorenzo immediately picked up Blair and held her to his chest, tighter than normal.

"You're not getting her. I paid you $10 mill to fuck off so do it."

"Oh now you want her?" She scoffed. "Last I heard you treat her like absolute shit. Making her sleep on the floor and in the cold. Not sending her to the doctor when she's ill. FOR SIX FUCKING YEARS! How dare you!"

He clenched his fist.

"And let's not forget those sons of yours. Doing the exact same. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!"

"I'm going to court! And I'm getting her back! Away from this hell-whole!"


Blair whimpered as she was taken out of her father's grip and into Christopher's.

She didn't like he arguing.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked.

"Blair's mother."

"Mother?!" Christopher said.

Soon after, Blair's other brother's came.

Brooke, Blair's mother left the home.

Everyone went back to the living room and that's when Blair asked questions.

"Is that my mama?"

"Do I live with mama now?"

"Can I stay with mama?"

"Can mama stay here?"

"Does mama love me?"

"Why mama come now?"

"Woah pup, that's a lot of questions." He said, kissing her nose.

"No, you're going to live with me. You're going to stay with me and your bubby's."

"Okay." She nodded.

"Can I see mama again? I want mama." She said.

"Not today. Maybe another time." He said.

"Okay." Blair nodded.

"Bubby," Blair said getting off her father's lap and onto Christopher's lap.

"Yes baby." He cupped her cheeks.

"Where your mama?" She asked as Christopher's face dropped.

Blair was instantly taken out of his hold and into Lorenzo's.

Blair didn't understand what she did wrong.

"Give her back to me." Christopher said.


"Give her back to me. Now." He said to Lorenzo.

Blair fell back into Christopher's arms and snuggled back in.

"Well Blair bear, our mama's not here with us anymore. She passed away, 8 years ago."

"What does that mean?"

"It means she's not here but in heaven."

"Is she happy?"

"I hope she definitely is."

"Good." Blair nodded.

"Okay. Now it's bed time."

"No!!!! Can we please play hide and seek first?"

"Fine." Lorenzo said.

"But you can sniff me out! That's cheating!" She said.

"I promise I won't." Lorenzo said picking her up.

Or course he was lying though.

He had done it every time.

Blair continued to hide, she ran into her brother Giovanni's room and hid in his closet, under the clothes he had piled up.

She giggled as she heard all the "Blair's! And Blair Bears!"

She loved that name.

After a while of 'trying' to find her. Lorenzo sniffed her out as they went into Giovanni's room.

"She's under my clothes." Giovanni mind linked them.

Immediately, she jumped out and "Boo!"

They all jumped up and act scared.

"Blair! You scared me!" Giovanni said picking her up.

"Bed time now." Lorenzo said.

Giovanni put Blair down as she ran away saying "chase me!"

Of course Lorenzo did just that, he quickly ran down the hallway and picked her up, throwing her in the air.

She giggled and quickly snuggled into her father's hold, putting her to sleep.

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