《My Papa》Chapter seven


"BLAIR!" Her father shouted for her.

Blair waddled into her father's room and snuggled him on his chest, "yes papa." She said.

"You're in big trouble." He said to her.

Blair gasped.

"Why?" She pouted.

"Did you go to sleep last night without giving me a kiss?" He whispered in her ear.

Blair turned red.

She didn't give him a kiss goodnight.

"Sorry papa. I forgot." She buried her head into his neck.

"You won't do it again, will you?" He teased.

"No papa! I won't!" She wrapped her arms tightly around him.

"Good," he said attacking her face and neck with kisses.

She erupted into giggles trying to get away.

Finally giving her love made him realise what he had missed out on all these years.

Him holding her chubbyness in his arms and taking all of it in.

"How about we go to the beach today? We can build sand castles and go into the water.

"Yeah!" She said, jumping up.


Whilst Lorenzo was loading up the car, Vincent, Christopher and Giovanni were sat in the car, whilst Blair was running around the car as Vincenzo chased her.

She giggled running around.

"I'm going to get youuu." He said playfully.

"Blair bear. Come on, in to the car now." Lorenzo said.

"Noooo. Me and Bubby are playing." She running around her father's legs.

Immediately, Lorenzo picked her up from behind and wrapped his arm around her stomach.

"Silly pup." He kissed her cheek.

Blair huffed as Lorenzo got in the back and Blair in the middle seat, next to Giovanni and Christopher.

"Papa. Can we have ice cream?" She asked as Lorenzo began to drive.

"Yes you can, but not now. Later."


Blair nodded and took out her colouring book.


1 hour later, Vincent concocted a plan so irritate Blair.

He moved forward and took his arm out and over the seat in front of him and pulled on Blair's pigtail slightly.

Blair looked up at Vincent and pouted.

"Vi-vi that's mean."

"I didn't do anything Blair." He said to her.

Which caught the attention of everyone else, knowing what Vincent was doing.

"Oh," she nodded. "Sorry Bubby." She looked back down.

Blair looked back down at her iPad as Vincent and Vincenzo at the back pulled either pigtail.

She whimpered and looked up, turning to both of them.

"Papa! Bubby's are pulling my hair!" She cried.

"Boys! Stop pulling your sister's hair! It's okay pup." He reassured her.

Feeling angry, Blair shifted into a wolf, no one had realised until she had climbed over the seat.

Blair jumped on to Vincenzo and hit her paw on his jeans.

He didn't even feel her paw which he gushed at as he looked down at her.

"Aww, is someone angry?" He said, kissing her head.

He picked her up and snuggled her as he gave her kisses.

She tried to move away but he wouldn't let her.

She huffed and had no choice but to relax in his bulky arms.


Blair was holding Christopher's hand as they walked onto the beach.

Everyone was in their swim trunks and Blair was wearing a green two piece.

She hugged Christopher's leg as she grew scared.

"Bubby," she whimpered.

"It's okay Blair bear." He picked her up in his arms.

"You're okay." He said, rubbing her back.

They moved past everyone and into their private, mega-large beach hut.

Perks of having a billionaire father.

It was four couches, a few deck chairs, five mini-fridges.


Christopher put Blair down as she ran to the bucket and spade. Ready to built sandcastles.

Giovanni sat beside her, reading to her as she built away.

Lorenzo was sat on the couch drinking a beer whilst Vincenzo and Christopher were busy talking with women outside.

Vincent? Well he was smoking a joint behind the hut.


1 hour later.....

"Papa, can we have ice cream now?" Blair asked looking up.

"Papa?" She said, looking over Lorenzo was sleeping.

"Silly papa." She got up and climbed up the couch and onto his chest.

"Papa!" She said tapping his face.

Immediately his hand gripped her and started tickling her.

"Nooo-oooo-oo." She laughed.

"Yes we can." He said kissing her face.

"Yay!" She said as Lorenzo got up he held Blair in his arms.

Of course, Blair got strawberry ice cream.

She was ready to take a lick before Vincent went up from behind her and grabbed it from her hand taking a lick for himself.

"PAPA!" She yelled, crying in his chest.

"Vin! Give it back now!" He ordered.

Blair grabbed the ice cream back and said "I don't like you anymore!" And stuck her tongue out.

She then ran away from him.

"Bubby's!" Blair walked into the hut and pouted.

"I don't like Vincent anymore." She folded her arms.

"Damn. Vincent?" Christopher said. "What did he do baby?"

"He snatched my ice cream and-and licked it!" She turned red.

"Blair bear I can get you all the ice creams you want." He said crouching to her level.

"No! Papa got me that!" Her face fell into his neck.

"He can get you more, billions more." He wrapped his arms around her, lifting her up.

"No! I want that one." She cried.

"It's okay Blair, how about we take a nap? Does that sound good."

She nodded as he took her over to the couch and cradled her.

She laid back on his lap as he rubbed her belly to sleep.

"So small." He kissed her cheek.

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