
Matteo, Zane and Luka never left Kai's side as the sat there waiting for Kai to wake up, in whatever form he was forced into.

Matteo was the one who held it together the most, he had dealt with this before. His own sister forced to turn, because of his creators fear.

He remembers holding her hand and begging that she didn't change. He didn't want to see his little sister be forced into drinking blood and having to deal with herself being such a creature.

When Mayvel had woken, he was there. Her skin appeared lighten and her eyes were brighter. He feared that she was changed, but unlike him, when he awoken as a vampire, she didn't want blood, she whined about her head hurting and wanting some stew.

When she stood up, walking to the bathroom, she went the speed of a vampire and Matteo didn't understand. She was clearly human, but yet had the powers of a vampire.

Then he smelt her, she had the smell of a human, with the rotten smell of a vampire.

He realized he did save her.

Zane was trying to be strong, but the soft sniffles and the silent tears told another story. His heart still ached for the male who had stolen his heart without even realizing the power it held.

His heart was stone cold and it only took a small light flame to melt it away.

Zane swore he would never fell in love with a human, after what Luka did, he didn't want the same thing to happen to him.

To fall for a human, who trusted him so deeply to allow him to drink from him and to hold him closely, allowing him to breath in the beautiful scent of Kai's blood and not fear himself to drink him dry.


Kai trusted him and allowed him to love again. Zane was deeply in love with the human and nothing can could stop him from falling, but this time he doesn't fear the landing.

Luka, the stone cold, unemotional male was the worst. He had let down his walls and the loud sobs were heard throughout the night as he heartached, the pain from his first love dying from him, coming back suddenly and all at once.

He felt the same pain, guilt and true hurt, but this time it hurt worst, because the male before him was opening himself up to Luka, knowing his past and still trusting Luka to allow him to love again.

He was allowed to feel love once more and he didn't want to lose it again.

He refused to.

Matteo held Luka close to him, allowing Luka to cry onto his shoulder, Zane cuddled up against Matteo's side.

This pain brought the boys back together, a unit. They couldn't keep hating each other, because they truly did need each other. Love held them together and kept them sane in this time.

No one wanted Kai to be a vampire and Kai himself didn't want to be one either and they knew if it happened, it would have killed them.

Kai wouldn't be the same, being a vampire changes people for the worst, especially just starting out. The thirst, the killing, the bloodlust.

No one could imagine how Kai would handle it.

"Guys we need to get out if here. It's bringing us down." Matteo said, making Luka whine, holding Matteo closer.

"Don't wan'," he mumbled into Matteo's shirt, holding him closer.

Zane hummed in agreement, "he wakes up, wan' be here."

Matteo sighed, knowing he wasn't going to be able to get these two big babies to get up or even move off of Matteo, so instead he just pulled the two males closer and closed his eyes.


Kai should be waking up soon and only then time will tell what truly happened to the male.

At least in their arms he felt safe; secure.

Zane leaned over and kissed Matteo's cheek, "thank you for being so strong for us." He said softly, nuzzling his head into Matteo's neck, planting light feather kisses.

Luka nodded his head in agreement, "I know I was the worst to you guys, but I'm really happy you took me back with open arms."

Matteo kissed the top of Luka's head, "we were just waiting for you to come back." He said, making Luka snuggling his face deeper into Matteo's chest.

"I'm really glad to have both of you." Matteo admitted, "I feel so complete, but Kai truly is the glue that hold us together."

"He brought us back together." Luka said.

"And honestly without him, I think we would still be an unstable boat on an ocean during a storm." Zane said.

"Well I'm glad that you think so highly of me." A voice said and all the male's quickly shot up, seeing Kai stare looking at all of them.

"You're awake. How do you feel?" Luka asked, pulling away from Matteo.

"Well," Kai trailed off.

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